Starting human body

Chapter 357 Balaji Bluestone

"Sakata Yuichi, the first person to study the ancient Silk Road, discovered the ruins of the ancient Balaji country in the desert..."

"After interpreting the stone slabs excavated from the ruins, Professor Sakata announced that Balaji was not destroyed by the earthquake, but by the mysterious creature Antonla..."

"The prophecy from the Balaji civilization was left on the stone, warning that Antonla would awaken in 4,000 years and destroy modern civilization."

Natsuki kept flipping through the web information, and finally only left a file page of Sakata Yuichi.

Yuichi Sakata, who made his remarks, was ostracized and rejected by the academic community. He died at home in depression five years ago. Now he has only one daughter working at the Institute of Archeology.

Balaji’s follow-up archaeological work continues, but no one believes in the prophecy of the tablets...

Natsuki continued to pull up Sakata's daughter's file and frowned slightly.

It is clear what happened to Anton La, but the Sakata father and daughter and Balaji Qingshi can only rely on him to investigate on his own.

It looks like I need to make a special trip.

The next day.

Komiya Kita Institute of Archeology.

Xia Shu walked along the steps into the museum. Staff members passed by in twos and threes, and from time to time she heard people discussing archaeological remains.

His current identity is also an archaeological expert, but he has no connection with the Archaeological Association or the archaeological academic community.

If he hadn't traveled through the Ultra Universe, maybe he would have worked hard to study academics like these people, right?

Originally, he would definitely not be a warrior, but would choose to become a scholar.

Natsuki walked around and unknowingly arrived at the institute's archives library.

There were many people gathered around the administrator's office. The administrator in the middle was sweating profusely while operating the computer. You could hear people complaining from the side.

"When does the computer break down? It's really unlucky that it breaks down at this time."

"I'm in a hurry too!"

"There's nothing we can do, everyone," the administrator wiped his sweat. "The system has crashed. If you're in a hurry, just go look for it on the bookshelf..."

"When will this be found?"

The books in the library cannot be compared with the municipal library, but it also has two floors. There are much more materials in the same category than ordinary libraries, and each book is very thick. Without a computer, searching is purely manual. If you are not lucky, you will waste a day. It's not impossible.

"Do you need my help?" Natsuki interjected, "I know a little bit about computers."

"Who are you?" The administrator looked confused and found that Xia Shu was very strange.

"Gao Shuling is also an archaeologist." Xia Shu handed over his business card and said.

"Gao Shuling?" Someone unexpectedly called out, "Is it the Gao Shuling who published a paper on monster archeology? I heard that he was specially hired by UDF as a monster consultant."

"He's just a civilian archaeologist..."

"very young."

"Let me take a look." Xia Shu didn't pay attention to everyone's comments and took the initiative to go to the management computer to check.

Of course he is proficient in computer technology as he masters virtual technology. It's just that the library management system crashed, which can be solved with a few tricks.

Of course, the main reason is that he also needs to find information now, and would be too lazy to meddle in other times.


Natsuki quickly cracked the code modification and restored the system to normal in almost a blink of an eye, while also retrieving Balaji's information.

“The system is outdated and it’s better to just replace it with a new management system.”

"Is this okay?"

The administrator stared blankly at the system recovery, and didn't react until Xia Shu retrieved information and left.


"The UDF is also interested in the Balaji ruins?"

"The 4000-year prophecy seems to be this year, maybe it has something to do with this."

"Are you saying that Antonla will destroy modern civilization? The prophecy made 4,000 years ago is too ridiculous. At that time, Balaji didn't even know what modern civilization was like. After all, Balaji was just a small ancient kingdom. That’s all…”

Xia Shu calmly walked to the bookshelf and took out the books he needed to read. Some of them were information that could be found on the Internet, and some were unique to the Archaeological Research Institute.

Because of computer search, Xia Shu found Balaji's latest information directly.

When investigating Balaji again last year, the archaeological team found the missing part of the stone slab excavated by Professor Sakata. It was recorded that when the devil appears again, it can be repelled with the Balaji bluestone brought by the God of Noah.

Natsuki continued to look through the information.

Although he is called "God of Noah", there is no trace of Noah at all in the picture record, only a giant that looks like Ultraman.

A page of content has also been updated in "Taiping Fengtu Ji", but it only shows the scene of Anton La's destruction, which is not much different from the archaeological data.

After all, this ancient book only records legends and stories, not a complete restoration of history.

"Are you Gao Shu, UDF's consultant?" A OL-shaped woman with a ponytail came to the library, "What do you want from me?"

Natsuki raised his head and felt a strong negative energy when he met the woman's gaze. He could faintly see the scene of Yuichi Sakata's death.

"Dad, I will never forgive you for bringing this world to your knees. Sooner or later, they will pay the price..."

"What's going on?" The woman frowned and avoided Xia Shu's eyes unnaturally.

"Hello, Miss Yuri Sakata."

Natsuki stood up and shook hands.

"As for your father, I think the prophecy is true, so I want to talk to you."

"What else is there to talk about now?" Sakata Yuri's eyes were angry and he had no intention of shaking hands. "Dad is already dead!"

"Don't you want to clear your father's name?"

Natsuki retracted his hand angrily.

"If your father is still here, you probably don't want to let Anton La destroy modern civilization."

"That was dad's idea," Yuri Sakata turned and left. "Anton La was sent by the will of the earth to punish humans. Human beings' shallow intelligence cannot defeat the will of the earth... Sorry, I still have a job."

"If monsters are the will of the earth, what do humans mean?"

Natsuki called out to Yuri Sakata.

"Human beings have needed to fight nature since their birth and rely on their own hands to protect themselves. It is the same now. Anton La is just another disaster that humans need to face. If you change your mind, come to me. I know how. Deal with it."

Yuri Sakata paused at the door. When he turned around hesitantly, Natsuki could no longer be found, as if he had disappeared from the library out of thin air.

A drop of cold sweat flowed from the woman's forehead.

No one else in the museum seemed to notice the conversation just now, except for a few people who looked at her strangely.

People, where are people?

Sakata Yuri's eyes trembled, and he hurried back to the research room. After regaining his composure, he took out a small bluestone wrapped in ancient fabric from the desk drawer.

The bluestone scatters a charming luster under weak light, reflecting on the fabric pattern below, as if it can recreate the ancient Balaji civilization.

Sakata Yuri choked up and said: "Dad..."


Natsuki Quantum Move walked behind Sakata Yuri, thinking about the Balaji bluestone on the table.

It was actually in the hands of this woman.

But it was too small and looked more like bluestone fragments.

Natsuki turned his eyes away and turned to the sad Yuri Sakata, opened his mouth, and disappeared from the silent laboratory after seeing the tears falling.


I've been reading a lot of novels recently, but I don't seem to have gained much.

I would like to recommend the novel "A Knight Begins from the Sky" to a book friend, but I have always forgotten to recommend it.

I haven’t had time to watch it yet, but as a fan of Kuuga, I’d still like to support it. I loved Kouga so much when I was a kid.

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