Starting the fourth generation Hokage

Chapter 17 Working Together

As he spoke, Kyuubi's Tailed Beast Jade was now completely completed.


Under Fei's control and guidance, the black-purple chakra sphere condensed and formed in Nine-Tails' mouth instantly spurted out, carrying a terrifying aura and energy that made people feel horrified.

On top of the gate, Namikaze Minato held the Flying Thunder God Kunai and pushed it out with both hands.

Facing the Tailed Beast Jade flying towards him, he looked solemn and shouted softly: "The Flying Thunder God Guides Thunder!"

The next second, the seal representing the Flying Thunder Divine Technique instantly appeared in the air, spread out from the center like a spider web, and blocked the flying giant Tailed Beast Jade.

Having the honor to observe the Tailed Beast Tama's astonishing energy body at such a close distance for a short period of time, Namikaze Minato felt a trembling feeling in his heart. Although the time and space barrier was gradually swallowing and transferring the Tailed Beast Tama, the situation in front of him was unavoidable. Makes you think.

What would happen if the tailed beast jade exploded in front of your eyes if you made a mistake.

After trying hard to concentrate, Namikaze Minato finally moved the nine-tailed beast in front of him completely through the flying thunder god's space-time barrier to the distance in one breath.


A few kilometers away, the tailed beast jade that had been completely transferred suddenly exploded.

There was a deserted forest, and the light produced by the energy explosion illuminated the sky in an instant just like the previous time.

Then there was a loud crash of landslides and ground cracks, and large areas of land and trees were instantly evaporated.

It is no exaggeration to say that the tailed beast jade of Nine Tails can melt mountains and burn seas...

Seeing the tailed beast suddenly disappearing in front of the Konoha gate, all the Konoha ninjas were startled at first, and then they spotted the blond figure standing above the gate, and then they all looked excited, and many of them were even more excited. He cheered and said happily: "It's the Fourth Hokage..."

"Fortunately, Hokage-sama is here."

"It was the Fourth Hokage who protected the village..."

"As long as Hokage-sama is here, nothing will happen..."


Hearing the cheers and praises of the Konoha ninjas below, Namikaze Minato's heart was complicated at the moment.

At this moment, he really felt what the name of Hokage on his back and the Leaf Village behind him meant. However, these two things were actually a bit too heavy for him, so much so that he even He couldn't accept the cheers and praises of the Konoha ninjas below without feeling content.

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen also cast an approving look at him.

"Ah, it is indeed a golden flash, it actually has such a method..." Above the head of Kyuubi, Fei's surprise was undisguised.

He stayed in the underground base of Kirigakure Village all year round, and learned about ninjas in the ninja world through intelligence information.

So after seeing Namikaze Minato's alternative method of using the Flying Thunder God, I couldn't help but be surprised.

"Minato, is he controlling the Kyuubi? Who is the enemy?" Sarutobi Hiruzen had already discovered Tobi's existence. At this time, seeing Minato Namikaze present and knowing that he had fought against the enemy, he asked directly .

Namikaze Minato hesitated for a moment, but finally told the truth: "It's the dead Konoha hero, Uchiha Obito."

"From the Uchiha clan?" Hiruzen Sarutobi was startled at first, then suddenly remembered something and turned to ask, "Is he your former student?"

"That's right, Sandaime-sama." Namikaze Minato nodded helplessly.

At this point, whether Obito's identity is revealed or not is irrelevant.

Uchiha Obito was unwilling to look back. No matter what position he was in, Namikaze Minato no longer had a chance to save him.

Sometimes, once a person takes the wrong path, he can never look back.

Namikaze Minato had calculated so hard that he had forgotten the influence of Zetsu who was monitoring Obito. With his presence, it would be impossible for Obito, the chess piece, to be shaken and get out of control. On the surface, White Zetsu obeys Obito and Madara, but in fact, he really serves Black Zetsu, and Black Zetsu represents Kaguya's will.

Therefore, no matter how extravagant it is, it will not help. Unless Black Zetsu can be caught and confronted with Uchiha Madara, who is now dead, to clarify Lin's death, there will be no chance for Uchiha Obito to turn back.

To take a step back, even if you don't care that Obito had already conspired to kill Yahiko in Amegakure Village and controlled Akatsuki's affairs through Nagato, he had already stood on Konoha's side since he released the Kyuubi with the intention of destroying Konoha. The opposite of leaf.

Namikaze Minato probably knew what Sarutobi Hiruzen was thinking, and reminded him again: "Because of the special ability of the Sharingan, the enemy can enter a state of virtualization and is immune to physical attacks."

"So all we can do now is to subdue first and then seal..."

The reason why I say this is because I don't want others to waste their efforts and directly attack Fei above Kyuubi's head.

Approaching Kyuubi rashly is a very dangerous thing, not to mention that most of the attacks cannot be effective against Fei who is controlling Obito.

"Is the enemy so difficult to deal with?" After hearing this, Hiruzen Sarutobi had no choice but to put away his thoughts, and his expression turned solemn.

After a long time, he suddenly sighed and said: "I'm afraid the village will lose many elite ninjas this time..."

"The Nine-Tails' chakra is too huge. Only when it is exhausted can we take the opportunity to seal it."

Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced worriedly. When the Konoha ninjas who were advancing in batches to fight the Kyuubi inevitably began to suffer casualties, a look of regret flashed in his eyes, and then his eyes instantly turned into determination. , ordered: "Minato, it's up to you to attack Kyuubi's Tailed Beast Jade. He must not be allowed to harm the village at all."

"Understood." Namikaze Minato responded decisively.

However, while agreeing to the third generation, he was worried in his heart.

Although it sounds easy to say, it is not that easy to transfer the Tailed Beast Jade. The medium-sized Tailed Beast Jade just fired consumed a lot of his chakra.

If he fires a few more shots, even he, who has a sufficient amount of chakra compared to ordinary people, may not be able to bear it.

But even if we know that this is not the solution after all, we can only take one step at a time...

The Third Hokage soon joined the battle sequence to attack the Nine-Tails. He was proficient in all attribute ninjutsu and almost turned various escape techniques into a personal show. All kinds of large-scale ninjutsu are available at the drop of a hat. Under his attack, the fierce firepower suppressed the Kyuubi who was about to escape from the trap several times, but was blocked back again.

On the other side, Nara Shikaku's resourcefulness and strategy were also brought to the extreme.

With Yamanaka Kaiichi's use of the telepathy technique, Nara Shikaku can observe the actions of the Nine-Tails from a distance and at the same time communicate with all the Konoha ninjas present in the battle in real time.

Under his excellent command, although the Konoha ninjas who stepped forward to attack would still suffer casualties, the losses at this moment were minimized because they quickly figured out the fixed attack pattern of the Kyuubi.

The parasites of the Aburame clan and the doubling technique of the Akimichi clan played a big role in containing the Nine-Tails operation.

On the contrary, the Inuzuka clan and the Hyuga clan are more embarrassed. They are only good at physical arts. Not only is it difficult to cause damage if they rush forward rashly, but they may cause meaningless casualties.

As a last resort, most of their clansmen had no choice but to throw shurikens and detonating charms from a distance to assist.

"Oh my, it's really annoying." Fei controlled Nine-Tails, and saw that he was continuously being suppressed in the pit, and he suddenly became a little unhappy.

Then he suddenly seemed to sense something, and immediately grinned and said to himself: "It seems that the power has been accumulated again. This time I must get the biggest guy to see..."


The huge yin and yang chakra attributes were condensed and pulled out again. The Nine Tails in the pit stopped moving, raised its head and opened its huge mouth again.

"Damn it, is it coming again?"

"Asshole Kyuubi, doesn't it have enough chakra?"

"Don't worry, we have the Fourth Hokage here, the village will be fine..."


Above the gate of Konoha, Namikaze Minato stared closely at the black and purple tailed beast jade that Kyuubi said was far larger than before, with beads of sweat on his forehead.

In his mind, he couldn't help but calculate. This time, the size of the tailed beast jade was almost half the size of Kyuubi's body. How much chakra would be consumed to transfer it.

In addition, the location of the mark prepared in advance also has to be considered.

Because of the transfer of the tailed beast jade, it cannot be used twice in a short period of time in the same place. After all, an exploding tailed beast jade will destroy not only a large area of ​​uninhabited land, but also the mark spell he reserved. will be destroyed.

At the moment, there are probably less than three locations in the No Man's Land mark that he can still use.

After two or three more times, not only will the mark be used up, but the remaining chakra may also reach its limit...

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