Starting Life In Another World

Chapter 82 - 082: Aftermath

Inside the auditorium

After Tatsuya and Miyuki leave to the practical skill-building, Mari leads the other Public Moral Committee members to defend the door. Azusa uses her unique magic and calms down the students, with this many students gathered in one place it was better for them to stay here rather than going out of the auditorium to make it easier for teachers and Public Moral Committee members focus their attention to protect the students.

"Emilia let's go out of here, this place didn't save" Mayumi drag Emilia by hand "And we need to helping them from other places"

"Where are we going Mayumi-senpai?" Emilia following Mayumi who is leaving the auditorium from the backdoor

"We need to access hidden cameras in the school from the student council room, so we can help them spotted the terrorist"

When Mayumi and Emilia running in a corridor there is a group of four terrorist ambushes them, Mayumi was taken by surprise and late in make response. But luckily there is Emilia who makes multiple ice barrier separating them with the terrorist who shoots their machines guns at them. But the terrorist failed to maximize their opportunity and Emilia make several trees made out of ice magic and bind them with its trunk.

"They didn't intend to capture... they aim for our life" Mayumi can't think a reason why the terrorist choose an extreme way when they successfully ambushed her and Emilia instead of trying to capture them.

"Mayumi-senpai, let's go. They have a lot of people, and they can appear anytime. We need to move from here"

"You're right, Emilia-chan. Let's go"

Mayumi comes to her senses and uses magic to make herself faster when they arrive at the student's council room Mayumi use the computer and open the access to school hidden cameras.

"It's bad" Mayumi stare at the monitor with a worried face

"What happened Mayumi-senpai?" Emilia come to her side and take a look at the monitor, there are several cameras that blank out and didn't show anything at all

"It seems they're shooting the camera wherever they find it, wait what's that?"

"That's Echidna's magic, in term of pure magic Echidna is the best compared to me, Arthur and Abby"

In the monitor there is an image of Echidna on top of water dragon's head protecting the students that took shelter in the library, this place is one of their targets with the highest priority so the force they send there is the strongest. But after directing a lot of manpower here, they still can't pass Echidna.

"Oh, he is taking action too" Emilia caught Arthur silhouettes in one of the monitors before he disappears and reappears in another place.

"Not just his speed activation magic that insane but his self acceleration magic is awesome too, and he didn't hesitate to execute his magic on the terrorist"

"That's not self acceleration magic, but his special ability. We can be at ease with the student and the library with Echidna guarding it, and it seems Arthur choose to guard the school perimeter and eliminate their reinforcements. For now, we need to help Mari-senpai and other people who are protecting other places"

"You're right, and it seems Tatsuya-kun and Miyuki-chan is defending the Practical Skill Building" at another place Tatsuya uses his dual gun shape CAD confronting the terrorist who tries to enter the building with Miyuki,Leo and Mikihiko ȧssist him and Erika is the one who responsible for Mizuki safety because she is the one with zero combat ability.

"Mari, Juumonji-Kun, can you hear me? I'm in the student council room and access the school monitoring system, we can leave the Library and Practical Skill Building protection to other people, we need to protect the students caught in the commotion. Their target is not just capturing but they also will not hesitate to murder, please move with extra cautious because several cameras are broken so there are several blind spots"

Mayumi uses her communication device and direct Mari and Juumonji about the whereabouts of the terrorist and she also use her multi-scope magic to see at the area where the camera is taken out.

"I need to end this mayhem now. Well, let the sky rampage"

With his magic Arthur make the wind move faster and the clouds turn to darker, the sun is blocked and the school area nearly as dark as night, and thunder is heard roaring from the clouds with lightning flashing between its.

The terrorist shock with this turn of events and look at the sky, and they can find a silhouette of a person with the pair of golden eyes that they feel can see through their soul.

"What terrifying amount of psion, multiple magics activation and creating artificial weather, his control over his own magic is really incredible"

With his eyes, Tatsuya can see a large amount of psion burst out from Arthur body at an insane rate, and this is his first time seeing someone with this much psion.

Standing on top of school clocktower Arthur clasping both of his hand once and at the same time a large amount of lightning in the shape of arrow shoots out from the clouds and accurately hit the terrorist who is outside of buildings and also their new reinforcements. All of the terrorist who gotten hit by the lightning fall to the ground and lost their consciousness with charred bodies and foaming mouth.

"This is my last warning, surrender or death. From now I will use my magic to kill"

Arthur's voice reverberated into every corner of the school, when the terrorist heard his voice and the sight of their comrades who lost their consciousness and scattered on the ground they lost their willpower to fight, they drop their weapon and surrender.

The school area is in a very bad state as could be seen from its blackened walls, cracked windows, there are also many holes in the wall because of the bullet. From the information that Mayumi and Juumonji get from their respective clan, special cops and military personnel is on a pursuit for the leader of this invasion and their remaining forces.

This invasion gives a harsh wake-up call for the school security personnel from their dream because of their long-time in peace make them forget about the danger from outside.

For the students who give aid for the terrorist too infiltrated the school, they're being held by the police for interrogation and it found out they're a victim of brainwashing so they're sent to hospitals for further treatment and see if there is a side effect or not from the brainwashing process.

Momoyama makes a video conference from his place and held a meeting with all of the staff including Echidna who is seated on her chair leisurely and take a sip at the tea prepared by Asuka Satomi who is take a seat near Echidna, she is a nurse in the First High School. When the invasion happens she is coincidentally in the outside and near the library when the terrorist appear. When she remembers how their first time happened there is a smile and amazement every time she thinks about it.

*Flashback start*

Asuka heard a loud blast and gunshot is heard from a faraway place and some students screaming here and there, shock by the situation a lot of students running aimlessly and make situation turns to worse.

"Everyone! Enter the library! Take shelter there!"

Asuka can see there are several unknown people who dress differently from students and school staff carrying a gun in their hand.

"Move! Take shelter in the library! There is terrorist invading the school!"

Students who heard her shouts run to the library and the students who didn't hear it clearly just following other people in front of them. When there are no students left in the vicinity Asuka run to the library and close the door when there is a sound of a young girl stopping her before she can close it completely.

"What's up with this ruckus, can you all shut up and stay silent inside the library? It's bothering me"

There is a girl with white hair and black eyes clad in black dress coming down from the second floor, her appearance makes all of the students who are shocked and try to run from the terrorist is close their mouth and amaze by her.

"You're a new staff recruit by principal Momoyama, right? We're in a dangerous situation now-"

"Terrorist? So the students here is running from them? Well, I will treat all of you here as a child that needs to be protected" Echidna look at all of the students in the library before walking to the door

"This is not time to play around! We're in a serious situation now!" Asuka stop Echidna from going any further but Echidna smile at her confidently

"Stay silent here and be good girl, I will protect all of you here. With me here there is no one who can hurt you all" Echidna open the door widely, and what greets her is a rain of bullets from the terrorist.

There is a scream from the students when they heard the gunshots, but Asuka who is standing exactly behind Echidna has her eyes wide open. There is not even one bullet that successfully pierced Echidna, in front of her the bullet is stopped and fall to the ground make a ringing sound.

"What a rude people, how about play with me for a while? It's been a long time for me to exercise my magic" her voice is very lovely and make the students and Asuka feel safety, but for the terrorist, this is the voice that coming from the abyss that toying with their lives.

*flashback end*

But after this invasion there is no one who dares to disrespect her like before, she is displayed many variations of magic in combat and use it skillfully. There is no one in this school that can stand with her side by side in term of magic, under her protection there is not even one student who is injured and there is not even one terrorist who can run away from her, and they end up being her experimental test subjects for many types of magic.

"We need to close the school for the time being and give the students some counseling, this invasion might be will leave trauma on the students"

Momoyama makes the decision after he thinks it carefully and it was accepted by the people here.

"I'm very sad about the victim from our side, but I'm also very disappointed with how our guard that didn't do their job properly because of the peaceful time we have. I-"

"Oldman, if you just want to preach here can I leave this room? There is a lot of things I need to learn in the library so if there is nothing to do for me except for hearing your voice, I would rather spend my time in the library"

Echidna speak and stop Momoyama from talking, the surrounding people surprise but how is Echidna is speaking to Momoyama. But Momoyama has a wide smile on his face when he looks at Echidna.

"Hahaha, so it was Echidna. Yes, you can leave if you want. And I very thankful for your help this time, please convey my thanks to Arthur too. Without him, there will be more victim fall from our side"

"Then I will leave now" Echidna didn't bother with Momoyama's word and leave the room.

Momoyama didn't feel offended with Echidna attitude instead he feels lucky he acts fast enough to recruit her when he gets information about her information. Even if she is very lowkey from the moment she comes to Japan, from Momoyama intuition there is no way for someone who acts as a leader of the researcher of large companies in foreign countries have the poor ability in term of magic.

Her Mastery nearly all type of modern magic and ancient magic, her large amount of psion, and how she can use magic skillfully can be said the true omnipotent magician.

The only person that can be put at the same height as she is a new student, Arthur Spencer. His contribution repelling the terrorist is a key point in preventing more victim fall, different from Echidna who is guarding the library full of students Arthur use unknown magic to everyone and appear in a different place at high speeds to confront the terrorist and his last magic make them view him in different ways.

That power usually can't come from ordinary magician but from prestige family like Ten Master Clans. And it has become a great mystery, how can England let magician at such caliber leave the country and change nationality? Maybe this is the first time they show their capability to the outside world?

But all of that didn't matter for Momoyama, from this event he found out they didn't have bad intentions and he feels glad to have strong magician work for First High School.

"Well, like what I say before, we will give vacation for the students and some counseling too, and monitor the students who get involved with the terrorist carefully" Momoyama look at all of people in the room "I hope this event will make all of you realize even if world war is over, there is no permanent peace in this world"

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