Starting human body

Chapter 360 Jayton’s Daughter

"Thank you so much……"

"I finally understand my father's work and am planning to go to the Balaji ruins again next month. I heard that a new Balaji bluestone was discovered there..."

Natsuki opened the envelope, glanced at it, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Just a thank you note.

"Balaji Bluestone?" Touma Kaito glanced at the content of the letter and asked blankly, "Is this Balaji ruins the civilization that was destroyed by Antonla in the past?"

"That's right."

Natsuki folded the letter again after reading it.

"Yuri Sakata is the daughter of Professor Sakata who died five years ago. The key to dealing with Anton La is actually a piece of Balaji bluestone in her hand."

"So that's it."

Touma Kaito nodded suddenly.

"No wonder that time... ahem, I'm suddenly very hungry. I'd better eat something first."

Touma Kaito almost spilled the beans but was caught by Mizuki. After he realized what he said, he quickly changed his words with a dry smile.

"Would you like dessert, counselor?"

"No, I'll go buy it outside."

Natsuki looked back at the two men leaving in a hurry.

He and Max haven't had much contact yet, but the two human bodies are honest with each other.

I hope it won't affect his plan for the power of light.

After putting away the envelope, Natsuki stood up holding the finished plate.

Although he said he was going to go shopping, he had a more important thing to deal with now.

Just enter the Divine Light Mirror to reclaim the planet and place Anton La there.

This magnetic monster is different from other monsters. It is fine to stay in the desert area. If it runs around casually, it will cause great damage to the wasteland planet.


Divine Light Mirror Universe.

Natsuki walked out of the light door and entered a vast desert on the planet continent. After confirming that there were no other monsters nearby, he reached out and took out the Antonla doll.


The wind and sand blew among the undulating yellow sand dunes, and it was dead silent and desolate. There was not even a plant. The summer tree standing on the sand dunes seemed to be the only one in the world.

Red and black energy emerged from Natsuki's hands, and the Antonla doll wrapped in silence flew into the air, and finally materialized not far away.


Antonla landed with a roar, looked around and then quickly sank into the sand dunes to hide his body.

He is much weaker than before, but he is much calmer and more honest, and has no thoughts of moving around.

Natsuki's eyes fluctuated, and he stayed there to observe for a while, then passed through the light gate again and returned to the Titan base.

There was not much difference in the speed of time between the two sides, so the round trip did not waste much time. However, just as Natsuki was preparing to go ashore to the city, UDF suddenly initiated a high-level meeting.

"Consultant Gao Shu!"

Captain Hijikata met Natsuki in the passage, nodded and entered the conference room with a serious look on his face.

Natsuki was stunned for a moment when he saw this.

Antonla's time has just ended, there shouldn't be anything big going on now, right?

Like the last meeting, Chief Tomioka was still sitting at the top, but he seemed to be in a good mood, and the smile on his face was in sharp contrast to Captain Hijikata.

"What happened?"

"That's a good thing," Tomioka waved to Natsuki and couldn't wait to explain, "In order to defend against invasion from space, newly developed surveillance satellites are now installed in space all over the world, and they will be officially put into use soon. There will be 32 satellites for real-time monitoring, forming a protective network covering the earth 360 degrees."

"Protective network?" Hijikata said in astonishment, "Is this what today's meeting is about?"

"This is a major event related to the future of mankind," Tomioka glanced at Hijikata strangely and said, "Because it is related to DASH's future work, I specially called you here."

"Does this mean that DASH will no longer need to patrol in the future?" Hijikata stared at the big screen projection.

“Theoretically, this is the case,” the liaison officer explained. “In addition to detecting alien invasions, these satellites can also automatically track. As long as they can capture the whereabouts of enemies in the distant universe, DASH can attack enemies in the atmosphere even if they are deployed in an emergency. You don’t have to fight on home soil every time.”

"The areas monitored by satellites No. 6 to 9 are under the jurisdiction of our DASH, Captain Hijikata, remember to arrange your work when you go back." Tomioka reminded.

"I see."

After the meeting, Natsuki followed Captain Hijikata out of the conference room.

It seems that UDF built the satellite protection network in the middle of TV, Jayden appeared, and then Max got the powerful weapon "Max Galaxy".

The BUG-level monster he has been waiting for will also appear soon.

"Captain, Advisor Gao Shu!"

Touma Kaito, Mizuki and the others quickly headed to the hangar, and almost collided with Hijikata at the entrance of the passage.

"Is the meeting over?"

"What are you..."

"Three small meteorites fell in the city. We are going to go to the scene to investigate."

"Meteorites?" Hijikata frowned, "If the protective net is established, these meteorites can be dealt with in advance... You go over to check the situation first, and try to be careful. This is a special period."


"3 small meteorites..."

Xia Shu watched everyone move out, and his previous experiences in the universe flashed through his mind.

Calculating the time, it should be the meteorite where the three strange cats are hiding.

It was a coincidence. If it had been a step later, it would have been destroyed in the atmosphere.

"What's wrong?" Hijikata saw Natsuki's eyes and asked cautiously, "Is there anything wrong with the meteorite?"

"No, let's wait until the investigation results come out."

Natsuki collected her thoughts.

The strange cat's special ability to cause amnesia in living beings will cause chaos, but its destructive power is not as much as that of an ordinary monster, so there is no need for him to worry about it.

Touma Kaito can handle it.

In the afternoon, after Natsuki went to Nihonbashi and queued up to buy special desserts, she stopped by a friendly ramen shop for dinner.

This place was not far from one of the places where the meteorite fell, but he didn't plan to go there.

Although the influence of strange cats is still fermenting, there is no need to worry about being infected for the time being, but there is no guarantee of an accident.

Anyone can lose their memory, but not him.

Not worried about losing combat effectiveness, but worried about losing control and destroying the earth.

It's better to be careful.

"Boss, check out."

Natsuki took out the money and walked to the counter. When she saw the bald figure inside, she had the illusion of seeing Obik for a moment.

"Customer?" The store manager woke up Natsuki and said, "There is still 200 yen left."

"oh oh."

Natsuki came to his senses and took out a 100 yen coin from his pocket.

Oops, I accidentally ran out of money.

There aren't many places to use money at ordinary times. All I have in reserve are general supplies for all time and space. I exchanged some cash last time.

In the end, they were all spent on buying dolls and burning them.

Why didn’t you receive your UDF salary when you came out?

"If you can," a girl in kimono stretched out her hand towards Natsuki and handed out a 100 yen coin with a smile, "Take it and use it."

"Thank you," Xia Shu paused for a moment, "I'll pay it back to you next time... Are you a nearby resident?"

"I'm a trainee teacher in a kindergarten over there."

The girl was slender and leaned slightly behind her. She held up a parasol and walked out of the ramen shop. The sound of clogs on the ground gradually faded away.

"It's Natsumi," the store owner sighed. "This kid is still so kind, but his life is a bit miserable."

"Bitter life?"

"I watched her grow up. When she was only 8 years old, she had to go to school, take care of her sick mother, and get up every morning to deliver newspapers."

The shop owner shook his head and sighed.

"It's a pity that Mrs. Oda left when she was 14 years old, leaving her to live alone."

Natsuki's eyes flickered.

A miserable life experience is nothing to him. What matters to him is the girl's body.

There is some kind of energy reaction in the girl's body that does not belong to humans on earth. It seems that some kind of power is awakening and constantly eroding the girl's body.

At night.

The old wooden house of the Oda family has been around for many years, and it does not look like a place where young people live.

Natsuki walked through the courtyard alley bathed in the moonlight and stopped outside the narrow door.

A black shadow flickered between the indoor doors and windows, and the light flickered on and off, as if something was approaching the sleeping Oda Natsumi.


The girl opened her eyes, sat up suddenly and looked around. Her eyes tightened when she saw the black shadow condensed into the figure of the Jetton star.

"It's you, didn't you promise not to come again? Please come back!"

"You are the magical girl that I created in ten thousand years," the Jetonian looked down at the girl and said, "I came to this planet ten thousand years ago, and then injected Jeton's nano-genetic factors into a human being. Human beings continued to reproduce, and Jayton The Dun genetic factor will also grow accordingly, and now you are the one who inherits the direct genetic factor, Oda Natsumi."

"Are you kidding me?" The girl looked directly at the Jeton star, clutched the sheets and said, "I have Jeton genetic factors in my body?!"

"Haha," Star Jayton said with a smile, "Do you still remember what happened ten years ago? The girl with super powers suddenly returned to normal. In fact, it was because the growth of genetic factors failed at that time, but this time it will definitely succeed, and you will become a hero. Dun’s daughter!”

The Jeton star twisted and turned into darkness and pounced on Natsumi Oda.


"Is Miss Natsumi at home?"

Natsuki knocked on the wooden door at the right time to scare away the Jettons. After shouting, Natsumi Oda opened the door with a worried look.

"Is it you?" Natsumi Oda held on to the door frame and asked in surprise after seeing Natsuki's face clearly, "What's the matter?"

"Thanks to you for what happened during the day, I bought some gifts."

Natsuki brought a bag of fruit to Natsumi Oda.

"You seem to look bad, are you okay?"

"It's okay," Oda Natsumi said with her smile restored, "Actually, it's me who should say thank you."

Xia Shu glanced around the room, and after sensing the aura of the Jeton star, he took out a business card and said: "Tokyo is not peaceful recently. If you need anything, just contact me directly."

"DASH Special Advisor?" Natsumi Oda took the business card blankly, "You work at DASH?"

"Working at UDF to be precise."

Xia Shu withdrew his gaze, said goodbye calmly and left.

Natsumi Oda has undoubtedly become the object of possession by the Jettons.

It took tens of thousands of years to get a human body that could be combined... I don't know what the Jettons were thinking.

But speaking of words, the Jeton itself is indeed pitifully weak. It relies entirely on Jeton as a weapon to exert its power, and it is estimated that it does not have the ability to directly possess people.

Natsuki's figure melted into the darkness, looking up into the universe.

By capturing Jeton's aura, the monster Jeton still left in the universe also entered Natsuki's perception.

Sure enough, when it comes to the Max Jeddon time period, East Malaysia Kaito alone is unlikely to be an opponent. Will it become Max's performance stage next?

If Ultraman Jeno still gives Max weapons like in TV, the gap between Kaito Touma and Max will further widen. Unless he also dominates the fight like Max.


In the space of light, Natsuki raised his hand to grab the active dark sword light group.

Judging from his performance on TV, it is difficult for him to judge what level of weapon "Max Galaxy" is and how it compares to his Dark Sword.

When it's weak, it loses battles with monsters, but when it's strong, it can form the Galaxy Sword.

The main function should be increase.


The Dark Sword seemed to be responding and suddenly made a buzzing sound.

As Xia Shu focused her sight, the light ball in her hand gradually transformed from gray-black to a soft light with a touch of blue-green.

It’s a bit inappropriate to continue calling the Sword of Darkness, it looks more like a Holy Sword of Light.

Good guy.

Is the Sword of Darkness influenced by Touma Kaito?

No, it has something to do with the Balaji bluestone that was swallowed before.

The "God of Noah" as the residents of Balaji call him may not be the legendary Ultraman Noah, but he is at least a strong warrior of light. Bluestone is not an ordinary material and has the ability to transform and amplify light.

Natsuki checked the Divine Light Mirror information again and found that the part about the Sword of Darkness had indeed changed.

Weapon: Divine Light Sword (S) [Transformation, Absorption Shield, Thunder Blade, Phantom, Breakthrough, Space Jump, Dark Armor, Balaji Bluestone Fragment].

Is this a whitewash?

But the essence obviously hasn't changed.

Natsuki's expression was subtle, and he slashed forward with the divine light sword transformed into a katana. Suddenly, a red crescent light blade expanded and shot out, crashing into the light space barrier.

Dark power can still be inspired.

The only thing that has changed is that he is equally friendly to the power of light, which has improved a bit compared to the past.

This can be regarded as indirectly increasing Toma Kaito's strength.


Natsuki's thoughts turned, and the next moment the Divine Light Sword turned into a pair of silver armor and was worn on his body. It was slightly similar to Zero's ultimate armor, but it was not as bulky, and the existence of the armor could hardly be felt in his movements.

If the dark armor represents terror, this silver armor has become the embodiment of light, at least it will not be directly regarded as a villain.

Bluestone not only improves the material of the Dark Sword, but also adds other hidden properties.

Thinking of the news about Balaji Bluestone mentioned by Yuri Sakata in his letter, Natsuki felt that he should also go and find out the situation.

A piece of bluestone fragment will not improve much. Maybe it will be qualitatively changed if it is fused more.

"Go ahead."

Natsuki let go of the divine light sword which turned into a ball of light again.

After things in Tokyo are over, I have to take time to visit the Balaji ruins.

The next day.

Titan base.

After having breakfast as usual, Natsuki took a nap by the floor-to-ceiling window of the restaurant facing the sea. After drinking a glass of milk comfortably, his eyes suddenly focused and he noticed a familiar figure walking towards the base on the coast.

Purple patterned kimono, parasol...

Natsumi Oda's perfect figure came into Natsuki's eyes.

Strictly speaking, Natsumi Oda at this moment is no longer a human being, and is not even Natsumi Oda herself.

The way of possession by the Jeton is very special. Because of the Jeton nanogene, Oda Natsumi is equivalent to having a Jeton clone in her body, which can invisibly dominate consciousness.

Natsuki tapped her finger on the table.

Women are indeed troublesome.

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