Starting human body

Chapter 275 Are you Professor Yoshii? !

"How can you help me?"

Natsuki moved slightly slowly.

This doll knows his disguised identity Yoshii Seiichi, so he must not let him go.

However, you can also get some information about the source of death.

"I can help you make a recommendation," Bribrotz said hurriedly. "With your strength, there is absolutely no problem in joining the Destruction Sequence..."

"Tell me what the root death body is and the location of your star field." Natsuki interrupted.

"I don't know. The Demon Slayer sequence is under the jurisdiction of divisions. We are only responsible to Lord Zog."


Red and black light flashed, and the Brillbrotz doll was wrapped in lightning in Natsuki's hands, completely turning into a Death Silence doll.

I thought he was a high-level person, but he turned out to be nothing more than cannon fodder.

Natsuki put away the doll and put it into the light space, sat behind the desk and closed her eyes to take a nap.

The waters of Gaia's space-time seem to be very deep.

However, he doesn't have much energy to study the systematic cosmic forces like the root-destroying body, so he should just solve Zog's part honestly.

Although he now has an S-level combat form, his number of transformations is limited and his weaknesses are too obvious.

It is estimated that the number of transformations can only be solved after awakening and evolving.

So there can be no extraneous consequences.

Hold still.

After waiting for so long, I won’t fall short in the end.



Natsuki was forcibly pulled out of the laboratory by her cheap daughters Shizuka and Reiko.

He had long forgotten his birthday, and then he remembered that the two people were talking about Yoshii Seiichi.

Before I knew it, it was mid-July, approaching the summer vacation after spring break.

It’s almost a year since we entered this time and space, and in a few months it will be my daughter’s birthday again…

"Brother," Reiko from the amusement park pulled Shizuka back in line to buy tickets, "Be happy. It's rare for Shizuka and I to accompany you today."

"You two go play first while I walk around."

Natsuki glanced around the amusement park.

Why did you think of bringing a university professor here to celebrate his birthday?

Not to mention that he has no interest in amusement parks, playing crazy will affect his image too much, whether as a "professor", "big brother" or "father".

"Really," I Meng shrank and was pulled into the amusement park by my temporary girlfriend Atsuko, "Why do we have to come here?"

"Because it's rare for the two of us to rest together today."

Atsuko Sasaki dragged me like a child to the queue.

"Besides, you've eaten so many desserts, it would be a good idea to come here to digest them... don't even think about running away!"

"Who can help me!"

When I Meng wailed and shouted, Xia Shu chose to turn away and walked into the nearby beverage shop.

Except for the analysis and development of space-time monsters, which have not made much progress, the analysis of Absolute Biology Gashek has gone smoothly, but the field of biology is not easy to master, and even specializing in the field of genetic information is very labor-intensive.

On the other hand, Bribrotz's analysis was relatively simple, and he developed a virtual card with the ability to break in just one night.

"Three glasses of orange juice, please."

When Natsuki left the drink shop, she was drinking a glass in one hand and holding two glasses in her hand. After passing through the crowd, she found a bench to sit down.

Not far away, Reiko and Shizuka were sitting in the Ferris wheel and waving, with bright smiles on their faces.

It seems very close, but also seems extremely far away.

Natsuki was secretly alert.

He seems to have taken on the role of "Seiichi Yoshii" too much, and sometimes he even thinks of himself as "Seiichi Yoshii".

"Family love..."

The initial wave life form incident appeared before Natsuki’s eyes.

The man in the desert ruins stretched out his hand towards him, his eyes full of pain and worry.

What will happen to a child who loses his mother and then his father?

There is an orphanage like this in Dana time and space, and there seems to be an autistic girl named Yuka in it.

About the same age as Shizuka.

At that time, Natsuki also personally killed the vicious space monster that the girl regarded as a friend.


Maybe Yoshii Seiichi's worries are unnecessary.

Natsuki looked at Reiko who was with Shizuka.

I believe that Reiko will not ignore Shizuka in the future, and even if he leaves, it will not have much impact.


The air suddenly fell into an eerie silence, the surrounding sounds receded like a tide, and it seemed that only Natsuki was left in the world.

The strong sense of voyeurism made Natsuki frown.

It’s Kipbu, the god of death, again.

What does that guy want to do?

Deal with my dream?

Natsuki tried to remain calm and only observed her surroundings through her peripheral vision.

His mimicry also has flaws.

Under such circumstances, any slight movement would attract the attention of the God of Death, and his identity could easily be revealed.


Following a burst of spatial fluctuations, the Ferris wheel suddenly disappeared into the amusement park, leaving only the spreading current in its place.

not good!

Natsuki stood up suddenly and ran to the scene quickly.

Space transfer.

Kipbu’s superpower!

"What happened?"

A large number of tourists gathered, sometimes accompanied by bursts of crying.

"how so?!"

"The Ferris wheel is gone!"

Natsuki raised his head and glanced into space, quietly stepped away and teleported away.

Earth outer space.

The communication satellites in operation suddenly failed, and monsters around the world reacted more and more strongly, and all monsters tended to wake up.


The Falcon team responsible for the reconnaissance mission saw the satellite explode with their own eyes, and then a huge celestial body appeared out of thin air in space.

The whole body is spherical, with organs like fish fins and tails swinging slowly, and the head bulges like a piece of meat.


Purple lightning emerged from the surface of the giant creature and quickly affected the Falcons' fighter jets.

"I am Yoneda! There are giant celestial beings!"

"The location is above the air base..."

Tokyo Confucius Temple.

The female Feng Shui master Kuroda Megumi looked worriedly at the dark sky. When she prayed again, she heard the roars of many monsters around her.

Among them, the phantom of Renlong appears above the ancestral hall as a representative of the earth's monsters.

"For the creatures that live on earth, that time is coming soon!"

"hold head high!"

Renlong roared and raised his head, his eyebrows lit up, and his eyes clearly reflected Moqian's figure.

At this time, Moqian's body was in a different space.

My dream has been controlled by Kipbu, the god of death, along with many tourists.

It was a bit embarrassing to say that he didn't even realize what was going on.

This time I was really hurt by Atsuko...

In my dream, I secretly looked at Kipbu, who was like a magic stick.

The root of death?


A familiar figure in a suit teleported onto the monopole island, and my eyes suddenly shrank.

Natsuki's eyes did not stay on the crowd, but fell directly on the floating Kipbu.

"Huh?" Kipbu exclaimed in surprise, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "It turns out to be you! Should I call you Dark Lucifer, or Yoshii Seiichi?"

I was stunned for a moment.

Which Yoshii Seiichi?

Natsuki was not surprised that Kipbu saw it. He had been prepared before coming, and he didn't care about everyone's reaction. He directly faced Kipbu and said, "It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is what do you want to do?"

"I'm just going to spread the glory of the Lord and solve some minor troubles in advance."

Kipbu looked at my dream with a smile and opened his heart to Xia Shu.

"Before, it was the guy from Bribrotz who made his own decisions. In fact, the Lord is very optimistic about you. As long as you are willing to join us, not only Mochian, but also the earth can be given to you as a gift."

"Really leave it to me?" Xia Shu remained skeptical.

He doesn't think the root-destroying body has such good intentions.

"Of course," Kipbu's smile remained unchanged, "This is the right given to you by the Lord. It is not impossible to keep these humans when the time comes. The Lord may even erase their memories and allow you to continue playing this game. Father, brother, teacher...anything can be done."

"Wait! Are you Professor Yoshii?!"

My dream finally came to my senses, and my highly intelligent mind almost shut down.

Staring at Natsuki with his eyes wide open, he reviewed everything that happened, and finally found the clue.

"Professor Yoshii" is not an ordinary person at all, and the one who seems to provide advice around them is always Ultraman Gray.

"But why?" I Meng's mind was a little confused, "Is it really just to get..."


Natsuki knocked out my dream with a knife, then turned to Kipbu calmly: "Is it okay to leave these people to me?"

"Except for Gaoshan Wo Meng, everyone else can be taken away." Kipbu said generously.

There is only one chapter today.

At the end of the volume, I include a cheap Easter egg for my daughter.

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