Starting human body

Chapter 369 Perfect Human


"Bang bang bang!"

DASH fighter jets flew over the city one after another, circling for a second round of attacks. However, the monster enveloped by the explosion was not injured at all, and instead became more ferocious.

"The energy has really been upgraded!"

Kaito Touma gritted his teeth and looked down at the monster that continued to destroy.

The monster's body defense has been significantly strengthened, a red wing-like skeleton appears on its back, red and white horns grow on its head and it gains the ability to emit light.

It's not at the same level as before.

"hold head high--!"

"The monster's life energy continues to increase!"

"Continue the attack!"

"Bang bang!"

Touma Kaito controlled the fighter plane to return at a low altitude. After receiving the order, he opened fire again from behind the monster. The missile explosion caused a large amount of gunpowder smoke to fill the ruins of the high-rise building.


After pressing the fire button one after another, Touma Kaito pulled the joystick to prepare to evade, but the next moment he found countless electric lights lighting up in the thick smoke.

After the energy from the monster's horns was gathered, it suddenly turned around, and thunderous rays rumbled across the surrounding area, including Touma Kaito.



The right wing of the fighter plane exploded, and the entire fuselage was engulfed by electric current and out of control, and the siren sounded violently.

"Team Kaito!"

"Get away quickly!"


Touma Kaito struggled to steady his body amidst the violent shock. He grabbed the divine light mirror on his chest and tried to transform, but found that there was no reaction at all this time.

"what happened?"



On the other side of the bay, the cliff area was completely covered by telekinesis, and the impact on the spiritual level continued. Under the harsh high-frequency mosquito sound, even reality was affected. The wind howled, and the seawater near Natsuki and Ice Girl rumbled and exploded.

"Bang bang bang!"

The ice girl's long hair was flying, and she looked directly at Natsuki with her eyes.

"Why? Why did you stop me?"

"That's it. If you continue, you will only die."

Natsuki heard the call from Touma Kaito and no longer wasted time. While maintaining the output of telekinesis, he opened the palm of his right hand and faced the ice girl.



As the super telekinesis was activated, the expression of the ice girl who was still smiling suddenly changed. The invisible telekinesis wave was activated and instantly broke the balance. The ice girl who was still trying to speak had no time to react and was violently thrown away.


The light of the divine light mirror circulated, and at the same time, a burst of bright light suddenly burst out from the DASH fighter plane that was about to crash on the other side.

At the last moment when the fighter plane exploded, the original giant tumbling into the air fell into the battlefield.



"Ultraman No. 1?!"

The ice girl looked at the giant holding the monster's tail in shock, and then turned to Natsuki with a heavy gaze.

"who are you?"

Natsuki didn't answer, quietly watching the ice girl's figure gradually collapse.

His telekinetic attack only interrupted the Ice Girl's transmission of life energy to the monster, but it also indirectly led to the Ice Girl's death.

After all, he was a god-like existence suspected of being the creator of mankind. It would be a pity to die like this.

It's not easy to get this woman to change her mind.

He has never been a persuasive person.


As the power of the Divine Light Mirror's cosmic star trembled, a light gate appeared out of thin air and sucked the ice girl in, who screamed in surprise. In the blink of an eye, a layer of ice covered the ice girl's body and sealed it into the south pole of the monster planet.

"You are Ultraman..."


Kenjiro Kiba ran from below with a ray gun and nervously protected Natsuki.

"Are you okay, counselor?"


The light in Xia Shu's eyes dimmed, and her palms were retracted, leaving only a trace of sweat flowing on her forehead.

Although this was not the first time he had used the power of time and space, the huge mental expenditure still made him a little bit too much.

Saving people is much more difficult than killing people.

"Advisor," Kenjiro Kiba looked around with a gun and said confusedly after finding no trace of the Ice Girl, "Have you seen Nina? She is the Ice Beauty,"

"Yes, I saw it," Xia Shu walked down the cliff and returned, "but when I chased him here, he suddenly disappeared. I don't know where he went."

"That's it."

Kenjiro Kiba followed Natsuki in despair. After a moment of silence, he asked blankly: "Counselor, is it possible that we humans... are a failure?"

"Huh?" Xia Shu paused, "Who did you hear about this failed work?"

"Actually," Kenjiro Kiba said hesitantly, "from the moment I saw Nina, I could vaguely hear her voice, as if I had a telepathic connection with her. It was the same when I released the monster before, but I couldn't fire in time. It’s because of this feeling.”

"Did you hear what she said?" Xia Shu's expression was subtle.

"That's not true. Apart from knowing that she wanted to re-create mankind, there were only a few words like 'tribe'. Maybe she was taken away by her tribe in the end."

Kinjiro Kinjiro's voice was melancholy.

"If Nina didn't lie, maybe we humans are really a failure..."

"I don't think humans are a failure," Natsuki interrupted, "Ultraman helping humans is the best proof."


Kenjiro Kiba was stunned. When he looked back at the battlefield on the other side, he happened to see the monster Elaga, which had lost the support of life energy, being blown away by the giant in one fell swoop.

"Ultraman also has this idea?"

"Of course," Natsuki nodded, "Human beings may not be perfect, but we cannot ignore the advantages of human beings because of this. Moreover, human beings themselves are constantly making progress and have unlimited possibilities in the future."

Before he came to the Ultra Universe, there was controversy over the origin of human beings in his hometown.

Some say it evolved naturally, while others say it is the work of aliens.

But no matter what the possibility is, human beings will always be human beings themselves. Even if there is an existence like Nina, she can't control him as a "human being" now.

Although he does not have the ability to create life, the S-class warrior is also a very powerful existence in the Ultra Universe, and is a god-like existence in front of ordinary advanced civilizations.

"Thank you, Consultant Gao Shu."

Kiba Kenjiro felt much better and looked up at the giant body flying into the sky.

"It would be nice if I could communicate directly with Ultraman."

"Stop thinking about it," Natsuki said, pulling Kinjiro Kinjiro back from his thoughts, "It's past dinner, let's go back."

Kiba Kenjiro smiled bitterly and scratched his hair.

How can I still be in the mood to eat at this time?

Titan base.

After dinner, Natsuki returned to the bedroom and entered the Divine Light Mirror Universe. The monster planet Antarctica was covered with glaciers, and the ice girl was trapped on one of the icebergs. She still looked like she was sleeping, but her lips were slightly open as if she wanted to say something.


Natsuki walked in the snowstorm wearing a thin coat, and stopped when she reached the iceberg.

Compared with him who evolved into a life form of light, Ice Girl seems to be the normal direction of human evolution. Although she has incredible superpowers, her genes are not much different from those of humans, she is just more perfect.

It’s just that if you are too perfect, you lose the infinite possibilities of human beings.

Xia Shu stretched out her hand and pressed it against the ice, using her telepathy to sense the ice girl inside the glacier.

The consumed life energy is slowly recovering, and may one day wake up again.

It is truly a miraculous life form that can be called a perfect human being.

Natsuki's expression fluctuated and he moved his palm away.

Perhaps because of the existence of the Ice Girl, even the monster planet has undergone some unknown changes, and the consciousness of the planet has become much more active.

Although this planet is dominated by monsters, the seeds of humanity are also planted at this moment.


Ice Girl’s people don’t have any clues, otherwise they could try to make contact.

"Consultant Gao Shu?"

A staff member shouted outside Natsuki's bedroom.

"Did you forget that we still have a meeting? Are you there, Consultant Gao Shu?"

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