Starting Life In Another World

Chapter 83 - 083: It worse

After the long vacation, the school starts like usual except there is a lot of students who coming to the library just to catch a glimpse of Echidna but there is no one who foolish enough to bother her because there is a mysterious club known as Echidna's Royal Guard who is protecting her from the dark.

There is no one who knows who is the founder and how to differentiate between the members and other people because they didn't use anything that has similarities like a badge or anything. And they didn't make a move in the school but if there is someone who is trying to bother Echidna study time then that person can't hope to get a peaceful time in the road to the home.

Not just Echidna who is becoming popular after the invasion, Arthur's popularity is increasing for several levels. There is quite a lot of students being saved by Arthur, and his last magic is the most amazing magic they ever see after Echidna's magic.

Different from Echidna's mysterious royal guard, Arthur gets himself a fanbase dominating by the girl students. But they share similarities in term of the founder, there is no one who knows who is the founder of Arthur's fanbases.

With the previous club recruitment event where Arthur always has seen together with Echidna, there are rumors about they also live together in the same house. And the rumor is acknowledged by Emilia when there is someone who asks her.

"Emilia-san, there is a rumor about Arthur-san and Echidna-sensei live together in the same house, that's true?" The one who asks is Sakurakouji Akaha from year 1 Class B

"Yes, we live together though" and Emilia answer her innocently, but fortunately Akaha didn't notice from Emilia answer the fact that Arthur not just live in the same home with Echidna but also with Emilia.

Tatsuya performance does not go unnoticed too, his early stellar performance in the club recruitment event is already make him being treat different from the rest, of course, two students and now with his combat power display when he is confronted the terrorist with ease, it make there is no one who treats him lightly like before and this change makes Miyuki always have smile whenever there are students who are polite to her brother.


The week after the first semester's finals were over for the National Magic University-affiliated First High, the students devoted all their energy towards preparing for the Nine Schools Competition during the summer.

Currently, Arthur is lying on the sofa and just staring at the window, and Tatsuya is shorting out the documents because Mari can't do it.

"Arthur, rather than lazing around like that it's better if you help Tatsuya" Mari feel annoyed and approach him, she stop at where Arthur rest his head with both of her hand in front of her ċhėst and her right hand held a bundle of paper.

"It was your task at the first place, so if we talk about who is must be helping Tatsuya then you're the most responsible one here. And I was busy right now"

"Other than daydreaming there, I can't see you doing anything"

"How rude, I'm not daydreaming. Currently, I use my clairvoyant abilities to see into the future" Arthur answer Mari with serious tone but it makes Mari feel more annoyed

"Ohh, and what you see from the future?" Mari feel irritating but she wants to know what Arthur will say if she asks

Arthur adjusts his head so he can see Mari's face clearly before answering her but alas his vision is slightly blocked by the natural mountain.

"I see... you're wearing a swimsuit with your new hairstyle wet by water and you're flying- aw! My eyes!"

"Stop your stupid imagination and do something more productive!"

Mari who has a red face smack Arthur on his face using a bundle paper that she held in her hand with all her might and as the result, Arthur fall from the sofa with his hand covering his eyes.

This is not their first time bickering like this, at first Mari is like a mȧturė upperclassman when she is act but now with so much time she spends in Arthur house, she changes gradually. She comes to Arthur house nearly every day for training sword with Abby so it also nearly every day Arthur need to drive her to home, so now when there is not a lot of people she is acting like unrestrained mischief girl in front of Arthur.

"I hope you two will go to another place if didn't plan to help me here"


The next day in the preparation meeting for the Nine Schools Competition held in the Club Management Headquarters was suffused with a nervous aura from the onset.

Students with outstanding performance in the events would receive extra credit for their classes. Just for being one of the official participants, students would receive no homework, extra days off and guaranteed straight A's. Not only did this apply to participants, but to the students selected as engineers as well.

Thanks to the school putting such a high emphasis on the Nine Schools Competition, the students selected as the representatives for the Nine Schools Competition received such incredible rewards.

And for Arthur, after discussing with Mayumi he will be participating in the Ice pillars break, Speed shooting and monoliths code. And for Emilia, she will participate in the Mirage bat and Ice pillars break.

There is no one who has objections for this appointment, but there is strong rejection when Mayumi says she wants to appoint Tatsuya as a staff engineer. In the end, it was Kirihara who is volunteering to be a Guinea pig for testing Tatsuya ability for maintaining the CAD.

The school's CAD maintenance facility open to faculty and students was located in the Technical Skills Building.

However, this time they weren't using the preset maintenance devices in the Practical Skills Building, but bringing the mobile maintenance devices used in the Nine Schools Competition to the conference room to conduct their test.

The CAD in question was also one that qualified under the regulations of the Nine Schools Competition. Tatsuya completes the task easily and getting support by Azusa, but there is still a lot of people who doubt his ability.

"If there is someone here who can achieve the same results like Tatsuya then I will convince Tatsuya to give up his position as an engineer for Nine Schools Competition"

In the end, there is no one who raises another objection because they can't accept Arthur challenges and there are Juumonji and Mayumi who is supporting Tatsuya become an engineer for Nine Schools Competition so there is no use to stop it now.

When there is no one around except for Tatsuya, Miyuki and Emilia in the room Arthur ask Tatsuya to have dinner in his house because he need help from Tatsuya.

The siblings didn't reject Arthur invitation and agree when they arrive at Arthur house Abby already prepared a various type of cuisine for five people at the table including Echidna who always refuses to leave the library if Arthur didn't drag her home.

"So, can you tell me what do you need from me, Arthur" Tatsuya put down his chopstick and ask about the purpose of Arthur's invitation

"Well, as you know me and Emilia will participate in the Nine Schools Competition right?"


"Well, it was Competition after all so in case you forget, I and Emilia didn't have CAD until now so can you help me getting a custom made one for me and Emilia?"

"Aah, that's really a problem. And I forget about that too, but why you need my help? I can maintenance CAD but for making custom CAD it's a bit"

"Come on Tatsuya, you can't hide it from me about your real identity in the CAD field, it's hurt if you still feign ignorance like that in front of me you know"

"What do you mean?" This time there is a hint of alertness in Tatsuya's eyes

"Do you want me to tell Azusa who is her idol true identity?"


"Let's see... in this world, there is a very little amount of person who knows your multiple identities and I was one of those people who know it"

"You thinking about me too highly"

"Shiba Tatsuya, Ooguro Ryuuya, Silver, Mahesvara, and lastly the Yotsuba. Don't be so tense like that, we're still friend, right? I say all of this because I didn't like you choose to didn't help me solve my problem with CAD. Oh and please say hello for Maya-san"

"So you will blackmail me if I didn't want to help you from now on?"

"Huwaa... I wonder what is my image inside your imagination, you think so lowly about me. I just want to say it, nothing more than that. In the end, without forcing you to make it for me, I can just send messages to Maya-san and request her to make custom made CAD by Taurus Silver but I just didn't want to owe anything to Yotsuba"

"Haa, alright I need to measure your psion oscillation nature so-"

"You can't just use your eyes directly?"

"... it will easier if I have help from the machine"

"Then let's go to the basement, there is the same machine with the one you will use in the competition, that's thing is enough right?" Arthur stand up and lead Tatsuya and Miyuki to the basement

"You have a large basement, and there is a lot of machines too"

"Just slightly bigger than your basement, this is just for Echidna in case she wants to dabble with CAD"

Tatsuya stops his step when he sees Mari fighting against Abby inside a room with transparent glass separating her from Tatsuya and the rest.

"That's Watanabe-senpai?" Miyuki surprised to found out there is someone else in this house other than her and Tatsuya

"She is coming here to train with Abby every day, don't worry this is one-way glass so she didn't know if you two are here"

"Well, then let's go for measurements. I want to finish it quickly"

"You're really afraid a lot of things" even if he said like that Arthur still following Tatsuya demands and lead them to a different room.

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