Starting human body

Chapter 331 Dark Showdown


The roaring Ampera people under the dim clouds were surrounded by several afterimages. They wanted to fight back but were still unable to lock on. They could only watch Natsuki pull away and gather their bodies on the other side.

Still in its original dark form, the two-arm lightning blades vibrated at high frequency after completing the attack.


"That giant is..."

Everyone in GUYS and Menbius, who had the red light flashing, stared blankly at Natsuki who appeared in a half-crouched position.

Except for the black and red color, they are almost identical.



"This is……"

Hikari stood up slowly with the help of Mebius, his eyes fixed on Natsuki.

It turned out to be the dark giant mentioned by Brother Ultra. I heard that he had killed a Bogaru King in the universe before.

But what's going on with Asasi?


Natsuki slowly raised his head in the ruins of the explosion. The red light in his eyes swelled with violence against the bright black metal face, and the subtle thunder and lightning that wandered around added a bit of evil.

"Bang bang bang!"

After a brief calm, the battle suddenly broke out. The angry Ampera said nothing and directly launched a heavy energy impact attack on Natsuki.

The impact caused by hitting the barrier took Natsuki back several steps, and he was almost sent flying away.

While groaning, Xia Shu quickly stabilized her body, and the elbow blade of the sword of darkness in her hand turned into two ice axes, which were hidden by the explosion fire and swept out at high speed, approaching Ampera.


In order to keep his trump card, Natsuki did not use the space jump of the Dark Sword, but just controlled the circle and turned back.

What he learned was the "transcendent power of mind" from Ampera. The direction may be different, but in the end it is of the same origin. After the light space simulation, the ice ax was intercepted directly from the front several times.

It is basically impossible to hurt Ampera from the front...


Ampera leaned down to avoid the ice axe, used her hands to block the energy shock wave, and then turned her eyes firmly to Natsuki.

From the way Natsuki used telekinesis, he did feel the shadow of the power of transcendent telekinesis.

It's like an object control skill derived from the power of transcendent thoughts.

How can this be?

"who are you?!"

Ampera looked directly at Natsuki in a deep voice.

He should be the only one surviving on the home planet...

"Bang bang!"

Amperra's heavy energy shocks on his hands were released continuously.

Regardless of whether they are compatriots or not, rebels will only die!


The intensity of the attack this time was not at the same level as those against Hikali.

However, after the explosion dust dispersed, Natsuki had disappeared again.

"When are you going to use the same trick again?"

Ampera raised her arms indifferently, caught the thunder and lightning falling from the sky, and accumulated the energy of the thunder cloud to form a Rezolim sphere.

"The King of Darkness is just for fun, you can't win me!"


Natsuki maintained the quantum movement state, but his aura was still locked.

This time, Rezolim's light seemed to be stronger than before.

But putting him on the same level as the Four Dark Kings, Ampera is still so conceited.

Dark energy makes Ampera stronger, but it also amplifies Ampera's weaknesses.

It doesn't matter if the difference in strength is too large. Flaws may be exposed when encountering enemies of the same level or even slightly weaker.

This is not even comparable to the virtual Ampera in the simulated battlefield. The data will not be controlled by emotions, but the real Ampera will.

Natsuki calmed down, and took one step away from quantum movement before Rezolim's light came. At the same time, he held up the red and black Ultra barrier with both hands.

Now is not the time for him to counterattack, try to save his energy later and find the opportunity to kill with one blow.



The dark wave of thunder and lightning was unavoidable, and it was powerfully emitted the moment Natsuki appeared.

Natsuki's body continued to move back during the violent impact, and the barrier quickly continued to absorb energy. After a brief shock, he managed to survive.


On the other side, Mebius shouted anxiously and sent out a beam of light to support, but Ampera deflected the impact ray backhand, and he was also hit by a heavy energy impact.

"There is no such thing as a warrior from the Kingdom of Light here!" Ampera remained motionless and fired a shock wave from his hand.


Mebius was thrown into the air, and Hikari was also implicated, rolling backwards under the explosion of energy.


"Mirai! Captain Serizawa!"

Aihara Ryu flew out of the base in a fighter plane. His eyes turned red when he saw this scene, and he quickly accelerated and dived to fire at Amperra.

"Spetsium ballistic missile! Launch!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The GUYS fighter plane turned over and attacked in mid-air, but Ampera didn't even look at it. His eyes were fixed on Natsuki who was fighting against Rezolim's light, and he allowed the missile to explode on him.

He cared more about Natsuki on the opposite side than this inconsequential missile attack.

After all, the wound on his arm still hadn't healed, and a strange dark energy was filling it, and the strength of the aura contained seemed to be even greater than his.

This new evil general who betrayed him actually has such potential. He is completely different from 30,000 years ago. It is probably only a matter of time before he surpasses him.



Ampera continued to exert force on her hand, and the energy of Rezolim's light was further enhanced. Even though Natsuki also strengthened the barrier, she was still forced to slide backwards, and cracks gradually appeared on the barrier.

The absorptive capacity of the reinforced barrier is about to reach its upper limit.

It can only be said that it is Ampera, and its repressive power is not ordinary.

The sword of darkness in Natsuki's hand transformed into a light shield in the impact light, stabilizing the barrier on the edge of collapse.

Absorbing energy and then doubling it back to fight back, this is the signature skill of the Gaia Time and Space Destroyer Demon.

There is only one chance left now.

Natsuki's telepathy spread, covering Mebius and his party, as well as all the GUYS in the Phoenix Nest base.

GUYS's transcendent technology comes from alien civilization and is the top black technology that completely surpasses the earth's civilization.

He remembered that among them was a final transcendence technology that could amplify Specium's energy and greatly enhance the power of Ultra Warriors' light skills. It was a key link in the final elimination of the Amperra aliens in TV.

He doesn't expect much in this situation now, it's enough to create opportunities for him.

"Take action to contain him! I have a way to deal with him!"


Xikali's body trembled slightly as Natsuki's message rang in his mind.

Although he didn't know how Natsuki turned into a dark giant, it was obviously more important to deal with the Ampera people now.

"Mebius, fusion of light..."

Hikari endured the pain of tearing and looked at Zamsha who had lost his fighting power next to him. Taking advantage of the opportunity when the Ampera aliens maintained the Rezolim light, he forced himself to gather energy with Mebius to perform a fatal light technique.

The two rays of light merged in mid-air and entangled to form a spiral composite ray, the power of which instantly increased several times.


"There is still resistance!"

The Ampera aliens finally couldn't ignore it. After giving up the Rezolim light, they wrapped the light impact with a dark cloak. When they unfolded it again, the fused light was silently resolved, and only a circle of waves spread out in all directions.

The fusion light was actually blocked by a cloak and misfired.

Hikari and Membius were stunned at the same time, and they even forgot to prepare for the Ampera star's counterattack.

It is true that the Ampera people did not kill them before, but that was because the threat was not great. The fusion light at this moment has attracted Ampera's attention.

Even if the difference in strength is too large, it does not mean that his defense is invincible.

"I originally planned to deal with you later, but since you are looking for death, don't blame me! I can just get some interest back from 30,000 years ago!"

The Ampera star glanced at the two Hikari, looked at the final transcendental technical device descending from the sky in confusion, and gathered the Rezolim light in his hand again.



The barrier in Natsuki's hand expanded, the internal energy reached its limit, and a stronger Rezolim light burst out.

The opportunity has come!

Without giving Ampera a chance to react, the enhanced Rezolim light instantly penetrated its dark body.


The most powerful thing about Rezolim's light is its decomposition ability. It is not only against the warriors of the Kingdom of Light, but even Ampera herself is not immune to it.

Of course, just wanting to kill Ampera is not enough.

It’s amazing to be able to inflict serious damage.


After one blow, the sword of darkness transformed again, turning into a dark armor covering Natsuki's body in the scattered amperra particles.


Natsuki picked up Zamsha's saber "Hoshi Zanmaru" that had fallen in the ruins at an angle, and with an all-out burst, dragging afterimages of dark material, he rushed into Ampera's side.

When choosing to use armor overclocking, you cannot take into account the attack of the Dark Sword itself, so this sword is just right for you.


"Clang clang clang——!"

Ampera was about to strike back, but her body was shrouded in red and black thunder and cracked open numerous gaps, and energy began to flow to Natsuki uncontrollably.



Under the impact of the terrifying dark power, Hoshizhanmaru was the first to be unable to bear it and turned into powder in an instant, but it was no longer important to the outcome.


The dark armor converged and turned into an elbow blade again, revealing a dark body with flashing red lights, as well as a pair of cold-blooded red eyes.


Ampera's eyes paused when facing Natsuki who was so close.

The feeling of familiarity became stronger and stronger under the collision of thoughts, and he even faintly saw his shadow.

In the void universe, a planet similar to the earth suddenly exploded, and the whole world fell into darkness, with only cries echoing in the mind.

"Who are you……"


Natsuki added the final blow, turned the elbow blade with his backhand and stabbed Ampera's chest hard, the red light in his eyes continued to surge.

"What's wrong?"

At the Phoenix Nest Base, everyone in GUYS looked at the battlefield in shock.

After the dark giant launched its attack, the entire battlefield suddenly became dark, and only the glowing eyes and the flickering light of thunder and lightning could be seen looming in the black fog.

In the end, it seemed that the Amperans were severely wounded by the Dark Giant when they attacked Hikari and Membius.

But why doesn't this look like a good thing?

It's like terror is coming...

The air fell into silence, and even the sound of the electronic instruments in the command room and the breathing and heartbeats of everyone could be heard clearly.

"Where's the dragon?" Captain Qishui shouted and asked.

"We can't contact you. The darkness outside has blocked all communications!"

"Now even the final transcendental technological device is out of control..."

"Is it because of Ampera?"


A sudden loud explosion in the outside world woke everyone up. When they looked again, they found that the black fog had finally dissipated. Ampera was nowhere to be seen on the battlefield, and only the dark giant stood there.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but the current dark giant seems to be more terrifying than the Ampera people.

"Zai As..."


The dark giant suddenly looked up to the sky and roared, and the afterimage behind him became increasingly clear.

Gatanjie, Gua, Gliza, Gulansfiya, Yan Demon Beast Seggu, Zog, Moge Orochi, Ultimate Super Beast Saurus, Evil Bogaru...

Then there is the Dark Emperor Ampera.

As the dark energy rioted, the dark giant's aura gradually climbed towards S+. The final transcendental technology device descended from the sky disintegrated under the impact of the energy before it was fully deployed.


The darkness that shrouded the earth did not dissipate, but became more dangerous than before. As thunder fell from above the battlefield, the dark field automatically expanded, causing the ground to tremble.

With the dark giant as the central starting point, the shock continued to spread, and Mebius and Hikari were ejected before they even got close.


Hikali and the dark giant looked at each other with red eyes, and their bodies instantly became cold.

It is the energy breath of Ampera.

Could it be that his body was taken away by Ampera? !

"We must find a way to stop him! The captain and the others will be here soon..."


Mebius broke away from his transformation as the red light flashed rapidly, and after transforming back into Hibino Mirai, he fell among the ruins, crying in pain as the situation in front of him continued to worsen.

"Stop it, Ling-san! What's wrong with you?"


In the mental space, Natsuki had no time to think about the future and started fighting with the Ampera aliens again.

To be precise, it is not exactly the Ampera planet, but the dark power materialized with the help of the Ampera planet.


Natsuki flew to avoid the giant fist fired from the blind spot, and counterattacked with a thunderstorm spinning kick.

I fought the dark giant once when I woke up, but I didn't expect it to appear a second time so soon, and it was still in an extremely dangerous spiritual space.

The combat power has also been directly upgraded to S+.


Natsuki struggled to collide with the "Ampera Star" head-on, and the two ice axes also rotated and jumped through space to pierce the "Ampera Star".

It's a pity that the "Ampera star" in front of him has mastered the space ability and teleports away directly, causing the ice ax attack to fail.

However, Natsuki was almost accidentally injured by the ice axe.

outside world.

The war zone has become increasingly dangerous, with thunderstorms and chaos from time to time.

Even GUYS was preparing to evacuate first, but at this time, two more human figures appeared.

One of them is a Sakkino star girl who decided to come to Tokyo to help, and the other is the mayor of Kobe City, Umeda Michiru, who was brought here by the girl.

"Is that giant really Brother Ling?"

Umeda looked up at the dark giant among the ruins in disbelief.

Just now the girl tried to get close to the giant, but was bounced back hard and almost fainted.

As a Sakkino star who is proud of his telekinesis, he claims to be able to create monster-level puppets at will, but he turns out to be so vulnerable.

The giant didn't even attack.

"If you are talking about Zaas, you should be right," the girl wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and coughed, "Zaas is also Lucifer, one of the four dark kings under the people of Ampera. Ahem... I didn't expect this. That’s his true strength.”

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