Starting human body

Chapter 373 Familiar Faces

"The stone gate is just ahead, hurry!"


"You guys go ahead and lead the way. I'll try to see if I can bring this stone slab back."

"Ah? Will the passage not be affected?"

"Don't worry, this thing is just a device to summon Shimen."

Xia Shu fell behind everyone, glanced at the deserted stone mountain for the last time, and reached out to close the stone door.


The closed stone door stood calmly on the spot, as if it had existed forever, blending into the surrounding stone mountains. Tara star also fell into silence again as Xia Shu left. The yellow wind swept past, and soon the remains of Galufas were scattered by the sand. Buried in dust.


Galufas inserted half of his scimitar diagonally into the stone mountain. The sand on the edge rose up, and suddenly an astronaut's arm poked out.

"Ahem, damn it!"

After regaining consciousness, the armored alien struggled to crawl out of the sand. He looked around in shock and anger at the wreckage of Galufas buried around him. His heart, which had been accustomed to the loneliness of Tara, once again felt despair.

Tara's last hope, the God of War Galufas, was easily torn into pieces.

Even the device that summons the stone gate to the earth has been taken away. Even if he wants to take revenge in the future, he will have no way.

He will be trapped on Tara forever...

"No, there's still Shimen!"

The armored alien walked through the debris like a zombie, and suddenly came to his senses. He looked anxiously for the direction of the stone gate. When he found that the stone gate had not disappeared, he suddenly became alive again.

"Wait for me! I..."

"call out!"

Over the planet Tara, a bright red line broke into the atmosphere and fell straight into the valley battlefield.


The silence of the valley was broken again. The waves of earth rolled up and spread around, and a dry hand covered in silver robes in the middle firmly grasped the armored alien's neck.

"You are not the king, where is the king?"

A rough voice sounded, but the armored alien was completely unable to respond. He just stared at the stone gate and watched it disappear, and his eyes gradually lost their luster.

"Ho ho..."


The man in silver robe threw away the body of the armored alien in disgust, and turned his gaze to the stone door where the armored alien last stared.

Titan base.

As the two puzzle pieces were locked into the DASH special container, the Shimen Incident officially came to an end.

After watching the whole process, Dr. Ozaki learned the truth from Natsuki and said in a deep voice: "I didn't expect that something like this happened in ancient times. Aliens who were well-intentioned wanted to dominate the earth... No matter how high-sounding they were, In the final analysis, we still focus on the richness of the earth.”

"Not all cosmic beings are like this."

Natsuki followed out of the Titan base.

"What are the doctor's next plans? Do you want to continue exploring the ruins?"

"Of course," Dr. Ozaki was not discouraged. He turned around and smiled at Natsuki, "The significance of archeology is to study the past, learn lessons, and then move towards a new future, just like consultant Takasuki obtains information about monsters through archeology."

"In my words... barely."

Natsuki turned his head away slightly, unable to tell the source of his information.

His only real archaeological experience after coming to this world was the Balaji ruins, and that was just to find the Balaji bluestone fragments.

The trip to Phantom Island should be considered archeology, but strictly speaking it was more like an adventure.

"Speaking of which, Consultant Takaki." Dr. Ozaki hesitated and called Natsuki before leaving.

"What's wrong? Doctor, is there anything else you can do?" Xia Shu retracted his thoughts.

"Have we... met somewhere before?" Dr. Ozaki asked with concern.

"how come?"

Natsuki and Dr. Ozaki looked at each other and smiled.

"I only heard about you from Chief Tomioka this time, but it's true that we felt like old friends at first sight. Maybe we are friends in another world."

This was not the first time he encountered "Star Clusters". The first time he met was "Captain Samovan" in the Zaas time and space, the parallel time and space Savin who gave him the Miklas capsule.

As time travel increases, familiar faces will continue to appear, it’s just a matter of more or less.

No matter who it is next time, he should be able to face the same face normally. After all, no matter how similar he is, he is just another person.

"We'll work together again next time, Dr. Ozaki."

Natsuki turned around and returned to base.

It was already dinner time, and Ellie was the only one sitting on guard duty in the command room. She turned her head when she heard Natsuki's footsteps.

Because Ellie controls the base, everyone at DASH is happy and relaxed.

"Alone again, Ellie."

"I still have Coco with me." Ellie shook her head and pointed to the spherical robot moving on the console.

If Ellie prefers humans, this spherical robot is like a pet. It is usually the DASH mascot, so Natsuki doesn't pay much attention to it.

Seeing that the spherical robot's protest seemed to be ignored, Natsuki coughed and changed the subject: "Where are Kaito and the others?"

"Team Kaito and Team Mizuki went out for dinner," Ellie replied simply. "Team Muba is doing holographic shooting training at the training ground, and the others are in the restaurant..."

"Dining room?"

Natsuki then remembered and touched her belly.

"Is it already this time? I'm still hungry and I'm almost out of food..."

Ellie blinked and watched Natsuki leave in a hurry. Facing the deserted command room, she could only communicate with Coco: "I'm a little hungry too, let's go recharge."

Tokyo Minato.

After putting on casual clothes, Mizuki dressed up specially before going out. Compared to when she usually wore uniform, she almost looked like a different person. She was beautiful and charming. Kaito Touma, who was traveling with him, also felt his heart beat faster when he saw it.

Just thinking about this trip to an alien planet, Touma Kaito's face quickly fell again.

"What?" Rishi asked upon seeing this, "Are you thinking about Dark Ultraman again?"

"Yeah," Touma Kaito thought of the nightmare he had in the morning and said with a wry smile, "I always have a bad feeling."

"Don't think too much," Ruixi comforted, "Let's go eat some pasta first. I heard that restaurant is quite authentic."

"By the way, speaking of food, what do you think of Consultant Gao Shu? The consultant seems to be a good cook too."

At night.

Natsuki walked to the base deck and looked up at the night sky.

Just like last night, the starlight was still extremely dim, and the ominous atmosphere was even stronger.


Natsuki's body turned into a ball of light and left the deck, teleporting into space through quantum movement.

Waiting all the time is too passive.

The work on the crescent moon ruins ended ahead of schedule, but there were still two days left, just in time to investigate the situation first.

Different from the last time to capture monsters, this time his target was directly the ruined planet where the Cosmic Legion was located, and he quickly reached his destination through the wormhole.


The giant figure of Natsuki passed through the wormhole and landed on the ruins planet.

The space base is still intact, and the main spaceship is still parked in the space port, but the entire base looks lifeless, with not a single person in sight.

The giant Xia Shu looked through his eyes, and suddenly he saw the ruined interior of the base.

The underground laboratory was completely deserted, with instruments and equipment scattered all over the floor. Although there were no bodies, it seemed to have been a miserable and chaotic situation when the accident occurred, and the chaos only lasted for a while.

After realizing that he couldn't find many clues, Natsuki turned his attention to the ancient ruins on the other side of the base.


Xia Shu restrained her figure, broke away from the transformation and walked into the ruins.

It was still the scene I saw last time, except that the sarcophagus on the middle platform became empty, as if the contents inside had escaped.

Although such dark ruins are not uncommon in the universe, this one is a bit special. It seems to have some connection with the Divine Light Mirror and the dark forces behind the Divine Light Mirror.



Natsuki suddenly sensed a wave of destructive energy. Not far from the current galaxy, a violent monster was destroying the planet.

The originally green and vibrant emerald-like planet turned into a sea of ​​fire in the blink of an eye. The destructive light swept across the planet, and the planet was almost on the verge of exploding.

"hold head high--!"

"Dad! Mom!"


"Run away! Even if you are the only one, you must survive!"



Natsuki woke up from the doomsday scene and frowned slightly as she listened to the crying that surrounded her ears.

The planet on the verge of exploding is hopeless, but such a powerful monster is still worth a trip.

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