Starting human body

Chapter 352 Touma Kaito: I want to become stronger


Natsuki's body teleported away from the restraints in an instant, and he leaped to the ground and landed behind Kosam.



Kosam turned around in shock. Just as he was about to move at high speed, his vision was filled with a blade of light, and his chest was directly penetrated by a high-frequency light blade.

The giant before me...


Cosam faced the giant who coldly sheathed his sword in pain. He clutched his chest and staggered back a few steps. Then he fell down weakly and shrunk among the valley trees and returned to his cosmic form.

The life-support device on the chest exploded with electricity, the pipes shattered, and a mixture of green blood and blue liquid flowed across the ground.

It's about to end...

Perhaps it was an omen when he was injured inexplicably during space teleportation, but he didn't expect that his end point would be such an ordinary low-level planet.


Kosam's body was shaking violently, and in the last moments of his life, the only memory that emerged was the brief time he spent with Ruixi in the cave.

Kosam's face changed as he coughed hard. He struggled and used his last strength to reach out and press on the arm and wrist device, ending the bomb program that entered the countdown to explosion.



Ruixi stumbled to find the woods, and his eyes were filled with tears after seeing Kosam who had almost lost all his life.

"I don't regret saving you, even if you are the destroyer of civilization," Ruixi choked and grabbed Kosam's right hand, which was opening and closing his lips, and said with tears in the corners of his eyes, "There must be a way to make all planets and civilizations coexist. Civilizations will not be cancer!"

Kosam's eyes were distracted and he raised his hand to wipe Ruixi's tears: "Forgive me..."

The life-support device completely lost its response. After Cosam forced a smile, he finally lowered his arms and closed his eyes.


In the woods behind, Kaito the Touma walked out slowly, looking at Mizuhi who was burying his head in tears, with a complex expression on his face, and he opened his mouth, feeling a bit at a loss.

Natsuki stood next to Touma Kaito silently, frowning slightly at the level of sight.

Obnoxious cries and tears.

How come there is a sense of déjà vu that he is the villain?

After coming to Max's time and space, he didn't mind changing some endings, like saving Pigmon, but even if it happened again this time, he wouldn't care whether the alien lived or died.

"Come on slowly."

Natsuki and Touma Kaito looked at each other, patted Touma Kaito on the shoulder and left the scene first.

"No," Toma Kaito followed confusedly, "Consultant, why do you look like you know everything? I'm not doing anything wrong? I'm really not doing anything..."

"I know."


Natsuki suddenly stopped and glanced again at Mizuki who was crying beside the alien's body.

Just now he vaguely sensed Max's observing gaze.

If possible, he hopes that Max can leave the earth so as not to affect his power of light plan.

It just seems a bit unlikely.

It was for him that Max chose to come to the ground.

Xia Shu looked slightly helpless.

Maybe it's the so-called fate problem. Every time and space you go to, you seem to attract hostility, and you have to be questioned if you do good deeds. Even now, it is not fully recognized by the Kingdom of Light in the main universe.

According to Zero, the Elders of the Kingdom of Light still think he is a dangerous person.

The problem is that he can't refute it yet.

He does possess the power of darkness at the level of a big boss, and the Divine Light Mirror seems to be a dark artifact, and he has a history of darkness and loss of control.

Unless you join the Kingdom of Light or are monitored by the Kingdom of Light, a dangerous person cannot escape.

Without the suppression of the Ultra King, S+ is enough to pose a life-and-death threat to the Kingdom of Light. After all, the only Ultra Father who can reach this level of combat power still has old injuries, Zero's strength is unstable, and the new generation of Ultra Ultra Generally not grown up, there is only one Galaxy Victory, and Uub, who is pretty strong, has an ambiguous relationship with Natsuki.

Now that the main universe has experienced a super-universe war caused by Beria, Zero was injured, and King Ultra also lost news. I don’t know what the Kingdom of Light is thinking...

Natsuki gradually gathered her thoughts and glanced at Touma Kaito, who was silently lost.

No matter what, the most important thing is to upgrade the power of light to S+ first.

As long as you are strong enough, it doesn't matter what others think of you.

"Consultant Takashu," Touma Kaito stopped talking and hesitated, "If... I mean, if, consultant, you become Ultraman, how can you quickly improve your combat effectiveness?"

"I became Ultraman?"

Natsuki looked strange.

He doesn't have much demand for Touma Kaito's fighting power, but he won't hide it if the human body wants to become stronger.

"If I were Ultraman, of course I would first learn combat skills through training and improve my combat experience. Human combat skills will not completely lose their effectiveness when dealing with monsters, and training can also improve physical fitness."

"Physical fitness?"

Kaito Touma muttered to himself.

He knew all Ultraman's fighting moves, and even experienced Ultraman's flying kick once, but he couldn't use it, perhaps because he had no training.

Ultraman is Ultraman, he is him...

"I understand, thank you, Advisor Takashu." Touma Kaito cheered up again. .

"You're welcome."

Natsuki took out the terminal to check the time and found that Mizuki's communicator was still in his hand, so he handed it to Touma Kaito.

"This is Team Ruixi's personal terminal. Please return it to her when you return."

Touma Kaito's face was stiff. After a pause, he still took the communicator sheepishly: "I will do it."

DASH Titan Base.

Touma Kaito and his teammates gathered in the command room. After seeing Mizuki coming back from the medical center with a cane, he still avoided looking at Mizuki.

"team leader."

Mizuki took a deep look at Touma Kaito, took a deep breath and bowed his head to Captain Hijikata to admit his mistake.

"I'm sorry. It's my responsibility to put humans in danger this time. I should have reported it immediately..."

"Yes, it should be reported. It is indeed your fault that so many things have happened," Hijikata interrupted, "But I don't think your judgment is completely wrong. You want to trust people from the universe, although it is a pity that it ended unfortunately. , but you must never lose your desire to trust others..."

Natsuki stood next to Ellie and checked the information report, and her brows moved slightly when she heard this.

It was true that Max chose Touma Kaito on TV, but the more suitable candidate was indeed Mizuki.

It's not that Touma Kaito is not good, it's just that Kaito needs to grow more, and this growth is inseparable from Mizuki.

These require careful consideration.

How can we ensure that Kaito grows up normally and reaches or even exceeds the achievements in TV...

"Consultant Gao Shu?" Ellie shouted in confusion, "Regarding the investigation report on Ultraman No. 1, is this okay?"

"Okay," Natsuki nodded, "I personally think Ultraman is a cosmic person who can be trusted, but humans can't rely too much on Ultraman. We need to measure it ourselves."

"Okay, the report materials have been compiled and sent to Chief Tomioka."

Ellie's expressionless, delicate face tried her hand, and finally smiled sweetly at Natsuki.

"Ellie also thinks Ultraman is trustworthy."

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