Starting human body

Chapter 276 Master Zog will not let you go

"My dream?"


Fujimiya hurriedly ran out of his hiding spot and stared at the dim sky that was affected by some kind of power.

After a few days of training, the injuries from the last battle finally recovered, but as a result, he encountered an unknown threat when he came out.

"What happened?"

After being unable to contact Ga Meng, Fujimiya finally realized the seriousness of the problem and hurriedly transformed into a ball of light and flew to the GUARD air base.

At this time, XIG has entered the first-level alert state, and all fighter formations are out to fight, and the base's armed forces have also locked onto Mochian.

The monopole is continuing to approach, and it will cause catastrophic effects on the ground in less than 30 minutes.

Commander Shishi concentrated his attention and clenched his fists as he looked at the three fighting teams.

Another celestial creature.

Judging from the radar display last time, it might be Ultraman Gray who was secretly helping.

What about this time?

My dream and Atsuko are also missing. Could it be...

"We must stop that monster!" Shi Shi said calmly, suppressing the worries in his heart, "Use all your strength, this time it is a life and death battle!"

"The Chargers, Falcons, and Dragons are on standby!"

"All systems of the aircraft carrier have been set up!"

"Attention all ships, start attacking!"


Fujimiya didn't care about hiding his identity and rushed into the command room in a ball of light state.

"Where's my dream?"

Inside the blocked amusement park.

Following a burst of space fluctuations, Xia Shu led everyone to move out of Mo Qian's body.

After a brief period of confusion, the familiar sight of Earth's cities made many people cry.

Only when you lose it do you know the importance of home.

This short experience is unforgettable...

Natsuki's figure changed back to "Yoshii Seiichi", silently looked at everyone, and reached out to Reiko and Shizuka.

"Go back first."

"you are not……"

Shizuka took a trembling step back, her big eyes under her messy hair full of fear.

"Not dad?"

Natsuki stopped her hand in silence, paused, and took the initiative to cancel the mimicry. She looked at Reiko and said calmly: "Yoshii Makoto's last request before his death was for me to give my daughter a birthday gift."

"How, how could it be possible? I'm not dreaming..."

Shizuka stared at the unfamiliar and distant Natsuki, staggered back several steps, suddenly choked up and held her head, turned and ran away regardless of Reiko's screams in pain.


Reiko shouted anxiously, but she didn't dare to move in front of Natsuki who had released the mimicry, and the fear in her eyes was even worse.

The words of Kipbu, the god of death, are terrible.

The eldest brother who usually lives together is actually someone else in disguise, and this person may not even be a human being.

Reiko was shaken and recalled the scenes about "Big Brother".

It was really hard for her to believe that such a "big brother" could be related to the root cause of death.

How could such a gentle "big brother"...

"I'm leaving," Natsuki closed his eyes and left in a calm voice, "take care of Shizuka."

"You are Ultraman Gray, right?"

Reiko hurriedly chased after him.

"Are you really going to ignore the human race and take refuge in the source of death?"

Xia Shu shook his head: "There are some things that you cannot interfere with. Go back."

"I don't know what your purpose is, but," Reiko shouted, "I don't believe you are just playing a game of 'family affection'. Human emotions are not a game!"

Xia Shu didn't look back, and her figure gradually faded away as she walked.


Space battlefield.

Under the control of the God of Death, Mochian began to counterattack, first forcing the fighter group back through a strong magnetic field, and then directly attacking the air base.

At this time, the shortcomings of the air base were finally revealed.

There are many benefits to being built in the air, such as being more convenient to support the world, responding faster, having stronger coordination capabilities, and being able to defend against space invaders immediately.

But on the other hand, air bases that become front lines are also easily attacked first.

Such bases usually don't have very good results.

"Bang bang bang!"

The base ship shrouded in a large number of explosions and flames rumbled and shook, and thick smoke was rising everywhere. Even the bridge where the command room was located was no exception. It seemed that it would fall in the next moment.

"Half of the B4 turret was destroyed!"

"Second Mechanical Department, the system engine has stopped!"

"In order to maintain air pressure, the protective shield must be blocked urgently!"

"How is the status of the activated interception system?"

The command room that suffered a heavy blow was in chaos, with the ceiling broken and falling, and sparks flying everywhere. Fortunately, the main computer was still functioning.

Director Di immediately responded after recovering from Mochian's attack.

"There are 4 mortar launch pads in the middle of the ship and 2 machine guns on the starboard side..."

"Is that all?"

Director Di looked ugly.

How to deal with monsters like this?

The firepower is completely insufficient...

"Now how to do?"

"There is a way," Fujimiya said calmly, "If you increase the anti-gravity device data of this base to the limit, you can approach the south pole of the magnetic monopole, and the monster's body is the north pole of the monopole... Of course, it depends. Are you willing to give up?"

"You mean to sacrifice the air base?"

The commander of the stone room stared intently.

If this decision is made, he will take full responsibility...

"Where is the monster now?"

"We are about to enter a dangerous area. If we descend further, the ground will be affected soon."

Shishi closed his eyes: "Everyone retreats from the air base! Use the anti-gravity device to lure the monster away. After rising to a safe height, use the aircraft carrier to destroy the monster! I will bear the responsibility!"


Inside Mochian's body.

Death God Kipbu observed XIG's movements indifferently. He was thoughtful after seeing the transport planes leaving the base. Then he discovered that Mochian was gradually raising altitude away from the earth under the guidance of the air base.

"Monopole Antarctica? Human beings are really tenacious. Just like a virus, no matter how powerful the drugs are, they cannot be eliminated. But these are all in vain, aren't they?"

Kipbu sighed, facing Natsuki who teleported away, with a smile that showed control over everything.

"From now on you will be Dark Lucifer, the Demon Destroyer."

Natsuki noticed Gamu who was trapped in a cross cage in the middle of the monopole island, and walked straight to Kipbu and asked: "Can you give Mokian and the Earth to me?"

"Don't worry," Kipbu raised his hand and said with a smile, "I'll help you solve some troubles by the way, otherwise it would be bad if Lord Zog comes."

"Lord Zog?"

Natsuki's eyes moved slightly.

"From what you say, Lord Zog is very powerful?"

"Of course," Kipbu glanced at Xia Shu, raised his hand to switch the phantom light screen, and condensed the huge Zog angel figure, "This is Lord Zog's first form, and no one has seen his second form so far. , But even if it is like this, it is enough to show the great strength of the Lord."

Natsuki's gaze turned to Zog Phantom.

Zog's first form is shrouded in holy light, and with just a wave of his hand, all creatures on the planet surrender, as if by a miracle.

Is the angel form so powerful?

Natsuki didn't know whether Kipbu was exaggerating, but the divine light mirror successfully recorded Zog's information.

Regardless of whether it is exaggerated or not, it will be fine if it can be entered.


outside world.

After dragging Mochian into space, the air base was also in dilapidated condition and seemed ready to explode at any time.

Shishi stood alone in the bridge and launched a suicide attack with the air base.

In front of him is Mochian's huge open mouth, and inside the mouth is a red one-eye.

"Bang bang!"

Mochian sensed the danger and instinctively fired sabotage bombs at the air base to further destroy the base.

The weapons systems have all been disabled and now the base itself is the weapon.

But at the same time, the stone room has also lost the opportunity to escape.

"The anti-gravity device is damaged, the time until the explosion..."

"Attack at full speed!"

Shishi stared intently at Moqian, who was starting to get frightened, and he laughed happily while clenching his teeth.

"Come on! Haha!"


Kipbu looked at the projection screen with a sneer, and raised his hand to use space transfer.

"It's impossible for humans..."


The tip of the katana suddenly penetrated Kipbu's chest, and the red and black light burst out and instantly disintegrated all power.


Kipbu looked down at the katana that seemed to be swallowing him, and turned back stiffly with trembling lips.


"Sorry, I think it would be better for Lord Zog to come to Earth."

Natsuki further penetrated the blade and unleashed the power of the Dark Sword with all its strength.

The light of the divine light mirror flickered, and suddenly a special energy from the dark spark material was integrated into the katana, and Kipbu, who still wanted to resist, was forcefully transformed into a spark doll.

"My lord will not let you go!"

Kipbu screamed and left a final curse.

As a demon of destruction, Kipbu is very powerful. After his transformation, he has an electromagnetic barrier that blocks all attacks. He can be said to be the strongest demon.

But in human form, he could not exert his strength and could only fall into a deep sleep unwillingly.


The space in Moqian's body returned to calm in an instant, but the matter was not over.

Natsuki grabbed the Kipbu doll that was in a state of shock and rage, glanced at the cross cage that imprisoned my dream, and quickly teleported away.


"What professor?"

Agur Fujimiya turned into a ball of light and landed on the monopole island. He looked at the place where Natsuki disappeared in confusion, and before I could say anything more, he hurriedly grabbed the cross cage and flew away.

"This place is about to explode!"


Mochian, who lost the control of Death God Kipbu, was completely unable to resist, and was directly stuffed into his mouth by the air base.

The terrifying explosion impact flashed along Mochian's huge opened mouthparts, and the magnetic collision of the two poles instantly left only the skeleton of this celestial monster.

But the air base wasn't much better. The front half was crushed and torn almost instantly, and waves of fire rushed straight to the bridge in the back half.

A luminous body paused slightly under the impact, then turned back and turned into bright light penetrating the bridge.


Ground bay.

The light ball slammed to the ground, and the figure of Natsuki was revealed in the air waves. Also brought back was the XIG Shishi Commander.

"I'm not dead?"

Shishi groaned and opened his eyes. There was a blue sky and white clouds above his head. He could clearly smell the scent of grass all around him, and there was the familiar sound of waves beside his ears.

An oil tanker passed by in the bay with the word "Tokyo" printed on its hull.

Apparently he survived.

At the last moment of the explosion, he was brought back to Earth by a burst of cold light.


The back of Natsuki's suit came into Shishi's view.

Did he save me?

"Wait, wait a minute!" Shishi stood up and called to Xia Shu, "Where is my dream?"

"He's fine."

"According to our news, the GUARD air base crashed due to a violent collision during a battle with monsters yesterday..."

Yoshii family.

Reiko heard the doorbell and opened the door, only to find it was XIG's Takayama Gamu.

"Professor...hasn't that person come back?"

I dreamed of seeing Reiko's face through the crack in the door and knew the answer, but I still subconsciously asked, and it wasn't until Reiko shook her head silently that she gave up completely.


That person is no longer Professor Yoshii.

"What's going on, my dream?"

Acheng and the others who were following behind were still confused about the situation and were confused.

"The professor suddenly returned to the laboratory to pack his things, saying he was going on a business trip, and then he couldn't be contacted at all."

"Yes, at first I thought I went to the Asano Institute of Paleontology, but your friend named Mirai Asano couldn't tell clearly."

Sato wondered.

"How could the professor do this? We finally wrote the research report..."

"Stop talking, most of them were written by us. Who is it that goes out to women every day?" Xiao Lin said speechlessly.

"I've changed my mind, okay? Studying is the most important thing."

Sato winced.

Miss Yabuki disappeared out of thin air last time, which really scared him.

I have never been dumped by a woman like this.

"Okay, stop making trouble!

Ah Cheng was not distracted by his two best friends, and through the look on his face in his dream, he clearly felt that something was wrong.

"My dream, did something happen to the professor?"

"Yes, I dream," the other two people also asked carefully, "do you know something?"

"about this……"

I don’t know how to explain my dream.

Of course he knew the reason why "Yoshii Seiichi" suddenly disappeared from the world, but this kind of thing was not easy to explain at all.

"The professor didn't tell me, maybe he was just on a business trip."

Light space.



Dark Agur was hit by a transparent wave bomb in mid-air. His heavy body flew upside down and smashed into a ruined building. The red lights also flashed crazily.

As expected of Zog, his first form is so powerful.

Natsuki once again propped up her body and faced the goddess of glory under the dim sky.

He is 127 meters tall, weighs 90,000 tons, and has a silver-white slender figure. However, his face is asymmetrical, and his purple-black eyes also spoil the beauty.

Maybe his guess was right.

Zog has absorbed the light of other planets, so he has the false angel form.

But not to mention other things, the attack and destructive ability is really powerful, and he almost killed him using the Dark Sword in an instant.


After struggling to dodge the second wave of bullets, when Natsuki regained his balance, he found that Angel Zog's fingers began to accumulate energy. Before he could react, a radiating lightning beam fell on the chest timer like a laser.

Zog chuckled and raised his finger, and immediately the body of the giant Xia Shu was lifted into the air, and circles of thunder spread under the impact of thunder and lightning energy.

The gap between S-level and A-level is indeed very big, especially when facing this special type of enemy, even if it is A+, it is difficult to deal with it.

How did Gaia and Aguru fight in TV?

Is it because the power of all the monsters on earth is concentrated?


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