Starting human body

Chapter 374 Consultant Gao Shu has a sister?

"Bang bang bang!"

On planet S851, the cosmic beast Ruganoga continued to spray destructive heat rays from the auxiliary heads of its arms and the main head of its torso. The sharp corners of its shoulders also released powerful electric shocks. The scope of destruction continued to expand, and finally even the last piece of land was enveloped in a sea of ​​fire.


Natsuki's dark giant body crossed the space channel, and his mind quickly swept across the doomsday planet in front of him.

There is only one survivor left on the entire planet, a young girl wearing astronaut overalls, who is also the source of the crying in Natsuki's induction.

The girl, who was attacked indiscriminately by monsters, fled to the Space Development Center in a hurry, seemingly preparing to escape from the planet on the spaceship inside.

Natsuki lowered her head slightly, her eyes piercing the flames and reflecting the girl's figure.

Although he is wearing a staff uniform, he is not very old, probably in his twenties...

The girl's tear-stained face flashed across her face, and for a moment, layers of images appeared in front of Natsuki's eyes.

Shizuka Yoshii, Risa Nanase, Misa Takamura...


Facing the familiar haggard face of the girl below, Natsuki's consciousness was brought into the depths of his memory. It was not until the ground space development center was destroyed by a destructive electric shock that he regained consciousness.


The bright line of the universe flashed away, and the giant figure of Natsuki directly crossed the space and fell into the S851 planet. While the earth and rocks exploded, causing the ground to rumble and shake, a vortex barrier swallowed up and blocked the destructive light emitted by Ruganoga.


"hold head high--!"

The screams of monsters were mixed with loud explosions. Lilica stumbled and rolled to the ground. She raised her head in despair and saw the unknown giant blocking the way.

The giant held up the high-speed rotating red and black barrier with one hand, but it remained motionless under Ruganoga's violent destructive offensive. Even the surrounding forest fires were suppressed by an invisible aura.

"This is……"


Natsuki turned his head slightly and looked back at the girl on the ground, his luminous eyes looking straight at the cosmic beast that was constantly attacking on the opposite side.


In addition to the main attack method, Ruganoga also has a reflective plate on his chest that can reflect ray attacks and is equivalent to a protective armor. The spikes on his tail can absorb energy, which caused Ultraman Max to suffer a lot.

Relevant information flashed in Natsuki's mind.

Similar to the new generation Galatron, this monster seems to have received some instructions, constantly destroying the vibrant planets in the universe, and even destroying the planets together.

Unable to be conquered.


A sword light appeared on Natsuki's other arm, and the divine light sword and ice ax bypassed the barrier and rotated at high speed, cutting off Ruganoga's shoulder thrusts that fired electric shocks.

"Bang bang!"


Natsuki raised his hand to retract the Divine Light Sword, interrupting the attack while the monster on the opposite side screamed, and instantly cut in front of him with a series of afterimages. The sword light burst through Ruganoga's body with almost no hindrance. He didn't stop until Ruganoga was behind him.

This time, not only the shoulders, but all Ruganoga's attack organs, as well as the reflector armor on his chest were cut open by the sword light, and the monster's roar suddenly stopped.


Lilica fell to the ground protecting her eyes from the explosion hurricane. After the impact subsided, she raised her head again and stared blankly at the unknown giant who put away a ball of light.


Natsuki restrained her figure and walked straight towards the only surviving girl on the planet in the light.

"May I have your name?"

"Li, Lilica..."

The girl looked nervously at Natsuki who was approaching. She didn't expect that the giant would suddenly turn into a young man who seemed to be of the same race.

"Are you an alien or not?"

"I'm from Earth."


"It's also a planet in the Milky Way."

Natsuki unfolded his telekinesis and looked around.

Earth's crust has become extremely active, and destruction is only a matter of time.

The girl stood up with wet eyes and looked around. Facing the devastated hometown, she bit her lower lip tightly and tried her best to hold back the tears in her eyes, but in the end she still choked out.

"If you don't mind," Xia Shu looked back at the girl wiping her eyes, "Come back to Earth with me. I heard it when you came here. Your father is right, you have to live well even if you are alone. "

"Can I?" The girl looked at Xia Shu blankly.


The light of the divine light mirror on Natsuki's chest reappeared, wrapping the girl around her and leaving the surface together, breaking through the atmosphere and entering the universe at a very fast speed.

At this time, the planet has turned into a big fireball, the internal pressure has reached critical, and a big explosion is brewing.

Natsuki's giant body held the girl in the palm of his hand and looked back at the planet from the universe. The girl protected in the transparent light shield also climbed to the edge and silently watched the mother planet.

Natsuki didn't stop.

For girls, this is the only chance to see their home planet up close.

He has experienced this feeling before and can understand the girl's current mood.


Planet S851 didn't last long. It exploded almost at the same time Natsuki opened the wormhole space, leaving a dazzling light in the universe.

Earth, Titan Base.

The girl Lilika put on ordinary daily clothes and was brought to DASH by Natsuki.


"younger sister?!"

Kinjiro Kinjiro stared at Ririka with straight eyes.

She has slightly fluffy and smooth long hair draped over her shoulders. She has a full and round cute face, but also has a hint of charm and maturity, giving her a sense of familiarity like the sister next door or the sister next door.

"Since when did the consultant have such a beautiful sister?"

"Sister," Natsuki went to the side to talk to Captain Hijikata alone, "This child lost his parents because of monsters, so I brought him here without authorization. Is it okay for her to find something to do at the base?"


The good old Hijikata hesitated and couldn't refuse, so he nodded helplessly.

"Let me talk to the chief. It should be fine to work in the restaurant."

"Trouble," Natsuki looked back at Lilika, who had quickly become familiar with the DASH team members, "Actually, work doesn't matter, I just want Lilika to stay with me for the time being."

Hijikata's eyelids twitched, and he wanted to ask Natsuki if he was a girl lover, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"So your name is Ririka," Touma Kaito said enthusiastically, "The consultant's sister is the sister of all of us. If you have anything in the future, you can ask me for help..."


Natsuki grabbed Touma Kaito from behind.

"Kaito, did your date go well?"

"What date?"


Suddenly, a sharp alarm interrupted everyone's conversation, and everyone's eyes were attracted to the main screen.

"What happened?" Hijikata asked hurriedly.

"The strong solar wind formed due to abnormal sunspot activity caused a huge plasma air area to appear in the Earth's ionosphere."

Ellie reports.

"Energy value increased!"

"A subspace tunnel has been discovered in the plasma aerial area. It is confirmed that there is a reaction of life forms in the tunnel, and it is approaching quickly! The predicted location is the Natsuki District!"

"Ahem!" Natsuki looked at the screen map carefully, "Is there a Natsuki area in Tokyo?"

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