Starting human body

Chapter 708 You are not Noah

Another battlefield in the Meita realm.

After experiencing the panic of being drawn into the domain space, Diavolo and Tregear quickly stabilized.

With the support of Absolut particles, even though Tregear was not good at fighting in the first place, he still fought with his old boss who was transformed into a "sword" almost playfully.

"Hey, Chief Hikari, is this what you're doing?"


Hikari snapped.

"Degenerate into Absolute's minion to deal with the Kingdom of Light. Is this what you are pursuing? Before you do anything wrong, please wake up!"

"Haha, what qualifications do you have to teach me a lesson?"

The golden energy in Tregear's arm exploded and drove away Hikari, feeling the powerful power in his body like an intoxication.

"There is neither darkness nor light in this world, power is everything..."

"Strength-breaking Ox Fist!!"


On the battlefield at the rear, Zeta was accidentally punched away when he and Ultraman Xeno were working together to deal with Diavolo.

Astra and Regros, who were in bad shape behind, wanted to support, but had to stay with Princess Julian for protection.

Although the Meta Domain isolated most of the Absolute soldiers, some who were with Diavolo were still brought in.

There were many elite warriors among them, which made Astra and the others who were guarding them unable to spare their hands and feet.

Fortunately, the Ultra Armed Forces are also very powerful and can barely hold on to the situation.

As long as the support from the Kingdom of Light arrives, the dilemma will naturally be solved.


At this time, bubbles suddenly appeared in the domain space covering the battlefield, and circles of water ripples spread, gradually revealing the outside scenery.


Diavolo stopped attacking in confusion, and then sneered at the rescue team: "It seems that Nexus, whom you guys relied on, isn't that good either. He was taken care of so quickly..."


A giant figure suddenly crashed into several mountain peaks like a cannonball and flew backwards at the speed of light. Diavolo was hit hard before he could finish his words, and his golden-armored body rolled continuously for a while before he recovered.


"Which bastard dares to sneak up on me?!"

Diavolo staggered to his feet, roared and looked at the giant that bumped into him. When he discovered that it was Beria with the red light flashing, he couldn't help but trembled, and his eyes instantly changed from arrogant to serious.

Although he was unhappy with these foreign bastards, he was still somewhat aware of Beria's strength, and now he was beaten like this.

"Humph, trash is trash!"

Diavolo passed over the severely injured Beria, lowered his center of gravity like a bull and looked directly at the dust mist raised by the bursting of the mountain peaks.

The battlefield suddenly became quiet, and even the rescue team all retreated to protect Princess Julian.

The remaining Absolute soldiers also retreated around Diavolo. The two warring parties were in perfect agreement, and all eyes turned to the giant figure looming in the dust and mist.


The Meta Realm completely disappeared, and an ice and snow storm blew up from nowhere on the deserted planet.

It was only then that everyone discovered that there were no longer surrounding Absolute soldiers outside. It turned out that the external battlefield had been moved, and the main force of the war had become the Space Guard supported by the Kingdom of Light and the top leaders of the Kingdom led by Tartarus. Combat strength.

"Captain Zoffie!"


When Hikali saw the support from the Kingdom of Light, his pressure suddenly dropped.

He is just a researcher, not a combat captain at all.

At this time, both sides of the battlefield also stopped fighting due to changes below. Zoffi also relaxed a lot after noticing Hikali and his party.

I didn't see anyone when I came here just now, so I thought something had happened.

"Melos," Zoffi reacted and quickly said to a friendly warrior beside him, "You and Shikari and the others will cover Julian back to the Kingdom of Light first, and the wounded will also be evacuated first!"


Hikali led the team to protect Julian and returned to the Kingdom of Light camp. At the last moment, he took a curious look at Natsuki's figure that gradually appeared in the dust and mist.

"It's Nexus..."

"Stop pretending to be a fool! The strong force of the Ox Fist——!"

Before the dust mist had completely dissipated, Diavolo had already launched his own signature move.


Natsuki, who was originally hesitant to come out, had no choice but to block the strong force of the Ox Fist seal.

Now not only Noah, but also the King of Ultra is probably staring at this place, and he can no longer stay out of it.


Faced with Diavolo's back and forth move, Natsuki subconsciously bounced it back. Diavolo, who had just been hit once, was immediately thrown away again in the same posture. A pair of golden horns almost killed Abu Fang. Soleut soldiers.

"how so?"

Diavolo suddenly shook his dizzy golden head.

It seems that I have flown three times today, and both times I was beaten back by my own unique skills.

When did the universe's most powerful fantasy beast fist become such a joke? How can anyone stop it?



The giant Natsuki teleported and stepped in front of the Absolute clan. When he was about to take advantage of the situation to attack, a golden light blade suddenly shot from the sky.


As Natsuki dodges like a reflex, the light blade explodes on the spot, and the Absolute Titan holding a sharp sword pounces on him.

"I'll take your life!"



Natsuki's high-frequency elbow blade vibrated and extended, blocking the knight's sword attack with several streams of light, and suddenly kicked away the Absolut Titan who was wielding the sword.



In just a few moves, the Absolute Titan was already severely injured. It was targeted by Natsuki's light technique before he could even steady his steps.

"The movements are too slow, there are too many redundant movements, they are all flaws..."

Natsuki's figure suddenly transformed into a blue form, and the light blade arrows were drawn out to lock firmly on the unbalanced Absolut Titan.

The energy level is indeed the ultimate, but the actual combat power is hard to describe.

Where does this guy get the confidence to speak arrogantly?

He thought he had met someone special.


Natsuki's eyes were cold, and the light arrow in his hand was shot at the Absolute Titan who hastily put up a defensive posture.

The ultimate light arrow storm!

"call out!"

The light arrow seemed to be entwined with the phoenix flame, penetrating straight through the wind and snow, and the terrifying pressure suddenly awakened the Absolut Titan.

Can't stop it!

A strong will to survive surged into the heart of Absolute Titan. When he wanted to avoid it, he couldn't move his body at all. He could only watch the light in his field of vision magnify.

"Get away! I'll deal with him!"

Diavolo roared like a bull and knocked away the Absolute Titan, withstanding the impact of the hurricane, his feet sank into the ground.

"Strength...Bull Ox Fist——!"


The flames of the storm rolled back and swallowed Diavolo's figure with the fist seal of the Bull Breaking Fist. The light arrow in the center continued unabated, blasting Diavolo's golden body without any hindrance.


Unwilling roars resounded throughout the battlefield, and everyone seemed to feel a thunder in their hearts, and they all stopped and looked back at the ground.


The Absolut Titan stared blankly at Diavolo, who was fatally attacking him, and looked at Natsuki who put away his light arrow skill with a trembling voice.

What I saw in an instant was not the legendary Superman, but more like a legendary demon.

"You're not Noah! Who the hell are you?!"

"Does it matter who I am?"

Xia Shu waved her hands and calmed down in front of everyone's gaze. After noticing the vague alienation from the Kingdom of Light, she suddenly felt very helpless.

This familiar sight...

Why do you feel like you've become a villain again?

These guys killed Absolut's soldiers without mercy. Why did he react so bigly when he killed Diavolo?

This is a war, a battle for the survival of racial civilizations, and the most important thing is to prioritize the elimination of opponents.

So what if the enemy behaves bravely?


This Absolute ultimate life form seems not to have died completely yet.

Natsuki's mind power swept across, and when he was about to completely solve the trouble, he suddenly raised his head to meet the cold gaze of Tartarus in mid-air. Two golden energy groups had gathered and fused in Tartarus' hands.

"No matter who you are, please stay with me! Absolute destruction!"


Golden destructive energy enveloped the earth, and the terrifying SS+ energy reaction roared to suppress everyone present. Even Natsuki felt a huge threat.

No matter what form it is, it will be greatly strengthened in his hands, and Nexus form is no exception.

But the power that can be exerted at present is limited to SS...

"Don't even think about it!"

When Natsuki was about to dodge, a gleaming silver sword blade suddenly broke through the golden thunderstorm to block the absolute destruction. The next moment, he saw the ultimate radiance Zero like a little silver man falling in front of him.

"Let's fight it out, Tartarus!"

"It's you again?" Tartarus' eyes darkened, "Didn't we lose enough last time?"

"Hey, I'm different now!"

Zero confidently put on a fighting stance, turned his head handsomely and glanced at Natsuki.

"Thank you for your hard work, senior. Leave the rest of the battle to me. I have completely mastered the power you... Noah gave me."

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