Starting human body

Chapter 341 Max changes his target

Professor Yoshinaga looked worried: "So far, the Ultraman who appears this time seems to be on the side of us humans, but after all, he is an alien with superhuman abilities. If this huge power becomes the enemy of mankind..."

"How could it be an enemy?"

Touma Kaito slammed the table and stood up before Natsuki could respond.

"Ultraman obviously protected us, didn't he?"

"Kaito!" The team member next to him hurriedly shouted, "Don't be so excited. Professor Yoshinaga just stated a possibility. He did not say that Ultraman is the enemy. The details will be investigated..."

"This is simply not trusting Ultraman! If he is so desperate to protect human beings, he still needs to be investigated and suspected..."

Touma Kaito looked anxious, maybe he had a wound, and suddenly he groaned and held on to the table.

"What's wrong with you, Kaito?" Captain Hijikata asked in confusion, "Don't show off when you're injured."

"I-I'm fine."

Touma Kaito's face turned pale, feeling aggrieved and hesitant.

"That's it for the time being," Natsuki put a hand on Touma Kaito's shoulder, "What Kaito said makes sense. Although it's right to be careful, you must also learn to trust. I personally think Ultraman is trustworthy and can be trusted again. Watch and see.”

"Consultant Gao Shu..."

Touma Kaito was slightly moved in his heart, feeling guilty for his unreasonable hostility towards Natsuki before.

After the meeting.

The higher-ups of DASH were still worried about the Giant of Light. The depressed Toma Kaito had no way to vent his anger, and unknowingly found himself outside Natsuki's room.

He felt strange about Natsuki, both close and dangerous, clearly right in front of him but yet so far away.

After standing at the door for a while, Touma Kaito still didn't press the doorbell.

His situation cannot be told to outsiders.

"Da da."

The footsteps gradually faded away, and the corridor became silent again. No one came to disturb me again.

At this time, Natsuki was not in the room, but entered the inner universe of the Divine Light Mirror.

Compared with normal time and space, the Shenguang Mirror universe is like chaos, with only two star systems, and the others are just illusory projections.

Xia Shu stood on the top of the Gobi mountain on the wasteland planet, and the twinkling stars were reflected in her eyes.

After the birth of little King Airei, he gained a new understanding of the world, and his unknown energy also increased slightly.

But until now, he still doesn't know what that energy is and what it does.

The only clue is the time-traveling beast that destroyed his hometown.

Perhaps this mystery can only be solved after the "Time and Space Controller" has completed its progress...


There was a loud noise on the ground in the distance, and the two-headed Gakuma released by Natsuki's materialization crawled across the valley, smashed several boulders into pieces, and then opened their mouths to eat them.

Little King Ailei seemed to be frightened, and fled away from the valley in a panic with bursts of lightning, and finally ran towards Xia Shu.


Natsuki flicked away the little Airei King and calmly observed Gakuma's situation.

This planet is very suitable for monsters like Gakuma to survive, but other monsters are more troublesome, especially carnivorous monsters.

It seems unrealistic to build a monster planet for trials. Even if it succeeds, the effect may not be very good, and it is far inferior to the battle field of the light space.

It's a pity that only he can use the battlefield.

Many spark puppets appeared in Natsuki's hands.

In addition to the already materialized Gakuma, the only dolls that still exist are Gazote II, two Gadi, Shirbagon, Abbas, Mechanical Island, Qiao Beili, Hitler, Daram, Gagorgon, Max Jeddon, Earth Demon Kingmon, Mephilas Planet Nostra, Knuckle Planet, Metron Planet, Zarab Planet, and Electric Dragon King Airei.

The others were basically absorbed by the Sword of Darkness, so there were not many monsters suitable for materialization.

Natsuki suddenly thought of the Gakira tree that she had encountered in Dana time and space.

This kind of monster is very suitable for transforming planets, but he was killed by him at that time.

And the forest green of Gaia’s time and space...


Dark clouds gathered in the sky of the wasteland planet, lightning and thunder began, and then there was a heavy rain in the mountainous area. The two Gakumas quickly climbed back into the cave, while the little King Airei ran excitedly to the top of the mountain where the thunder and lightning gathered.

Xia Shu opened a barrier around her body to block the rain. Through telekinesis, she discovered that life was already beginning to breed in the sea, but she didn't know how long it would take.

After his initial transformation, this planet has an atmosphere and water resources. Depending on the situation, some creatures from the outside can be directly brought here.

First, imitate the earth to establish an ecological system.


Natsuki's figure faded and exited the Divine Light Mirror Universe. After returning to the Light Space, he rubbed his brow slightly tiredly.

Transformation of the planet requires the power of transcendental thought. Even now, he cannot carry out it at will. Creation and destruction are much more difficult than creation.

During the day, the DASH team was busy with various tasks. Starting from the morning, Dongma Kaito began training, patrolling, and investigating. The second day after joining DASH was busy and fulfilling, with almost no time for rest.

Japan has become a new danger zone, and the arrival of space invaders has put the entire Titan base into a state of tension, trying to adapt to this special stage.

But there is one exception.

Natsuki yawned and got dressed. Seeing that it was almost after lunch, she slowly washed up and went out.

He doesn't need to do any management work, and he doesn't need to be responsible for other matters. In the final analysis, he is just a monster expert who provides advice. When he has nothing to do, he is more free than anyone else.

Dining room.

Natsuki grabbed a lunch and sat down by the window, enjoying the view of Tokyo Bay while tasting the food.

This was not his first meal, and he could only say that the food here was just passable.

DASH's diet is more nutritious, and taste comes second. Not to mention compared with him, even Toba Raiha's food is much more delicious.

"Warning!" A siren suddenly sounded on the base broadcast. "Monsters have appeared in the Central American ruins. They are currently heading northwest and may enter the Japanese Sea..."

Natsuki paused with her chopsticks and turned to look out the window at the DASH small aircraft carrier flying away from the base.

The huge body, which is 40 meters long, looks very shocking through the window, at least from the perspective of ordinary people, it is quite majestic.

This is a mobile base used by DASH for long-range operations. It can be used as a command room for command and support at the combat scene. There is a huge hangar inside the fuselage, which can eject and recover fighter jets.


The battleship flew to the Pacific Ocean with a huge engine buzzing, and disappeared from the sky in a blink of an eye. It seemed that it was going to take the initiative to attack the monster, and all the crew was dispatched, including the robot girl Ellie.

Natsuki closed his eyes slightly, feeling a rush of impatience and excitement coming from Touma Kaito.

After all, he is just an ordinary person.

Among all the Ultraman human beings, Touma Kaito is not particularly good.

But these are just minor problems. Touma Kaito, who originally received Max's power, has also experienced these, and the change in mentality is also part of growth.

The power of light will continue to be sublimated during this growth process.

This is also the purpose of choosing a human body. It doesn't need to be powerful or outstanding.

Because he is powerful enough on his own. Unlike Ultra warriors like New Generation Zeta, what he lacks is just light.

Judging from the performance in "Max" TV, Toma Kaito fully meets his requirements.

"The monster this time is a strange bird worshiped as a god in Central America, named Regira."

"Were the monsters that appeared in ancient times sealed underground in the ruins?"

"Where's Kaito?"

"Already gone to the hangar."

"That boy..."

Pacific waters.

Everyone in DASH soon encountered a bird monster with wings spread out from the sea. After the battle began, DASH No. 1 and No. 2 fighter jets ejected one after another, while the DASH mothership took command from behind.

"Stay in formation!"

Captain Hijikata frowned and arranged the battle.

Toma Kaito failed the first assessment because he was too reckless. Now that he has joined DASH, he still has this problem, and it is even more obvious.

This was only the second time he played, and he started to act without permission, eager to express himself.

High above the clouds where no one was paying attention, the red glowing sphere observed calmly, taking in all of Toma Kaito's rough and impulsive side.

In order to create a scene where he was rescued by the Giant of Light, Touma Kaito deliberately left the formation and automatically piloted the fighter plane into danger, but at the critical moment he lost his ability to transform.

This young man from Earth seems to want to prove that the giant of light exists to protect mankind.

Max's ball of light emitted light quietly, and his eyes shifted from Touma Kaito to look at the other DASH members.

What kind of existence is the giant of light that suddenly appeared on the earth, what is its purpose, and whether his intervention is needed... Even after watching two battles in succession, there is still no conclusion.

Perhaps you need to use your identity as an Earthling to make contact.

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