Starting human body

Chapter 370 New Ruins

"That's what happened. The monster that appeared this time was summoned by the Ice Girl. The whereabouts of the Ice Girl are currently unknown, and DASH will continue to investigate."

"In addition, due to the frequent occurrence of various natural disasters, more and more ruins have been excavated recently, and there are still many dangers like the Ice Lady..."

UDF conference room.

Natsuki found a seat in the corner and continued to act as his salty fish consultant.

There weren't many things worthy of his attention in this base. If he didn't still need to stay with Toma Kaito, he might have resigned and opened his own cake shop.

Although there had been a store opened in the Mebius space and time before, due to various incidents, it only lasted a few days.

Comparatively speaking, Max's time and space is not dangerous to him. It is a rare leisure time. Staying in DASH seems to be too wasteful.

Now Dongma Kaito has gradually grown up, and the most troublesome Ye Fu has been successfully solved...

Maybe he could give it a try and give himself a vacation.

"Consultant Gao Shu?"

Governor Tomioka shouted from the rostrum.

"What do you think about the ruins?"


Xia Shu came to his senses in a daze and suddenly noticed a photo of a middle-aged archaeologist on the projection screen.

"The man above is..."

"Oh, he is Dr. Ozaki, who is currently the leading archaeologist," Tomioka introduced. "This time it is Dr. Ozaki who is asking for support..."

"Let me go over there." Xia Shu said directly while looking at the photo.

Except for Balaji, the ruins of this earth are nothing special, at least he is not interested in them, but Dr. Ozaki in the photo is a little different.

It's hard to ignore the face that looks exactly like Morohoshidan's.

Tomioka felt quite surprised. He rarely saw Natsuki be so active. Originally, he was planning to ask Professor Yoshinaga to come over for support.

It's really strange.

"Then let Advisor Gao Shu go over to provide support." Tomioka nodded and agreed without thinking too much.

Since Natsuki took the initiative, of course he had no objection. After all, Natsuki was also the only archaeologist present, and his knowledge in some aspects was unexpectedly large.

After the meeting, Professor Yoshinaga and Natsuki walked together and asked with a smile: "Consultant Takaki went to see Dr. Ozaki, right?"

"Yes," Natsuki did not deny it. "After all, it is difficult to avoid Dr. Ozaki when it comes to archeology. Of course I also want to meet Dr. Ozaki."

"I heard that Dr. Ozaki is the junior of Chief Tomioka," Yoshinaga reminded, "Just mentioning Chief Tomioka should be able to close the relationship."

"I see."

Natsuki nodded slightly and prepared to go back to the room to rest after saying goodbye to Professor Yoshinaga.

It was getting late, and the sky outside the base was completely dark. Natsuki frowned and stopped as he passed by the window of the hall.

There was not much starlight, but suddenly all disappeared, as if the sky was covered with a shadow, an ominous aura enveloped the earth, and even the temperature faintly dropped.

Dark power...

Natsuki raised his head and looked directly at the universe.

The guy who destroyed the Space Legion last time actually set his sights on the earth.

The next morning.

Touma Kaito once again overslept and was still sleeping soundly in bed as work time approached.

But it was different from the past. This time Touma Kaito was in a very bad state. He was sweating profusely and clutching the sheets, his face was struggling, and the veins on his sweaty neck were bulging, as if he was suffering from huge pain.


Touma Kaito's breathing became heavier and his eyelids twitched.



The world collapsed, terrifying cosmic beasts, the earth exploded...

With the horrific scenes flashing continuously, Touma Kaito suddenly opened his eyes, gasped violently and sat up, unable to calm down for a long time.

"What? Have a nightmare?"

Natsuki walked into the room with a meat bun in his mouth and glanced at Touma Kaito's pale face.

I just said that Touma Kaito has grown up, why did something go wrong in one night?

There was a sudden burst of dark aura just now, and I thought it was Touma Kaito who was attacked, but it turned out that the source was Touma Kaito himself.


When Touma Kaito saw Natsuki, he breathed a sigh of relief and wiped away his sweat.

"Morning, consultant, there will be breakfast so soon today..."

"How early is it?" Xia Shu pointed to the alarm clock that fell to the ground and broke. "Did you ask for leave today?"


Touma Kaito was stunned for a moment. After getting up and opening his personal terminal to check the time, he ignored the presence of outsiders and simply popped up in his underwear.

"Oh no, no, no, this is the third time this month that I've overslept!"

"Are you okay?" Natsuki looked at Touma Kaito who was getting dressed in a hurry, "You don't look good."

"It's okay, what can happen?"

Touma Kaito stiffened slightly and forced a smile.

"It was just a weird dream."

"Strange dream? What strange dream?"

"I can't tell clearly, but..."

Touma Kaito opened his mouth to meet Natsuki's gaze, with some worry in his eyes.

"Consultant Gao Shu, will one day there appear monsters that even Ultraman can't deal with? If the earth explodes..."

"What are you thinking about?" Xia Shu looked strange, "As long as you work hard to do the present, it is enough."


"Stop it, put your pants on quickly!"

Natsuki shouted, looked at the time and asked.

"I'm going to Mikazuki Mountain later, do you want to come with me? I think it's better for you to go out and get some fresh air like this."

"Why are you going to Mikazuki Mountain?" Touma Kaito asked in confusion.

"A new ruin has been excavated over there. Just in case, I have to assist in the investigation. It will take about a day or two, but the task is not heavy, so I will treat it as a vacation."

"B-Forget it."

Touma Kaito said angrily.

"I made an appointment with Team Ruixi this afternoon and we want to go eat spaghetti together."

"Have you two officially started dating?"

Xia Shu was slightly surprised.

There was no warning beforehand. The two of them had always been getting along as lovers but not as friends, and now they were actually dating directly.

"Who confessed first?"

"No," Touma Kaito said awkwardly, "Because I helped write the report, Team Mizuki agreed to treat me."

"Okay, I won't disturb you anymore."

Xia Shu felt a little lonely inexplicably and hurriedly shook her head to get rid of distracting thoughts.

Touma Kaito is different from him. He will eventually return to ordinary life in the future, just like the old Dagu who happily married and had children to spend his human life.

Mikazuki Mountain.

When Xia Shu arrived at the excavation site, the archaeological team was still cleaning up cultural relics.

The ruins are located along the ridge. Ancient creations were revealed due to a sudden earthquake. The most eye-catching thing is a rock wall with reliefs, which looks like the remains of tribal civilization.

Natsuki walked to the rock wall at the scene, and while observing the reliefs, he quietly looked at an elderly archaeological expert in the middle.

"Send this to the B1 tent..."

"Be careful."

"Has the data been recorded?"

Dr. Ozaki arranged the work carefully and was startled when he noticed Natsuki, an outsider: "Who are you?"

"Are you Dr. Ozaki?" Natsuki handed over his business card and said, "I am Takasuki sent by UDF."

"Are you Gao Shuling?"

After Dr. Ozaki read the business card, he narrowed his eyes and looked straight at Natsuki.

"I've heard of you, a monster expert with incredible knowledge. I always thought you were a cosmic being."


"Just kidding, haha."

Dr. Ozaki had a smile on his face, patted Natsuki on the shoulder, and then walked towards the tent with Natsuki in his arms familiarly.

"Let's take a look first, and please give me a helping hand."

"I try my best."

Natsuki's gaze penetrated the tent.

In fact, he knew what this ruin was about.

The artifact unearthed at the site is an ancient puzzle piece that can summon a door to a space passage. The other side of the door seems to be a dead planet with few resources.

"These were dug up from nearby."

Dr. Ozaki entered the tent first and took Natsuki to inspect the unearthed cultural relics.

The first one is an octagonal stone puzzle. There are various movable stone sculptures in the inner circle. They are also octagonal and look quite complicated.

"I have tried this puzzle before, but in the end there was no result... Let's take a look at this."

Dr. Ozaki coughed dryly and walked across the puzzle to the pieced-together stone slab on the other side.

"Does the pattern on it look familiar?"

"Is this Ultraman No. 2?" Natsuki immediately saw the outline of Max fighting another giant on the slate.

"It is indeed very similar," Dr. Ozaki nodded. "Ultraman may have visited the earth in ancient times and was recorded... I heard that you know a lot of ancient secrets. Do you have any information in this regard?"


Natsuki didn't pay much attention to the slate, and just glanced at Dr. Ozaki lightly.

He didn't think of this doctor as Severn, but this feeling of familiarity couldn't go away.

It's so similar.

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