Starting human body

Chapter 361 Natsumi Oda

DASH command room.

When Natsuki saw many team members, Natsumi Oda had already left the base.

It is said that she met Professor Yoshinaga as Zeton's daughter and specifically issued a warning about the space Zeton attack.

"Ten years ago, Natsumi Oda attracted worldwide attention as a girl with super powers. Scholars from various fields participated in research to find the secret of Natsumi's super powers. At that time, I was also one of the researchers responsible for Natsumi Oda."

Professor Yoshinaga recalled.

"But in the end, Natsumi suddenly turned back into an ordinary girl. After a brief period of unconsciousness, she lost her superpowers. This research was also forced to be terminated. Now superpowers seem to have appeared again."

"Consultant Takaki," Captain Hijikata asked, "do you know this Miss Natsumi?"

"We just met once."

Xia Shu faced everyone's gaze and said.

"Miss Natsumi's superpowers should come from the Jetons. I accidentally overheard a conversation between the Jetons and her, saying that Miss Natsumi is the heir to the Jetton gene that took 10,000 years to be born."

"Genetic heir?"

Touma Kaito made a surprised sound.

"That ten years ago was..."

"Ten years ago, the gene should not have been successfully turned on." Xia Shu paused and turned to Ellie and asked, "Can the existence of the Jeton be detected?"

"There is no relevant data," Ellie looked down at the computer and said, "But in the JT112 area of ​​Oda Natsumi's activity area, abnormal radio waves have often appeared recently, as if they are sending messages to the universe."

"It must be someone from the Jetton planet!" Hijikata said in a deep voice, "Maybe they are leading the monsters to invade!"

"But why would Natsumi Oda use the identity of Jetton's daughter to remind us? Isn't this strange?"

Everyone in DASH said in confusion.

"Is there any conspiracy?"

"It's indeed a bit strange," Hijikata frowned, "Anyway, let's control Natsumi Oda first..."

"Don't alert the enemy yet," Natsuki interrupted, "I'll contact Oda Natsumi again and see. She should just be controlled by the Jettons now."

"That's okay," Hijikata nodded, then worried, "But will it be too dangerous?"

Next to him, Kaito quickly interjected: "I can secretly protect Advisor Takaki!"

Outside the kindergarten where Oda Natsumi works, the principal looked at Natsuki's ID and responded: "Natsumi took leave today and didn't come over."

"Excuse me," Xia Shu took back the ID and said, "If anything unusual happens next, remember to contact DASH."

"Okay, okay," the principal said hesitantly, "Excuse me... is there any problem with Teacher Natsumi? Teacher Natsumi is usually very popular with children. She is a kind and good teacher. She also gets along well with people on the street. When I have free time, I often go to take care of the sick grandma in the town..."

Natsuki smiled and said: "Don't worry, we are just trying to protect Miss Natsumi's safety."

After leaving the kindergarten, Natsuki glanced behind him.

Touma Kaito and Mizuki followed behind pretending to be lovers, and not far away there were several team members pretending to be passers-by, staring nervously.

The acting is also a bit too bad.

Natsuki turned around and locked onto Natsumi Oda's position.

At this time, Natsumi Oda had already changed into ordinary short-sleeved clothes. She left the flower shop on her bicycle and bought some things at the grocery store.

Along the way, Oda Natsumi greeted the residents of the town familiarly, and the neighborhood relations were harmonious.

Just like what the kindergarten principal said, Natsumi Oda did go to visit and take care of a sick grandmother who was lying at home.

Natsuki followed him to an old residential area and quietly watched Natsumi Oda cooking for her grandma. A few people from Touma Kaito also came over curiously.

"Miss Natsumi is so kind-hearted," Ruixi said regretfully, "How could she become Jayton's daughter?"

"We just asked the people in the town," Kaito said with a complicated mood, "Miss Natsumi's life experience is also very pitiful..."

"Okay, are you two here to protect me or investigate?"

Natsuki drove them away and waited at the entrance of the alley until Natsumi Oda left her grandmother's house.

"Mr. Takaki?" Natsumi Oda pushed the bicycle. When she saw Natsuki, she couldn't help but said in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"I heard you visited the DASH base."

"That's what happened. I originally wanted to contact Mr. Gao Shu, but in the end I contacted Mr. Yoshinaga..."

Natsumi Oda's face looked a little unnatural, and her eyes were a little confused.

"So the story about Jayton's daughter is also true?" Xia Shu asked, walking side by side.

"Hmm, um...probably."

Natsumi Oda lowered her head nervously, and after a while she suddenly raised her head again and said with bright eyes.

"By the way, Mr. Gao Shu, do you want to eat shaved ice?"

It is already late autumn, but the weather is still as hot as summer.

Several DASH team members hiding on the street corner wiped their sweat uncomfortably. When they saw Xia Shu, accompanied by a beautiful woman, going to the roadside to eat ice leisurely, they resented the taste: "It's also a mission, how can the consultant enjoy it like that?"

"The consultant doesn't want to fall in love, does he?"

"It looks so sweet..."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Touma Kaito shouted, "The consultants are conducting investigations at great risk, we can't be careless!"

"What are you talking about?" Ruixi came back after buying ice water, "Kaito, do you want some ice cream?"



Team Xian pulled on his collar to dissipate heat and looked at Kaito with even more resentment.

I don’t know if the consultant is enjoying it, but the two guys pretending to be lovers are really hateful.

At night.

A twisted black shadow floated in Natsumi Oda's dormitory. A bright one-eye approached the sleeping Natsumi Oda amidst the sound of the pendulum, and gradually condensed into the shape of a Jeton star.

"My daughter, kill that man, he will hinder our plan!"

The noisy voice of the Jettons rang out, and then turned into mist and merged into Natsumi Oda's body.

"You should have noticed it, right? After 10,000 years of evolution, Jayton's genetic factor has been perfectly evolved. As long as it is successfully turned on, you can become an immortal super life form!"


At the same time, the special energy fluctuations of the Oda family were clearly detected in the DASH command room.

"Did the Jetons appear?"

Captain Hijikata hurried into the commander's room and asked urgently.

"How is it going?"

"Kaito and the others are still at the scene, but..."

A waterfall-like data flow appeared in Ellie's eyes, and the big screen switched to a perspective view of the Oda family's interior.

"Nothing was found indoors."


Captain Hijikata sounded stunned.

The perspective view showed that Natsumi Oda was always sleeping in the room, but the detection device kept sounding an alarm.

"Kaito, Mizuki, did you find anything over there?"


Touma Kaito yawned and looked at Natsuki who was sleeping in the patrol car on the other side.

"Shall we go in and take a look?"


Natsumi Oda, who was possessed by the Jetton star in the room, sat up suddenly. She vaguely felt a mysterious sense of peeping and looked around in confusion. Then her expression changed drastically and she turned outside the room.

"Damn it, DASH! How did you notice my presence so quickly?!"

"Oda Natsumi"'s expression changed.

DASH shouldn't know about his existence. At most, he suspects Natsumi Oda's superpowers.

What went wrong?

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