Starting human body

Chapter 279 The shattered sky


Demonic insects covered the sky and the sun, as if eternal night had fallen, and the power of the earth began to decline.

In the uninhabited valley, Tigulis broke through the soil in violent shocks, his whole body heated up and glowed red, roaring at the sky.

Mabel Mountain.

Zhong Nair, the first-generation carapace underground monster, rushed out of the mountain and roared towards the sky through the falling rocks. After opening its furnace-like back shell, it emitted streaks of yellow light to clear the sky.

But no matter how he attacked, the gap created was quickly filled by more demonic insects.

"It's an underground monster!"

GUARD observed the appearance of monsters through the TV channel. More than one monster left the ground to fight against the Demonic Destruction Insect.

It's a pity that these demonic insects are almost endless, and they can also be synthesized into monster forms. In the blink of an eye, Tiguras was covered in small demonic insects and tortured to death.

"It's useless, even Gaia and the others are no match, so what can these monsters do?"

"At least they're still trying to protect the planet."

"If this continues, the earth will enter an ice age again, the ecological environment will be destroyed, and human beings will undoubtedly die..."

Geo Base.

After watching the battle between the monsters, Shishi's eyes returned to the battlefield between Gaia and Agul on the main screen.

"The sun is blocked, the temperature is gradually dropping, and the oxygen content of the atmosphere is also decreasing. Is this what it feels like to be at the end of the world?"

The sound in the stone chamber was heavy.

Just now, there has been news from Chief GUARD, hoping that XIG will be disbanded and negotiate with the root cause of death.

It's almost equivalent to preparing to surrender.

"Commander," Kajio said anxiously, "Is there no other way? Ultraman and monsters are obviously fighting so hard, but we humans..."

"The root body of death seals not only the sun's rays, but also the human heart."

Staff Officer Chiba returned to the command room.

"I think this is also the reason why they left the TV line, to let humans see Ultraman's failure."

"But even the monsters on Earth know how to stand up, we..."

"Bang bang!"

Several monsters fell down in succession under the complicated gazes of everyone, and Gaia and Aguru, who were on the front battlefield, were also in trouble.

At first, two demonic insect monsters could be dealt with, but three were difficult to deal with, but soon the number of demonic insect monsters increased to four.

Gaia V2 and Aguru V2 fell to the ground under the impact of multiple lights at the same time, with red lights on their chests flashing and making it difficult to stand.

"There is no end to this."

Staff Officer Chiba couldn't bear to look away.

In addition to the battlefield scenes, every channel in the TV program is also chaotic.

Fear is spreading.

Could it be that human beings can only surrender to the source of death?

But does surrender really work?

Staff Officer Chiba looked bitter.

The idea that "the other party is a highly intelligent creature and can negotiate" is just wishful thinking on the part of GUARD.

It is self-escape in despair.

The source of death has never had any intention of talking to humans.

"What is that?!" A voice suddenly shouted in the commander's room.

Everyone looked at the main battlefield in surprise.

A circle of bright light suddenly erupted from the sky covered by the demonic insects, and then several rays of light fell, instantly shattering the demonic destruction insects that besieged Ultraman.

The difficult Caesar Debussy was so vulnerable that his powerful destructive power silenced the heavens and the earth.

"what happened?"

Staff Officer Chiba stared at the screen blankly.

As if a miracle had come, a huge light pillar appeared in the dim sky. The figure of the bright goddess shrouded in brilliant auspicious light slowly fell down in the passage, with colorful ribbons of light behind her, which were sacred, beautiful and charming.



Gaia and Aguru stood up and stared, and the red light on their chests returned to fullness under the light.

The mournful sounds in the city streets also stopped in the light, and countless fish-man ghosts disappeared as if they had been saved.

"Awesome! Is she the savior?"

"A miracle happened!"

Lun Wen stood on the rooftop of a building and carefully focused the camera on the giant goddess with a fluttering skirt.

so big!

Ultraman is like a child in front of the goddess.

"Mr. Tabata, we are saved..."

"Is it that 'Lord Zog'?"

Lingzi drove to Lunwen and suddenly noticed the incongruous smile on Angel Zog's face.

"No, it's dangerous!"

Not knowing what Angel Zog did, Aguru stretched out his hand forward involuntarily as if he was confused, begging the angel for mercy.


I Meng Gaia woke up with a start, and hurriedly grabbed Aguru who had relaxed his vigilance.

"You can't go there! She is Zog!!"


Angel Zog glanced at Gaia in confusion, then raised his hand to condense a wave of bullets before the two of them retreated.


Gaia and Agur were hit by transparent energy bombs together. Their bodies were bent like lobsters. Along with the debris of the exploding buildings around them, they crashed into street overpasses and plowed the entire block in the blink of an eye.

I Meng Gaia struggled to hold up her body, and when she turned around, she saw Angel Zog playing with Aguru wantonly with his finger light.

There was no room for resistance.

How come the gap is so big?

My Meng Gaia clenched her fists, jumped up with heavy steps, and was ready to attack Zog's body and save Aguru.


Angel Zog smiled, and after letting go of Aguru, he condensed the wave elasticity again.

The terrifying shock wave destroyed the tall buildings along the way and then directly hit Gaia's body in the air, causing a series of explosions and throwing Gaia away.

"Bang bang bang!"

From the TV screen, Gaia looked like a broken doll being destroyed.

The two are not at the same level at all.


The audience looked desperate.

Seeing Angel Zog laughing and using his telekinesis rays with his own eyes.

Gaia was first painfully lifted into the air, and then was hit head-on by light energy when the red light flashed.

It's over.

"I dream!"

Agur Fujimiya jumped into the middle, blocked the impact of the light for Gaia, and then rushed towards Zog with all his strength.

However, this suicidal charge failed to cause any harm to Zog, and it did not even make Zog take a step back.

The air suddenly fell into silence. Aguru's figure stopped in front of Angel Zog's finger. The red light flashed and he failed to attack in the end.


I Meng painfully looked at Aguru who was frozen in mid-air, and saw another wave of bullets hitting Agururu head-on. I quickly mobilized my last strength to step forward to pick him up.


boom! !

The two giant bodies crashed into a block of buildings. Gaia, who was acting as a meat pad, was further severely damaged. The red light flashed and the light dimmed.


Tabata watched everything happen with a trembling voice, and together with Lunwen, who was in charge of filming, looked at the two giants lying in the ruins.


Two rays of red and blue light flew out from Gaia and Aguru respectively, completely extinguishing the fire in human hearts.

The light disappeared.

"She's going to take away Ultraman's power."

Tabata didn't want to continue reading.

"How can there be such a terrible enemy? Is mankind destined to perish?"


A bright line suddenly flashed over the city, and before Tabata could avoid it, flames of light fell from the sky.

Different from the vision of angel Zog coming, this time it was so sudden that before everyone could react, they saw Zog’s huge goddess body falling to the ground with an explosion of energy, and the sharp scream could almost tear him apart. Cleft eardrum.

"What's wrong?"

"That light..."


As Angel Zog fell into the ruins, the red and blue rays of light lost their target and then spun and automatically merged into the unknown light group.

It is not as gorgeous as Zog's colorful aura, but its momentum is not weak at all, and is even more oppressive.


The light converged, gradually revealing Natsuki's S-class fusion transformation form.

Gilt shoulder armor, winged chest protector, aqua timer core crystal, and silver-backed red, blue, and black composite body retain some of the characteristics of Dark Agur and Leo, forming a perfectly coordinated warrior form.

Material absorption: Gaia V2, Agul V2.

"Another Ultraman?!"

Everyone in XIG stared at the screen and were shocked by the new giant.

Although there is a sneak attack element, the impact of the picture is too strong.

The "angel" that crushed Gaia and Agur at the same time was actually somewhat "vulnerable". Just by hearing the cry, you could tell that the attack just now was not simple.

Commander Shishi's face was slightly shaken.

Unlike others, his attention was entirely on Ultraman's arm bracers.

The giant figure is inexplicably familiar.

There is also this weapon that looks like an elbow knife.

"What is this Ultraman..."

"hold head high!"

The ruins of the main battlefield.

Angel Zog roared and got up. He had no image at all. He only had the body of a goddess, but behaved like a beast.

It seemed that he didn't expect that the fruit would be snatched away at the last moment.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Natsuki fell to the ground and turned to the crazy angel Zog with a dull gaze.

His plan when he first arrived in Gaia time and space has changed a lot, but the results are good, and now it's finally time to reap the rewards.

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