Starting human body

Chapter 351 Planet Destroyer


Natsuki walked through the thick fog and found the communicator that Ruixi had dropped among the trees on the hillside.

The signal here was indeed strongly interfered and normal communication with the outside was no longer possible, but the screen still displayed the call information of Toma Kaito.

Speaking of Touma Kaito, this guy seemed to get lost in the fog and missed Mizuki perfectly.

Natsuki put away the communicator, ducked down behind the hillside where Ruixi rolled down, and walked straight to the cave where the aliens were hiding.

It’s really not easy to worry about.

"I'm so envious. I can go to any planet in an instant and communicate with the people on that planet."

Inside the cave, Ruixi looked at the special device in Cosam's hand longingly, sighed, and saw Cosam burst into laughter.

"What's wrong?"

"You are so naive," Kosam said amusedly, "You actually have such thoughts."

"Where is the simplicity? Wouldn't it be great to meet people on other planets and communicate with each other spiritually?" Ruixi said seriously, "Exchange knowledge, learn from each other, and then promote the progress of civilization..."

"This is where you are innocent!"

Kosam suddenly changed his expression, snorted and laughed.

"Nowadays, there are fights everywhere in every corner of the universe. Knowledge produces civilization, and civilization breeds war. This is the truth. Where is there any spiritual communication?!"


"It's the same on this planet. Human beings are constantly waging wars and destroying nature. Are you treating the earth well?"

Kosam's expression grew colder, and he turned around and drew his gun, aiming it at Ruixi.

"In a while, everything will be over. There is a bomb in the valley ahead. It will detonate when the 6 lights on the device in my hand light up..."

Ruixi's face turned pale: "Kosam! Your goal was the earth from the beginning?"

Kosam was expressionless: "So I say you are too naive. Destroying the planet and destroying all sources of destruction is my mission!"

"Missions and so on... Indeed, human beings are in all kinds of troubles, but there are still many people on earth who are innocent! Everyone is also working hard to become better..."

The fourth light of Kosam's arm and wrist device has been turned on, and it is flashing continuously in the cave. In Ruixi's eyes, it is like a reminder.

Thinking of the consequences of the destruction of civilization, Ruixi faced the gun and urged: "Why can't you trust humans? Please stop..."

"Not all cosmic beings are like Ultraman, Team Rishi."

Natsuki's figure appeared at the entrance of the cave, and his voice spread clearly.

"It's not easy to even trust between people, let alone people from the universe? Although it's a bit cruel, this is the reality of the universe, and it's just for survival."

"Consultant Gao Shu!" Ruixi looked at the entrance in shock. After finding that Xia Shu was empty-handed and alone, he shouted anxiously, "Don't come here, run away!"

Kosam subconsciously held Ruixi hostage, and when he saw that Natsuki was just an ordinary person, he immediately raised his eyebrows: "You are very knowledgeable, so don't blame me. The civilization of this planet must end here!"


As the fifth light came on, Kosam pushed Rishi towards Natsuki, then dodged and left from the other side of the cave.


Mizuki fell to the ground in pain, but couldn't care less about himself. He endured the severe pain and shouted to Natsuki: "Advisor, please inform Kaito and the others quickly, the bomb is about to explode!"

"Muting team members have already gone to the bomb, but I'm afraid they don't have time to deal with it."

Xia Shu senses the alien and follows him out of the cave.

"I'll come back to you later."

"how so?"

Ruixi pressed her hands and feet in pain, knowing very well that it would be difficult for DASH to handle this situation.

"Please, even just once..."


Almost at the same time that Natsuki walked out of the cave, a burst of light suddenly erupted from behind. Mizuki endured the severe pain in his legs and struggled to hold Max Spark on his arm.


Strictly speaking, Max's mission does not include helping the earth save mankind. The purpose of using Ruixi's body to move around is to conduct investigations on the ground.

It is up to Max to decide whether to interfere specifically.

Obviously this time Max recognized Ruixi's request and would intervene even if he stopped the investigation mission.


Natsuki paused slightly, and when he turned around, Ultraman Max's giant body had fallen into the valley where the capsule bomb was.

Probably due to Ruixi's influence, one of Max's legs seemed to be lame, and it was very difficult for him to even carefully pick up the capsule bomb.

"Giant No. 2!"

Everyone in DASH was attracted by the giant figure of Max, but before they could be happy, a strong wind suddenly blew up in the valley.


Max grabbed the capsule bomb and turned around cautiously.

After the storm dissipated, Kosam took shape as a giant warrior, also in human form, like an armored Amazon mythical statue.

Red eyes, wild and mysterious.

Natsuki stepped onto the mountain facing the strong wind. Instead of intervening, he decided to take a look at the situation first.

This alien is different from ordinary monsters and spacemen. It relies on the power of arm and wrist devices to increase its fighting power. Its main combat power also comes from technological equipment. It is a good idea to collect data in advance.

And he is also curious about Max's current strength.

Although Max had appeared once before, he was not present at the time and did not obtain Max's data.

"It's scary——!"

In the valley, Max still tried to negotiate, but was caught off guard and was suddenly blown away by Kosam, followed by a series of explosive light bombs that suppressed him.

Max, who has inconvenient legs, has no backhand power and can only protect the capsule bomb. It is impossible to take him away from the earth.

At the Titan base, Captain Hijikata watched the live transmission nervously, and became increasingly anxious after seeing Max's poor performance.

"There's no time, it's probably less than 3 minutes until the explosion..."

"Unit 2, cover Ultraman quickly!"


At the Chaowu Mountain site, Mu Ting and Sheen immediately took off in DASH2. After receiving the order, they quickly adjusted their direction and launched continuous missiles at Kosam, who was attacking Max.

"call out!"

The missile dragged a long tail flame towards the valley, but at the last moment it was stopped in mid-air by Kosam's wave.

"No way?!"

Not only the missiles, but the No. 2 machine itself also lost control. The alarm blared and it dived towards Kosam, about to collide with the many missiles it launched.

"Damn it!"

"Can't manipulate anymore!"

"Bang bang bang!"

There were a series of explosions over the valley, and a bright light flashed in the white mist, and DASH 2 landed safely on the other side of the valley.



Max was half-kneeling on the ground with the red light flashing. He looked up at the giant No. 1 who had rescued the DASH fighter plane across from him while gasping for pain, and his figure gradually faded away.


While Touma Kaito positioned his fighter plane, he quickly turned around to prop up the barrier and blocked Kosam's subsequent light bullet attack.

At this time, Max's strange behavior was noticed by him, but before he could help, he saw the light group converge again, revealing the collapsed figure of Ruixi.

"It's Team Ruixi!"

"Bang bang!"

After two more bombs landed next to Touma Kaito, Kosam reached out to grab the capsule bomb first.

"There's still 1 minute until the explosion!"

Everyone in DASH sweated and looked at the battlefield.

There is only one minute to decide the fate of human civilization. Just disposing of the bomb may not be enough, and there are people from the universe who are blocking it... "Scared!"

In desperation, Touma Kaito moved at high speed and punched, but Cosam, who was also moving at high speed, dodged and jumped into the air. With a flaw in his back exposed, Cosam trapped him with a laser rope and threw him into the sky.

Not only did he lose his ability to move, he also became a target like a kite.

A sense of fatal crisis surged into Touma Kaito's heart.


"Bang bang!"

The pulse beat suddenly twice, and Touma Kaito was stunned. He suddenly found that the time around him had stopped, and it seemed that he had returned to the time when he first merged with the light. The giant of light stood in front of him like a small sun.



Natsuki lowered his head and glanced down, directly integrating into the giant body dominated by consciousness.

This time the enemy is somewhat capable, but the current Touma Kaito is not able to deal with it.

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