Starting human body

Chapter 278 The Eve of Arrival


The giant's hand moved horizontally, and before the Poseidon of Destruction could continue its attack, its energy suddenly increased.

Light loomed in the bubbles of Gululu, and the giant form had also switched to dark Aguru.

There is no supreme form in this time and space, but there is a dark giant that surpasses Aguru V2. With the sword of darkness, it has reached S-.

The ultimate burst can instantly kill the giant beast Zolim.


Strong spatial fluctuations enveloped the surroundings, pulling the giants and the God of Destruction into the dark realm.

Now that he has decided to eliminate the opponent directly, Natsuki is not prepared to delay, and directly expands the domain space to cut off the possibility of Jakuzomu's evolution.

This treatment can also cut off most of Jakuzomu's combat power.

Without Destruction Flying Fish, Gakuzomu is not even considered Destruction Poseidon. His combat power is not much better than Destruction Demon, not even comparable to Destruction Demon.


As soon as Natsuki landed, he raised his elbow sword and charged towards Jakuzomu.

After several simulated battles in the battle space, he already knew exactly how to deal with this monster.

Although Jakuzomu's basic form is not strong, it is not an ordinary monster after all.

The purple destructive bullets "Poseidon's Gift" fired from the head and both arms are powerful in destructive power and can be fired continuously to suppress it.

It certainly can't be done stupidly.

In addition, the physical ability of this monster is not weak. The skin of the whole body is hard and elastic, the muscles are strong, and the defense and strength are very powerful, so it is best not to be reckless in close combat.

"Bang bang bang!"

Natsuki struck frontally and punched Jakuzomu back, then stepped forward and attacked with a series of kicks.

It didn't cause much damage, its purpose was just to suppress Jakuzomu.


After finally kicking Gakuzomu into the air, Natsuki jumped up, avoiding the purple destruction bombs, and continued to attack from high altitude.

Just like the battle space drill, Dark Agur swooped down, his legs wrapped in flames and kicked down Jakuzomu, and followed with a flash of elbow knives in both arms.


The sword flashed.

After the violent explosion, there was only a point of light left, which Natsuki reached out to grab after walking out of the dust mist.

Jakuzomu doll.

The value is not too high, but this guy is just an appetizer before Zog.

Natsuki converged on the dark realm and returned to the trench.

It was completely different from the previous dead silence. The surroundings were filled with fluorescent creatures, and Natsuki's giant body was also surrounded.

Joy, excitement, gratitude... A large number of emotions from this creature spread to the bottom of Xia Shu's heart. Finally, most of the luminous creatures retreated, and a doll-like little girl condensed and formed in front of Xia Shu's timer.

"Thank you for saving Rinal." The sweet voice of the little girl rang in Natsuki's heart.

It was exactly the same sound as the one I sensed before.

It should be a collection of the wills of these living beings, but why do they have to mimic the shape of a little girl?

Natsuki Giant looked directly at the girl.

These life forms were Linal who had been invaded by Jakuzomu. They were pitifully weak, but Natsuki did not take them lightly.

In the "Gaia" ov, it was these little guys who allowed Gamu and Fujimiya to regain their transformation abilities, and it was also because they strengthened Gaia and Agur that they defeated the God of Destruction in the end.

"There's something I need you to do."

Natsuki sent his message in response.

"Wait until Takayama Kamuo and Fujimiya Hiroyuki lose their ability to transform, and then find a way to help them get the light of the earth again."

"Will they lose their ability to transform?" the little girl asked curiously, "Why?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

Natsuki raised his head, and rushed out of the trench with a slight tremor in his steps. He didn't sense the remnants of the Destruction Flying Fish before breaking through the sea surface in one fell swoop, turning into a ball of light and returning to Tokyo.

This way there should be no worries.

After solving Zog, leave this time and space directly.

Although Aguru v2 and Gaia V2 failed to reach their peak, and Gaia Supreme failed to appear, it was enough as material.

Tokyo streets.

The weather had not been very good that day, and it was so gloomy that it seemed like it might rain at any time.

After Reiko drove Shizuka away from the cemetery, she did not choose to go home. Instead, she took Shizuka, who was depressed, to the TV station.

"After Super Gob and Super Batzus were solved by Gaia and Ultraman Blue, GUARD has terminated the wormhole project. It is said that M91 is not the parent planet of the source of destruction, but just the habitat planet of Gob..."

"Ultraman Gray didn't show up this time."

Reiko sighed, thinking of Shizuka next to her, and quickly changed the subject: "Today's weather really changes at any time, and the weather forecast said it will be sunny..."

Reiko said as she glanced at the sky, her face even more confused.

"Strange, what are those?"

Groups of black shadows appeared under the dim sky, like scattered sand approaching the ground.

the other side.

Tabata and Lunwen, who had just completed the on-site interview task, stopped the broadcast truck.

The streets suddenly descended into chaos, with people shouting and fleeing in panic.

"The monster is coming!"



Tabata got out of the car in confusion, looked around at the crowd of refugees and then looked in the direction in which the crowd was running.

There were no monsters, but dense black spots appeared in the sky, spreading like bees, and most of them flew towards the ground.

"Lunwen, quick, camera!"

"Mr. Tabata!"

Lunwen looked through the camera and saw that the black spots were all flying creatures and shouted in horror.

"They're coming this way!"

"Get down!"

Everyone fell to the ground, holding their heads and letting the flying team fly over their heads. Even Tabata, who has always been bold, was very frightened.

Fortunately, these basketball-sized monsters did not attack humans. They just sprinted at low altitude and disappeared at the end of the street.

The surroundings were calm again, except for the sound of sirens in the distance.


Tabata gasped and raised his head.

After realizing that the crisis was over, he walked through the crouching crowd and walked under the overpass.

A flying creature fell down after hitting a building, spitting green blood from its mouthparts, and seemed to be unable to survive.

It looks like an enlarged beetle or locust.

"what is going on?"

Tabata looked at the sky again and found that the number of these bugs was still increasing, covering most areas in an instant, even the TV station was no exception.

"Lunwen, call Reiko, something big has really happened now!"

Geo Base.

"The GUARD Australian troops have been completely wiped out, and the GUARD combat troops of various countries have also fallen into a state of collapse. Now the situation is out of control..."

"There is such a large-scale invasion. Is this a general attack?"

Staff Officer Chiba murmured and looked at the main screen.

Unlike ordinary monsters, the dissection of those bugs revealed that they have the characteristics of root-destroying bodies and seem to be able to absorb energy.

If the other side is allowed to expand like this, perhaps the entire earth will be eaten up.

"Commander!" I Meng hurriedly returned to the command room, "The coordinates of the source of the occurrence have been determined! Those things were spread all over the world from the main wormhole above Tokyo Bay!"

"Let us take action, Commander!" Kajiao and the others took the initiative, "We can't let them continue!"

I dreamed of standing at the back, watching my teammates attack and leave, and worried about checking the wormhole information on the computer.

Somehow, the word "zog" popped into his mind.

This is what the God of Death told the professor when he was in Mochian's body.

Lord Zog...

What is the professor planning, and why does he want Zog to come?

"I'm going to find out."

I Meng said silently, paused, and quietly exited the command room.

Underground hangar.

The only two remaining fighters of XIG were driven away by Captain Kajio and Inagi, but the new EX was still there.

"I dream!"

Fujimiya suddenly appeared and threw a burger at my dream.

I shook my head heavily in surprise: "I'm not in the mood to eat right now."

"Eat, it will be troublesome if you get hungry at the critical moment."

Fujimiya discussed with a smile.

"You go and sweep away those locusts later, and I will find an opportunity to rush into the wormhole."


"Actually, I also need an answer."

Fujimiya patted me on the shoulder as I walked down the aisle.

"He probably pretended to be Mr. Yoshii to get close to us, but there are still too many suspicious things. I want to know who he really is."

"I believe he is Ultraman too."

My dream face is uplifting.

Although they have fought side by side several times, it was only now that he and Fujimiya truly united the front.

This world will never be destroyed...

"Da da."

Correspondent Atsuko walked out from the rear corner with her head lowered, and waited until Tomomiya Fujimiya left before approaching Gamu.

"Why did you leave without saying anything? Why did you leave secretly without telling everyone...

"Atsuko, I," I dreamed, "I'm sorry, I'm not very good at saying goodbye."

"At least tell everyone that I'm leaving."

Dunzi choked with red eyes.

"I can't do anything but say to you, 'You must work hard'..."


My dream seemed to have matured a lot in an instant.

In the past, he had been acting like a child, ignoring Atsuko's feelings for him.

"I'm leaving." Wo Meng said seriously.

Maybe this is the last time, and he will remember this feeling well.

Apart from his mother, the only woman who cared about him so much in his life was probably Atsuko.

"Let's go." Imen walked cautiously to Fujimiya, nodded and left Geo base together.

business district.

As the Demonic Destruction Insects covered the entire earth and GUARD issued a warning not to go out, the streets of Tokyo became deserted, like a dead city.

"An emergency news break. GUARD combat troops from various countries were attacked by giant locusts and almost all were wiped out..."

When Natsuki walked into the ramen shop, the news was still reporting on the TV, and the boss and several apprentices gathered around anxiously.

"Boss, let's have a bowl of ramen."

"Is the guest alone?" The boss paused and reminded, "It's not safe outside now, so you'd better go home quickly."

"I'm considered homeless. I'll hide here for a while, boss."

"That's no problem."

The boss looked at Natsuki and hesitated, shook his head and gave Natsuki a bowl of ramen.

Now that monsters are infested, many people are homeless because their houses have been damaged. Most of them will receive government subsidies and can also apply for temporary housing.

However, it may not be easy to ask the government for help during this critical period.

I don’t know what’s going on, but now all communications are out of order, except for the TV.

The boss couldn't help but look outside when he thought of this, and his face turned pale the next moment.

Just in front of the ramen shop, there were several transparent shadows wandering past, constantly making cries of sorrow and complaint that made people's hair stand on end.

"What the hell are these?"

"They are probably the undead fishmen," Xia Shu said while eating. "In the microscopic world, consciousness and matter are related to each other. It is probably some kind of power that made the ancient resentful spirits materialize..."

The ramen shop owner was confused.

What kind of microscopic and conscious matter are we studying now? Shouldn't we be afraid?

"I'll go out first."

Natsuki quickly finished a bowl of ramen and walked out of the store.

There are indeed many fish-man ghosts wandering around the city, but they don't seem to pose any threat except for the infiltrative sound.


The katana blade slashed one of the ghosts, but there was no feedback at all, just like cutting through the air.


Natsuki sheathed her sword and started telekinesis.

It does exist in the induction, but it looks like an ancient ghost projection specially inspired by someone.

"Bang bang!"

Natsuki turned his attention to the harbor area.

Gaia and Aguru wanted to clear the swarm of locusts around the wormhole, but instead they were absorbed and wrapped in the locusts. They fell near the harbor one after another.


Aguru took the lead in crossing his arms and releasing photon energy to destroy the densely packed Demonic Destruction Insects hanging on his body. Gaia followed suit.

But before the two of them could continue to act, a wave of demonic insects flew from the sky and quickly gathered into monsters in front of the two of them.

Destroying the Demonic Worm Caesar Debussy.

The Destruction Monster is a fusion of a large number of small Debixi. It has a blade-wing-like head with a round eye in the middle. Its mouthparts can be used to bite. Its hands are sharp claws or scythes, and its attack power is powerful.

In addition, there is also a tentacle-like mouthpart hidden in the chest that can bite and strangle.

There is an eye in the middle of each leg. Together with the single eye on the head, it can emit the special attack "Triple Ray", which has extraordinary destructive power.

The weakness is that it has insufficient defense and can be easily eliminated, but at the same time there are too many little Derbys to kill unless all the Derbys are eliminated or Zog is dealt with.

Natsuki had seen the battle between Gaia and Aguru, and turned her gaze to the locust-covered sky.

Another giant wormhole.

But he was not sure whether Zog would come.

Because if this continues, destroying the demonic insects alone will be enough to take down the two Ultramans.

If one is not enough, there will be two at the same time, and if not enough, there will be three.

Natsuki narrowed her eyes slightly.

There are countless possible futures and with him as an intruder, it is possible even if Zog does not appear.


The other party must take action personally to absorb the power of Gaia and Agur.

Ignoring the numerous murloc ghosts around him, Natsuki looked away and waited for the opportunity, but suddenly sensed a car trapped in an alley.

Reiko's car?

The figures of Reiko and Shizuka flashed in Natsuki's mind, and when he took a step forward, he sensed Tabata and Tonbumi broadcasting live on another building.

Zog deliberately left the TV channel just to let humans see this battle.

Arrival should be no problem.

While there is still time, go to the battle space and brush it again, this time adding those Destruction Demonic Insects.

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