Starting human body

Chapter 358 Magnetic Monster Antonla


Natsuki walked through the busy commercial street with the Ningyoyaki she bought in line, and found a bench by the square to sit down.

The patrol figures of Touma Kaito and Mizuki flashed in his mind.

Kaito gradually grew up and no longer needed his constant attention, which made him seem a bit idle.


Natsuki's consciousness sank into the Divine Light Mirror Universe.

There were more than a dozen monsters on the wasteland planet, but there was no trouble.

On the one hand, the land reclamation planet is vast enough, and on the other hand, Pigmon manages it well and does not allow conflicts between monsters.

After the territory was allocated, most of the monsters chose to sleep underground in the lair, with only a few juvenile monsters moving around.

not enough.

These are far from enough to give birth to consciousness on the planet.

"Brother," a clear childish voice called back Xia Shu's thoughts, "Why are you here alone?"

Natsuki opened her eyes and made clear eye contact with a little girl.

"Brother is just taking a rest."

"Where is Big Brother's family?"

The girl asked curiously, but before she got a reply, she heard shouting from the intersection of the square, and a casual man wearing glasses appeared in Xia Shu's field of vision.

"Shizuka, don't run around!"


The girl trotted happily and threw herself into the man's arms.

It was only then that Natsuki discovered that a family event was being held in the square, and there was something special about him sitting alone in silence.

Let's go back.


Just when Xia Shu was about to leave, the ground suddenly shook violently, and the surrounding high-rise buildings collapsed in the sand and dust. The earth tore apart the earth and rocks and spewed out at high speed like a flood.


"Run away!"

Xia Shu steadied her body and looked at the ground facing the people who were fleeing in panic.

A beetle-like monster appeared in Natsuki's senses, like a combination of a stag beetle and a rhinoceros, traveling all the way from the ground, radiating a large number of strong magnetic field storms around it.

The magnetic monster Antonla.

Why did it appear so quickly?

"hold head high!"

As Anton La arrived at the bottom of the square, the entire square was divided into two parts from the middle. The ground was completely sandy and sank, and at the same time, sand and gravel were continuously sprayed out.


Screams were heard frequently all around, but Natsuki couldn't care too much.

This monster has not officially launched an attack yet. It just wakes up and moves underground, otherwise the destructive power will be even greater.


Natsuki took out his personal terminal, but there was no signal at all due to the magnetic storm.

Do you want him to deal with Anton La directly?

He is not a human nanny, and he really doesn’t want to take action until the critical moment...


In the chaos, the little girl's voice sounded again. Natsuki barely stood firm, paused for a moment, and followed the voice to see that the girl and the man were about to be buried by a sandstorm.


The light of the divine light mirror lit up. After Natsuki moved to the father and daughter at high speed, a circle of luminous film covered the two of them and moved them to a safe area instantly.

"Bang bang!"

Several cars crashed down, triggering bursts of explosions. At the same time, a plane passing above also lost control and hit the ground. The huge engine buzz suppressed everyone's shouts for an instant. The shadow before the impact along with Natsuki Covered together.

Crying, sobbing, screaming... not only the people on the ground, but also the inside of the plane was in chaos, with almost no chance of escape.

Natsuki looked up at the plane that was getting closer and closer, and waves of telekinesis unfolded. While isolating the magnetic storm and allowing the plane to regain control, the telekinesis focused on suppressing the underground riot and driving away the magnetic monster Anton La.


The strong wind stirred up the dust, and the plane passed over everyone's heads. It was lifted out of danger in time, but Xia Shu's face also turned pale.

This is not how transcendent telekinesis should be used.

Simply using the human body to output telekinesis like this has exceeded the human body's ability to withstand it. If he hadn't already reached the 6th level and was heading towards the 7th level, I'm afraid it wouldn't be much better than the human body.

"hold head high!"

Underground Antonla was alarmed and quickly sank away from the square and fled to the suburbs.

After a wave of near-miss disasters, the earthquake subsided. Although the magnetic storm still existed, there was no life-threatening danger.

The fleeing crowd reacted and looked confusedly at the streets that suddenly returned to calm. A huge pit of sand and gravel appeared at the place where the tremor first started. Surrounded by large areas of buildings buried in sand and gravel, the wind that blew from time to time also carried sand. , as if traveling to a Middle Eastern country.


Natsuki half-knelt and supported the wall, large beads of sweat fell from his face, and he was panting hard. Fortunately, he returned to normal after a while.

After looking around and realizing that the father and daughter were safe, Natsuki held onto the wall and left the scene immediately, leaving only an afterimage as he moved at high speed.

Unlike Max, he cannot look at the monster incident as a bystander.

No matter what, after all, there is a living life in front of him, a human being like him.


"Shizuka!" The man hugged his daughter tightly and shed tears for the rest of his life. "It's okay. Dad is here. It's okay..."


The girl poked her head out of her father's arms and looked doubtfully at the ruined walls where dust and mist were drifting.

"Big brother is gone."

"Big brother?" The man was stunned, picked up his daughter and looked around at the hellish disaster scene, "Don't be afraid, big brother just went to another world."

Komiya Kita Archaeological Research Institute.

Yuri Sakata only heard about the monster destruction from his colleagues.

Although the power equipment was affected by the magnetic storm and could not be used, someone still photographed Antonla's monster body in the suburbs.

"It's really Antonla."

Yuri Sakata was in a complicated mood, clutching the wrapped Balaji bluestone and crying alone in the research room.

"Dad, your interpretation is correct and the prediction is true. You did not sensationalize or deliberately create panic..."

Natsuki appeared at the door of the research room, glanced at Yuri Sakata and said, "Can you go out with me? I'll take you somewhere."

Yuri Sakata woke up with a start, subconsciously put away the bluestone, and his eyes shrank when he found it was Natsuki.

This Gaoshu consultant could be said to be the only archaeological expert who believed in her father before Antonla appeared.

Biting his lower lip, Yuri Sakata couldn't help but follow Natsuki.

The area affected by the earthquake was not large. What really affected Tokyo was the magnetic storm, which even affected the DASH Titan base in the bay.

Now the entire capital area has entered a state of lockdown. There are no vehicles on the streets, the airport is closed, and people only use bicycles to travel except walking.

Natsuki borrowed a bicycle and took Yuri Sakata to ride to the square where the incident occurred, leaving Yuri Sakata to check the rescue scene in person.

"This is Antonla's destruction, and it's only the beginning."

Natsuki groaned.

"In my opinion, there is no will of the earth at all. No matter what the environment is, the earth will always be the earth, and what really matters is human beings.

Would your father want to see this before he dies? "


"Answer me after you think it through."

Natsuki interrupted Yuri Sakata to respond, and calmly turned to look at the Titan base on the bay.

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