Starting human body

Chapter 707 Decisive Battle

Kingdom of Light Universe.

The rescue team hurriedly landed on a deserted planet, pursued by the Absolut army.

Although the strength of ordinary soldiers was average, they could not bear the overwhelming number and could not kill them all. The people who had just experienced a fierce battle on the kingdom's home planet simply could not afford to consume them.

Moreover, there is Princess Julian who needs to be protected. Astra, who is the main combat force, has not fully recovered, and Regros, who was rescued together, has only recovered a little energy.


As golden time and space channels emerged, a steady stream of Absolut troops were sent to the front line by Tartarus, which was simply despairing.

As a technician and captain, Hikali had to put on the Arbor armor again as the main force, but he was still in danger in this situation.

"Everyone, hold on!" Hikali swung his sword to kill the Absolut soldiers, and shouted to encourage the team members, "I have notified the headquarters, and support will be here soon!"

Behind him, Zeta also maintained a fierce battle. While fighting a silver-armored elite warrior, he subconsciously looked towards the expanding golden passage.

This kind of passage directly connected to the kingdom, and it was supposed to be the best way to leave the kingdom, but no matter what, there was no trace of Natsuki.

"Master Shikari!" Zeta shouted anxiously, "Second uncle... Tiga is still the queen in the kingdom!"

Hikali paused slightly: "Diga..."


Diavolo followed the new wave of Absolute soldiers out of the space tunnel and said coldly after hearing the exchange between the rescue team.

"If you are talking about the Ultra warrior at the rear, there is no need to wait for him."

"What did you say?!"

In a moment of excitement, Zeta was accidentally hit by an elite soldier, causing sparks to fly from his chest.

"Impossible, Ultraman Tiga..."

"Nothing is impossible," Diavolo said proudly, "We in the Kingdom of Absolut don't just come and leave whenever we say. Don't worry, I will send you to see him right now!"


Suddenly a bomb fell into the Absolute army and exploded. When a pair of soldiers were blown away, Diavolo almost lost his balance.


After reacting, Diavolo furiously looked for the source of the attack. He looked up and saw 4 giant figures descending, led by a team of 3 people, and a red Ultra Warrior behind him.

"Hey, hey, hey!" The three-man Ultra Armed Forces first landed in the middle of the battlefield and stopped the army led by Diavolo. "Isn't that too unreasonable? You actually send so many troops to fight!"

"This is a war, what's the point?" Diavolo said grumpily, "By the way, who are you?"


Hikari noticed Natsuki coming after the Ultra Armed Forces and couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise.

"What's going on? I remember you were going to Planet Baberu..."

"Hehe, that's it," Ultraman Beth, the female warrior in the three-person team, said with a smile, "We have found a reliable helper on the planet Baberu!"

"I see. Is the legendary Superman in the intelligence Nexus?"

Hikari and the others all focused their attention on Natsuki, and even though Natsuki had always been big-hearted, she couldn't help but feel a little weak.

When he was on the planet Baberu, he just wanted to leave as soon as possible, but who knew that he would be regarded as Noah's trumpet.

With the identity of such a "mortal enemy", I always feel like something is wrong.

But Noah didn’t react and didn’t seem to mind?

It’s better not to reveal your identity for now, maybe Noah is observing somewhere.

"The legendary Superman?"

Diavolo was startled, but relaxed after seeing clearly that it was Nexus.

"Hmph, that guy from Titan is so useless! Then I'll just take care of you, come on!"

"You don't need to tell me."

Beria twisted his neck and walked out with Tregchia.

"Leave this guy to me. I don't know what's going on. I feel bad when I see him!"

"Then I'll come and have some fun too."

Tregear looked sarcastically at the armor-covered Hikari.

"Abo Armor...Sir Hikari, wasn't this the device you used when you fell into the darkness? Why did you take it out again now? Haha!"



In the blink of an eye, the surroundings were surrounded by the Absolute clan. Natsuki looked around the group and quietly looked at Beria who was walking towards him.

Time and space are so amazing. I didn't expect to meet this guy again.


As the war around him started again, Natsuki no longer hesitated. Nexus shouted as his breath circulated and shot energy rays into the sky. A golden dome quickly expanded to cover the battlefield.

"Meta Realm?!"

After Shikari and Tregchia collided and separated, they excitedly observed the legendary field skill in front of them.

The environment has not changed much because it relies on the desolate planet, but all the Absolut soldiers are isolated from the outside world, and the only enemies that need to be dealt with are Beria.

The numerical advantage was instantly reversed.

"Humph, so what if there aren't those miscellaneous soldiers?" Beria smiled disdainfully, "I alone am enough!"


Natsuki raised his hand to catch Beria's swift punch. After cutting off Beria's leg with his toes, he suddenly took a step forward, and his arms exploded with sparks and hit Beria's chest.



Beria retreated continuously under the heavy blows, covering his chest in horror and preparing to fight back, but Natsuki's figure suddenly moved behind him.



Before Beria could regain his footing, he was kicked hard from behind again.

"How can you be so strong?"

Waves of severe pain hit him, and even though his body had been strengthened by Absolute particles several times, far beyond what he had imagined, he couldn't help but tremble.

"Damn it! Am I scared?"

Seeing Natsuki approaching step by step, Beria roared angrily and concentrated all his energy to emit light.

"Go to hell--!"


Natsuki turned her head to avoid the first blast of destructive light. After roughly sensing the energy intensity of Beria, she reached out to intercept the second blast.

"How can it be?"

Beria watched in disbelief as his light stopped in front of Natsuki, unable to make any progress.

He is confident that his current body is no different from ordinary ultimate life forms, and he can even easily crush the so-called new generation of ultimates with his combat experience.

But now, instead of breaking through the opponent's defense, he is shortening the distance step by step. No matter how he increases the energy output, it has no effect.

How long has it been since you felt this powerless?

The last time was...


Natsuki didn't care about Beria's thoughts and just thought about how to get out. However, the situation seemed to be starting to go wrong.

The Kingdom of Light team coming to support from outside the field has collided with Tartarus' side.

He was somehow involved in the decisive battle.


After breaking through the light with force, Natsuki unfolded the elbow blade of his arm, grabbed Beria and crashed into the mountain with a roar.

The earth and rocks shook and buried the giant body of Belial, and no matter how hard it struggled, it could not escape.

In a mixture of shock and anger, the same figure of the elbow blade appeared in the depths of Beria's mind.

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