Starting human body

Chapter 330 The Emperor Arrives

"Bang bang!"

Outside the Phoenix Nest base, an Impeleza was destroyed by Shikari and the sudden appearance of the cosmic swordsman Zamsha, and the situation suddenly began to improve.


Hikari regained his composure and faced the cosmic swordsman holding a huge katana in surprise.

Zamsha is a famous swordsman in the universe. He wears armor and has a Japanese samurai-like appearance. He once aimed to be the strongest in the universe and was obsessed with killing strong men. Hikari was also one of his goals at the beginning.

"Do not misunderstand!"

Zamsha raised his weapon Hoshi Zanmaru and dispatched the last Impreza in one go.

"You are the opponent I have decided to kill. You cannot die here..."


Hikali stabbed out the lightsaber in his hand, completely destroying the repair core among the fragments of Impeleza scattered on the ground. He didn't feel relieved until the fragments stopped moving.

"These imprezas are tough and will get stronger if not handled properly."

"Huh?!" Zamsha's eyes tightened.

Compared to his swordsmanship that instantly split Implezza, Hikari's core-breaking was simple, but undoubtedly superior.

"You've become stronger!"

"This is because..."

Hikali was about to elaborate, but suddenly found that the air pressure was unusually heavy, as if some terror was about to come.



The wind is still.

A flaming red ball appeared in the sky, causing a series of explosions just as it approached the surface, and the entire city was enveloped in flames.

"what is that?"

Zheping stared at the fireball and vaguely saw a huge black shadow standing in the flames.

"The mass cannot be detected... What is going on? If that thing hits the earth, maybe..."

"Ampera star!"

Hikali, who was at the scene, reacted.

He did not participate in the war 30,000 years ago, but he was no stranger to this power.

Now there is a terrible energy driving the sunspots to move, and darkness is about to cover the sun and the earth...

The source of this energy finally appeared.

"Is he from Ampera?"

Everyone in GUYS held their breath and stared at the screen, watching the figure of the dark giant slowly falling after the fireball disappeared.

The surface of the pure black body is decorated with black armor, and the black cloak flutters behind him with a stern sound.

It was the first time that Hikari and Membius, who were born after the Ultra War, saw Ampera's true face.

The coming aura alone is terrifyingly powerful...


Ampera fell heavily to the ground in the explosion, ignoring Hikari and Zamsha who were on guard on the other side. They changed the sky with their super telekinesis, raised their hands to create a large dark thundercloud that spread and enveloped the entire earth. The raging flames were extinguished in an instant by the wind.

The city fell into complete silence, and even television and radio channels were cut off.

"I am the ruler of darkness. From now on, all light will be blocked. This planet has no future!!"

Ampera squeezed her paws and said coldly.

"All humans will be buried with Lucifer!"


Zamsha held the Hoshizangan tightly and stood ready, looking directly at Ampera who was towering over all things in the roaring thunder, his red pupils twitching: "Ampera, take the move!"

"Wait! Zamsha..."

Hikali stretched out his hand, but failed to stop Zamsha. Only a step too late did he see Zamsha rushing out with a knife.

Ampela on the opposite side still didn't pay attention, and just raised an arm towards Zamsha, but that alone prevented Zamsha from getting close.

Without even a chance to use his sword move, Zamsha screamed and flew out instantly, crashing to the ground with a heavy blow and causing serious damage.



Hikali exclaimed and stood in front of Zamsha, receiving the powerful dark shock wave from Ampera's left hand head-on, and was also thrown away in the violent explosion.


Ampera's power far exceeded Hikari's expectations. Although he saved Zamsha, he fell to the ground and almost fainted.

The gap is too big!


Zamsha was deeply hit, and even feared Ampera in his heart.

He has been running around the universe for many years and has few opponents, but he didn't expect that there is an existence like Ampera in the secret.

Not on the same level at all...

After calming down for a while, Zamsha quickly pulled up Hikari beside him and launched the attack again.

Not one person, at least two people are needed to have a chance to get close to Ampera.

"Go together!"


"Hmph!" Ampera remained unmoved. She waited until Zamsha and the others rushed forward before raising her hands and condensing heavy energy to wield the lightsabers of Hoshizhanmaru and Knight Hikari.

This time Zamsha did manage to get close to Ampera, but the tip of Hoshizhanmaru's sword and Hikari's lightsaber were forcibly deflected by Ampera's energy wave, making him unable to take another step forward.

Until now, Ampera wasn't even serious, as if she was watching a show.

Hikali suddenly felt something bad: "Zamsha..."

"I know!" Zamsha shouted with all his strength, "This is also our chance!"


Ampera seemed to have heard a joke, and the heavy energy in her hand suddenly increased, blasting Zamsha and Hikali away at the same time.

"Vulnerable! With such strength, you dare to come to Earth to intervene. You really don't know how to live or die!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Ampera continued to exert force on her hand, and Zamsha, who had just landed, was hit hard by the shock wave again.

Ruined ground.

Natsuki passed through the tank position and entered the battlefield amidst the blowing sparks. She calmly watched Zamsha's death struggle.

The A-class dared to confront Ampera. It must be said that the courage was commendable. That is to say, Ampera did not kill him. Otherwise, he would not be much better than the Mephilas.

In the TV, this guy used his body to resist the shock wave in order to save everyone in GUYS, and finally turned into countless light points and dissipated.

I don’t know what will happen in this time and space, but judging from the current situation, it will be difficult to survive from Ampera even if I don’t save people.

Natsuki turned his attention to the Ampera alien who was sending out a heavy energy shock wave.

Now is undoubtedly the era of Ampera. Without him destroying the dark armor, the Ampera aliens who successfully dress up are almost equivalent to the second Reblondo, and have a great chance of becoming the ruler of the universe on the surface.

The reason for this is that there are hidden strong men like the King of Ultra.

"Zamsha! Hikali!"

Suddenly, a cry of pain came from the Phoenix Nest, attracting Xia Shu's attention.

Looking through the lens, I saw Hibino Mirai, still wearing a hospital gown, appearing in sight, dragging his weak body out of the medical center, and forcefully transformed in the violent shock to save people.


Natsuki's eyes were fixed, and he released the energy of the divine light mirror at the moment Ampera was about to raise his hand to attack.

The transformation was completed in an instant, and the next moment the original dark giant appeared out of thin air behind the Ampera star with a blade of light.


Time was too short, and even when wearing armor, he only had 5 levels of confidence, but actual combat was different from simulated combat.

Soldiers never tire of deceit.


Ampera reacted immediately, but in the end it was too late, and he only had time to block with his left hand.

Lightning flashed, and a bright crack appeared on Ampera's dark arm in his frightened and angry eyes.


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