Starting human body

Chapter 342 The human body turns black

"Why? Why can't you transform?"

Two fighter planes followed the ancient strange bird flying at high speed back and forth over the sea area. The No. 2 fighter jet successfully distanced itself, but the No. 1 fighter jet of Toma Kaito pursued the strange bird and once again found itself in danger.

Facing the strange bird rushing towards him, Touma Kaito looked anxious. While controlling the joystick, he took out the "Divine Light Mirror Transformer" in his arms.

"Ultraman! Why didn't you respond?"

"Team Kaito!"


Amid the exclamations of his teammates, Touma Kaito pulled the joystick of the fighter plane to stagger away from the strange bird, flying almost close to the strange bird's belly. He could clearly see the cold light flashing in the strange bird's blue eyes.

"call out!"

The strange bird flapped its wings and climbed rapidly, spinning and swooping in mid-air to pursue the tail wing of the No. 1 aircraft. Two flaming bombs were shot out from its blue eyes.

"Bang bang!"

The fire bomb failed to hit the fighter plane, but fell into the sea and caused a violent explosion. However, Toma Kaito was still not out of danger. Being entangled at super high speed, he even faintly lost his balance in the turbulence caused by the strange bird.


Kaito Demon Touma clutched the divine light mirror in a daze, and when he looked back at the strange bird chasing after him, a red-purple light appeared in his eyes.

As a dark red current spread from the divine light mirror, the dark energy connected to Natsuki far away at the DASH base out of thin air.


"what happened?"

Natsuki was chatting with a female staff member at the base, and her eyes glowed red when she turned her head.

He has clearly separated the power of light and darkness, but he can still trigger it.

If he continues, Touma Kaito will probably be swallowed by darkness.

"It's really troublesome."

Natsuki's eyes narrowed, and she turned and left the restaurant under the suspicious gaze of the female staff.

Darkness and light are opposite to each other, but they are essentially two manifestations of the same force, and the distance is not that far apart.


Layers of dark thunderclouds suddenly appeared in the Pacific Ocean, and lightning tore through the sky.

Ruixi and members of Mutiwa piloted the No. 2 machine and prepared to cover Touma Kaito to escape, but their vision suddenly dimmed and the surrounding air became inexplicably heavy.

"What, what's wrong?"


A bolt of lightning lit up in front of the fighter plane, and a giant body of darkness and light appeared in front of the two men.

The original giant of light seemed to be infected by darkness and looked extremely painful. He was struggling in mid-air with his head in his hands.

"What happened to the giant?"

"Where's Team Kaito?"

Mizuki's breathing quickened.

The strange bird disappeared, and it seemed that only they and the giant in front of them were left in the world.

Even the communications fell into silence, and no response could be received no matter how hard they tried. The same was true for the small mothership where the captain and his team were located.


During the struggle, the giant took action, suddenly flying past the fighter plane with a pair of red eyes.


Before Unit 2 could react, it was slapped away by the giant. Its wings were broken, and it spun and fell into the sea with continuous electric sparks.


"Emergency escape!"

Ruixi didn't expect to be attacked by the giant at all. At the critical moment, he held on to the joystick to stabilize the fuselage.

The Muting team member in the rear co-pilot successfully ejected away, but something went wrong with the escape device on the main driver's side. It was stuck and there was no movement at all. Ruixi could only watch the sea getting closer and closer in his rotating field of vision.


Titan base.

In the ward of the medical center, Touma Kaito looked painful while sleeping, his heart rate accelerated, and his brain waves were also abnormally active.

The dark power has faded, but Touma Kaito is still trapped in the consciousness space.

It's dark and cold, and I don't even have a basic sense of direction...

"This is where?"

"Am I dead?"

Touma Kaito looked blankly at a bright light in the distance. After walking for a while, he encountered the tarnished transformation device "Mirror of Divine Light".

"Yes, I failed to transform successfully...but it seems that I have transformed..."

After holding the Divine Light Mirror, a picture flashed in Touma Kaito's mind.

He did transform, but it was completely different from his original intention. Not only did he not prove that Ultraman was a brave man who protected mankind, but he also hurt his teammates.

Team Ruixi might...

"How did it become like this?"

Touma Kaito trembled and looked at his hands.

"it's all my fault."


The bright light gradually approached Touma Kaito, and finally condensed into the giant form of the original light, which was elusive in appearance and reality.


Kaito Touma staggered towards the giant, but the distance could not be shortened, and no matter how he shouted, he could not get a response from the giant, as if it was just an illusion.

"Answer me, Ultraman, what should I do?"



Kaito Touma sat up suddenly on the hospital bed, looked around and realized that he was in the base medical center, also wearing hospital clothes.

"Is this a dream?"

Touma Kaito breathed a sigh of relief, then fell silent again.

At that time, he lost control and was eager to find the strange bird. Then he somehow broke away from the transformation and fell into the sea with Unit 1.

It seems that he was rescued after being discovered by his teammates.

"you're awake?"

The electronic door opened, and Captain Hijikata took Mizuki into the ward.

"how do you feel?"

"Captain?" Touma Kaito struggled to get up, staring at Mizuki who was behind Captain Hijikata, "Rui, team member Mizuki? Are you okay..."

"I was saved by a giant," Ruixi said with a serious expression. "On the other hand, you were only slightly injured in that situation. You are so lucky."


Touma Kaito looked confused.

It was clearly him who attacked Unit 2 at that time...

"Team Kaito!" Mizuki shouted, interrupting Touma Kaito's thoughts, "Do you know what you are doing? You thought that whenever you were in danger, Ultraman would appear to save you, and you wanted to prove that Ultraman Not an enemy?"

Seeing Toma Kaito's silence, Mizuki shook his head and said in disappointment: "I also believe that Ultraman is our friend, but I don't think we can rely on Ultraman for everything. Captain, I don't want to partner with Kaito in the future. Already..."

Natsuki leaned against the wall outside the ward and gently rubbed her brows in the corridor.

It seems that Touma Kaito was tricked by him, and he almost killed his future wife.

If this continues, Touma Kaito's future is hard to say...

"I'll take my leave now."

Ruixi walked out of the ward with a straight face. When he saw Natsuki, he was stunned for a moment, nodded and passed by.


Natsuki stared at Ruixi's back with a glimmer of light in her eyes.

After Touma Kaito lost control and transformed, a light fell from the sky and saved Mizuki before him. Now the aura of that light still remains on Mizuki.

Did Max give up Touma Kaito and choose Mizuki?

In this way, the future of East Malaysia Kaito will really be overturned.

After all, it is his human body. If he fails to reach the heights in TV in the end, does it mean that he is not as good as Max?

Natsuki looked at Mizuki thinking silently.

The human body and the Giant of Light achieve mutual success. Since he chose Touma Kaito, he must be responsible to the end.

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