Starting the fourth generation Hokage

Chapter 16 The Nine-Tails Rebellion

Konoha Village, Sarutobi Hiruzen's residence.

The Third Hokage, who had eaten dinner early, locked himself in the study as usual. Because he was still the assistant of the Hokage, he still needed to deal with a small part of the government documents.

Of course, this was undoubtedly much easier than the heavy work before he resigned as the Hokage.

The full moon outside the window seemed particularly bright tonight. For some reason, he always felt that Konoha Village suddenly became a little cold tonight.

It was obviously midsummer, and the night of this solar term should be hot...

After reading the scroll in his hand, Sarutobi Hiruzen slowly put it on the table and looked out the window.

"With Minato going there in person, nothing should happen..."

The ominous omen in his heart suddenly became stronger for no reason, and Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help muttering to himself.

At this moment, his brows suddenly frowned tightly, and then he stood up suddenly, opened the door and walked out.

Inside the house outside the door, a figure of an Anbu who looked a little embarrassed suddenly appeared, kneeling on one knee and speaking anxiously: "Third-generation, the Jinchūriki was attacked by an unknown enemy, and the Nine-Tails broke the seal..."

"...How could it be? Did something really happen?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was slightly startled, and then said very calmly: "Don't worry, where is the Fourth Generation now?"

"Fourth-generation, he should still be fighting the enemy..."

"Understood, immediately assemble the Anbu and all the special jonin and jonin combat forces in the village, and gather at the gate of Konoha in 5 minutes." Sarutobi Hiruzen looked solemn, and then added: "Also, prepare for the emergency evacuation of non-combatants, and the village will enter the second-level combat readiness state..."


However, before he finished speaking, a burst of earth-shattering explosions suddenly came from the direction of the gate of Konoha Village, several kilometers away, and a violent bright light suddenly appeared, briefly reflecting the sky like daylight.

What's even more terrifying is that even though they are so far away, the entire Konoha Village can still clearly feel the ground shaking.

"Is this... the Tailed Beast Ball? Is the Nine-Tails heading directly for the village?!!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was shocked, and it was hard to imagine what kind of damage the explosion would cause if it happened in the village.

When he thought of this, his face suddenly became ugly.

At this time, he suddenly remembered Namikaze Minato's suggestion in the morning, asking the village to prepare for the transfer of non-combatants and deal with such situations in advance. Did the fourth generation foresee this scene?

Regret was useless, Sarutobi Hiruzen gritted his teeth and immediately changed the order: "It seems that I underestimated the severity of the situation. Immediately transfer non-combatants and the village will enter the first level of combat readiness..."

"Yes, Third Generation." The Anbu ninja, who didn't bother to rest for a moment, immediately used the instant body technique and disappeared on the spot.

Tonight in Konoha Village, a catastrophe is inevitable.

At this time, outside the village, on the road leading to Konoha Village, where huge smoke and dust rose, you can see the roaring and violent Nine-Tails, running straight, aiming directly at the direction of Konoha Village a few kilometers away.

The scarlet eyes of the Nine-Tails, the upright demon fox pupils, have long been replaced by the three-magatama Sharingan.

Above the head of the Nine-Tails, if you look carefully, you can see that there is a ragged black-robed masked man standing. From the torn sleeves, you can see that his body is completely wrapped in a layer of white objects.

"Fire Style: Dragon Fire Technique!!!"

"Lightning Style: Violent Flow Wave!!"

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!!!"

Three attacks of different attributes suddenly appeared and suddenly sprayed out from three angles in the woods on the roadside. The power of these three attribute escape techniques is extremely great, and the attack positions are accurate and the angles are tricky, hitting the face of the Nine-Tails.


Although the Nine-Tails is composed of chakra, it still has a certain sense of pain. The three attribute ninjutsu hit him in the face, and he felt pain the moment he hit his face. He turned his face slightly, and his huge body that was running forward also stopped.

Fei, who was above the Nine-Tails, couldn't help but glance at the woods on both sides.

Then he immediately found that the attackers were three identical Minato Namikaze. He frowned slightly. Under his command, the Nine-Tails waved its claws in an instant, carrying huge wind and waves, and hit the three Minato Namikaze in the woods.

The three Minato Namikaze moved very quickly. Before the Nine-Tails attacked, they immediately used the instant body technique to escape.

The attack failed, but a large area of ​​the woods was unlucky. The soil was scattered and the trees were blown away, and a large area of ​​huge pits appeared on the surface at the same time.

"Want to stop me? Unfortunately, this is meaningless..." After controlling the Nine-Tails to repel the three shadow clones of Minato, Fei, who was possessed by Obito, couldn't help shaking his head.

Then the huge body of the Nine-Tails began to move towards the direction of Konoha Village, which was getting closer and closer in the distance.

"Dealing with the power of the tailed beast is beyond my current ability..."

In a secluded place in the distant woods, Minato Namikaze looked at the Nine-Tails that continued to run towards Konoha, and reluctantly took back the remaining chakra of the three shadow clones.

Along the way, in order to delay the Nine-Tails' progress, Minato Namikaze used harassment tactics to the fullest while saving chakra.

Just now, he used the shadow clones and performed three of his most powerful and powerful attribute escape techniques at the same time to try to stop the Nine-Tails, but it was obviously still ineffective.

This made him vaguely realize how powerless ordinary Konoha ninjas would be when facing the Kyuubi.

Through Fei's control, the Kyuubi at this time was already more threatening than the Kyuubi who could only violently and wreak havoc unconsciously.

Not only that, not long ago Fei even learned to control the Nine Tails and use the Tailed Beast Jade together.

On the branch, Namikaze Minato, who was squatting half-crouched, counted his own chakra. Due to deliberate saving, he still had more than half of his chakra available for use at this time. He looked up at the full moon in the night sky through the treetops, and thought to himself, counting the time, it seemed that the reinforcements from Miaomu Mountain were about to arrive.

I hope that the long-missing Konoha Kage-level warrior can also appear together...

After locking his perception on the mark left at the gate of Konoha, Namikaze Minato once again activated the Flying Thunder God Jutsu and disappeared on the branches.

In front of the gate of Konoha, a lot of Konoha ninjas have gathered at this moment, and everyone looks ready.

The older generation of Ino Shikacho, headed by the Third Hokage, gathered together, and the elites of all races in the Aburozuka Hinata, and even the two advisors Mito Kadoen and Koharu who had transferred to the dormitory were prominently among them.

"Everyone obeys the order and must keep the Nine-Tails out of the village!!!"

The Third Hokage looked at the Konoha ninjas who were still coming behind him and shouted in a deep voice.



The Konoha ninjas lined up in a row responded to the call.

Everyone can feel that the ground under their feet is shaking more and more, and at the same time, the huge figure of the demon fox in the distance is clearly visible as it gallops towards them.

Facing such a mountain-sized monster rushing towards them, many people swallowed hard and unconsciously.

"Kyuubi is about to enter the attack range, earth escape ninja, prepare!!!" Among the crowd, Nara Shikaku, after calculating that the distance was enough, suddenly shouted.

Following his instructions, a large number of Konoha ninjas immediately jumped out of the crowd and lined up neatly at the front.

Immediately afterwards, they began to form seals together.

At this time, Nine Tails, which was running towards them, was already less than a hundred meters away from everyone.


As the seal of the earth escape ninja in front was completed, the huge figure of Nine Tails suddenly sank into the ground in the next second.

Huge smoke and dust rose up, and the Nine-Tails in the pit suddenly roared, unwilling to be trapped in the pit, and immediately wanted to climb out.

"Earth Release·Earthly River!!!"

A majestic voice sounded, and Jiuwei tried to climb out of the pit from the edge of the pit. When his claws touched the wall of the pit, the soil suddenly became like water, making it unable to climb and fell back into the pit again.

Immediately afterwards, countless attribute escape techniques came down like raindrops. These attacks fell on Kyuubi's body, causing another roar.

The Third Hokage withdrew his seal, and his eyes were already faintly focused on the existence of Fei above the head of the Nine-Tails.

"Ah, is the resistance so strong?" Fei seemed a little surprised.

Then his tone seemed to be playful again: "Then try this."

As his words fell, Nine Tails, who was struggling in the pit, suddenly raised his head and opened his mouth wide, and then countless black and white light spots suddenly gathered together.

"What a huge chakra"

"This trick is"

"Tailed Beast Jade, this is Tailed Beast Jade!!"

"The huge explosion outside the village not long ago could have been caused by this move, right?"

After all, those who participated in blocking Kyuubi were all Konoha's elite ninjas, so someone quickly recognized the trick Kyuubi was using at the moment.

However, even so, such a violent and powerful chakra aura still suppressed many Konoha ninjas.

You must know that this is the tailed beast jade used by the strongest tailed beast Nine Tails. It is incomparable in strength to the tailed beast jade used by tailed beasts from other countries in the great ninja wars.

Seeing that the tailed beast jade in Kyuubi's mouth was about to be gathered together, and the target was pointed directly in the direction of the gate, many Konoha ninjas couldn't help but panic.

"Oops, at this distance, the village will suffer huge losses."

At this time, Nara Shikaku's figure flashed, and he suddenly appeared next to Sarutobi Hiruzen, who had an equally solemn expression, and asked eagerly: "Sandaime-sama, do you have any way to stop this move?"

Hiruzen Sarutobi was holding a golden cudgel made from a monkey demon, and he was very unsure. Just when he was about to try, he used the psychic technique Rashomon and the dual defense of earth escape to bite the bullet and catch the nine-tailed beast. At Yushi, a young voice suddenly came from above the gate of Konoha, instantly making him feel at ease.

"I'm sorry, Third Generation, I'm late..."

Above the gate, Minato Namikaze was dressed in blue tights, a tactical vest, and holding a flying thunder god kunai. Although he did not have the iconic cloak, he still looked heroic and brave, and his posture was reassuring.

And when Namikaze Minato slowly raised his head, a pair of frog eyes with red eyeshadow were revealed.

That's right, the reason why Namikaze Minato didn't show up immediately after rushing back to Konoha was because he was preparing to enter sage mode.

There are two ways to apply Minato's Sage Mode. One is the instant Sage Mode method that can only support a small amount of condensed senjutsu that can be used for a short period of time. The other method requires a long time to prepare, but once it is entered, it can be maintained for a long time.

At this moment, Namikaze Minato was in the second Sage Mode state that could last for a longer period of time.

"Minato, you came just in time." Yuan Fei Hiruzen breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He could clearly feel how terrifying the power of the Tailed Beast Jade used by Nine-Tails was. If it was not necessary, he would definitely not want to deal with this kind of force. stuff...

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