Starting human body

Chapter 368 Tribe?

"call out--!"

In the Pacific Ocean, the DASH mothership sails among high-altitude clouds with continuous radar scanning and detection.

Several days have passed since the Antarctic monster appeared. During this period, the monster only appeared once and disappeared. However, according to the earthquake source map, the monster is continuing northward on the seabed, and its route is directly towards the Japanese UDF.

Taking into account the vague connection between the monster and the ice beauty, DASH went out to fight in advance.

"We will reach the scheduled sea area immediately," Hijikata said, looking at the sea ahead. "Let's dispatch Unit 1 and Unit 2."


The hangar of the mothership was opened, and two DASH fighters flew out one after another, lowered their altitude and flew past the sea below.

The radar has detected the monster moving on the seabed, and the two fighter planes that have been prepared for it use missiles to take aim at the same time.


At the same time, the unknown monster on the radar seemed to be aware of it, roaring and breaking through the seabed to reveal its figure.


"Bang bang!"

Four missiles rushed into the sea with a long tail of smoke. When the sea water exploded, they all hit the monster's body, and the roar suddenly turned into a scream.

Although the specific conditions cannot be seen on the sea surface, the detection instruments show that the monster's life response is weakening.


Everyone at DASH looked excited.

This time the monster is much weaker than expected.

"The second round of attacks begins!"

"Give it a fatal blow!"

Kenjiro Kiba followed up in the fighter plane, his finger was already pressing the fire button, but it suddenly stopped at the last moment.

All the surrounding sounds were suppressed in Kinjiro Kinjiro's ears, as if he was isolated from the whole world, and the figure of the ice beauty appeared in his mind uncontrollably.

"Team Muting!"

The team members kept shouting, but it was not until the fighter plane was about to crash into the sea that a sharp alarm was issued. Kenjiro Kitai reacted and hurriedly pulled the joystick to climb.

"What's going on, Muting?" Hijikata frowned in confusion.

Just because of Mu Ting's delay, the monster dived deep into the seabed again and disappeared directly from the radar.

The beautiful figure in Kinjiro Kinjiro's mind could not be dispelled. He opened his mouth, but there was no response.

DASH Titan Base.

Natsuki rested by the window of the restaurant as usual, with her eyes slightly closed, and her consciousness tried to sense the Divine Light Mirror Universe.

The progress of the time and space controller is very slow, and the changes are almost unnoticeable if you don't sense it carefully.

The only good news is that with the birth of Monster's planetary consciousness, he is gradually able to mobilize part of the planet's power.

This is the real star power, it's amazing.

Although it has no effect on improving his strength for the time being, the existence of this power is equivalent to having an extra portable "power bank". No matter which time, space or environment he goes to, he does not have to worry about the energy suddenly running out.

"Obviously this is a good opportunity to destroy the monster..."

"Will the monsters stop coming out?"

"I heard they are moving towards the base..."

Natsuki slowly opened her eyes, and there was a sound of discussion and quarrel in her ears. After listening to it, she realized that there was something wrong with DASH's operation.

The moment the monster appeared, he knew it was the work of the ice woman.

He also saw the way Kinjiro Kinjiro was distracted these past two days.

This guy is actually obsessed with the ice girl.

She is beautiful, but she is at least 100,000 years old and has been judged dead...


Natsuki's eyelids twitched, and her gaze penetrated the restaurant wall and turned to the research room.

The life response in the sealed ice chamber fluctuated violently, and the pulses of the surrounding instruments and equipment also formally appeared in waveforms, and even the sound of heartbeats reached Xia Shu's ears.

Just when Xia Shu was about to go to the research room, someone rushed in first.

"Hoo ho!"

Kenjiro Kiba quickly looked at the sealed cabin, gasped and rushed to the instruments. After confirming that the data was normal, he heard the sound of the sealed cabin opening behind him.

"Kenjiro! Kinjiro Kinjiro!"

The air-conditioning spread along the floor, and a pair of crystal-clear feet stepped out, not affected by the air-conditioning at all, and walked towards Kinjiro Kinjiro step by step.

With her slender legs, long skirt as smooth as pajamas, and long black shawl hair, there is no trace of time at all.

More perfect than in the frozen state.

Kiba Kenjiro's pupils were dilated and he watched the ice girl walk up to him, his entire field of vision was occupied by the ice girl's smiling face.

"Kenjiro Kinba."

The ice girl smiled and held Kinjiro Kinjiro's face, as if admiring a work, her eyes sparkled with light as she touched it gently.


"Team Muting?!"

The electronic door opened, and Natsuki and Mizuki, who happened to be passing by, broke into the research room, but only saw the figure of Kenjiro Kinjiro lying on the ground, while the Ice Girl had disappeared without a trace, leaving only an empty sealed cabin.

Looking at the ice footprints left on the ground, Xia Shu's eyes fluctuated and she didn't say anything, but Ruixi beside her kept screaming in surprise.

"The ice cube melted automatically! How could this happen? Where is the woman inside?!"

"Inform others first." Natsuki reminded.


Mizuki hurriedly called Captain Hijikata and others. Natsuki paused behind him, then turned and walked out of the research room.

Sagami Bay waters.

Natsuki walked towards the coast in the sea breeze. When he looked up, he saw the ice girl standing on the edge of the cliff facing the wind with a faint smile on her face.

Just at this time, the previous underwater monster landed from the town on the other side and looked towards the ice girl amidst the long siren sound.

"hold head high--!"


The roars of monsters mixed with the cries of humans fleeing in fear came on the wind. The smile on the ice girl's face became even wider, and she turned around when she noticed Natsuki coming from behind.

"You should also take a look, I will give Elaga power, destroy the current human beings, and then create new human beings."

"What's the point of this kind of thing?" Natsuki stopped opposite the ice girl.

In fact, he had the idea of ​​recruiting ice girls, but the reality seemed impossible.

This woman is so high and mighty that even if she succeeds in recruiting her, it will still be a problem.

"I have read human memories from Kinjiro Kinjiro's genetic factors," the ice girl said with a unchanged smile. "We taught humans the ability to think and create, but they used it to destroy and kill. Don't you think they are A failure?"

"What do you think of a human being?" Xia Shu frowned and looked straight at him, "A doll that you play around with?"

"Isn't it?" Ice Girl and Natsuki looked at each other and asked in confusion, "Are you going to become my enemy for the sake of human beings?"


DASH fighter jets flew from above, and after crossing the strait, they immediately attacked the landing underwater monsters.

At the same time, invisible mental forces were also engaged in a confrontation in the sea below, and the fierce conflict even triggered thunder and lightning out of thin air.

In the TV, the ice girl was unsuspectingly killed by Kinjiro Kidi with a single shot, but now when facing Natsuki, she did not hide her clumsiness. She exerted her non-human superpower through her eyes with all her strength, and she was able to rival Natsuki in terms of telekinesis.

"You are indeed one of my tribe," the ice girl said with deep eyes after her attack was thwarted. "It is impossible for humans to possess this power..."

"Bang bang bang!"

DASH's first wave of attacks interrupted the ice girl's words.

Just like in the Pacific Ocean, the monster was severely damaged in just one attack. And this time because it was on land, the monster had no way to avoid it and fell straight down, and its life response continued to weaken.

However, this process did not last long. As the eyes of the ice girl on the other side flickered, the monster's body was enveloped in a scorching light, and its energy doubled instantly.

Natsuki made no move, and turned his gaze calmly to Touma Kaito, who was flying a fighter plane in the sky.


The divine light mirror flickers, transmitting the special message that the monster Elaga has been strengthened with life energy to Touma Kaito.

The plot progress is too slow, and it will start to speed up next

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