Early the next morning, Namikaze Minato was awakened by Naruto's crying.

Although I was still a little dizzy after a hangover, I had to get up immediately and take care of the children first...

After a lot of fussing, Iori finally arrived.

Then, as usual, he left the house and sent the shadow clone to the Hokage Building office first, and then the main body made arrangements for today's plan. Under normal circumstances, there is nothing special. The main body only needs to go to Mount Miaomu to concentrate on practicing as usual.

But before practicing today, there is one special thing that needs to be dealt with.

After leaving the house and confirming the direction, Namikaze Minato followed the direction on the map of Konoha in his memory and rushed towards a remote place in the northeast corner of the village.

There was a flat spot less than ten kilometers away from Konoha's Death Forest.

A newly built large courtyard building is located here.

At this time, there was a group of children of various ages gathered in front of the door.

Beside them, there were four other adults monitoring them.

Everyone gathers here as if they are saying goodbye to someone...

"Kabuto, have you really decided?"

"Being a ninja is very dangerous..."

A boy wearing a black hat looked at Kabuto standing beside Nonoyu blankly, without saying a word, and he didn't know what he was thinking. He couldn't help but want to persuade him again before leaving.

After all, none of the children in the orphanage were willing to sign up after hearing the news that the village had decided to sponsor children who wanted to become ninjas to go to ninja school.

Only Kabuto is an outlier.

Kabuto beside Nonoyu slowly came back to his senses after hearing this, turned to look at the boy in the black hat with a complex expression, and nodded seriously.

Immediately, a rare smile appeared on his dull face, and he said in a comforting tone: "Don't worry, Ah Qi."

"I will definitely become as good a ninja as Dean."

"Then, we can protect everyone..."

One of the four guardians of the orphanage, a middle-aged woman with an unfriendly appearance, frowned after hearing this: "You are now villagers in Konoha. Unlike before, now there is a village to protect you."

"In return, you should have actively accepted training and become ninjas to repay Konoha."

"How can you think of passive escape just because ninja is a dangerous profession?"

Obviously, he was slightly dissatisfied with the boy named Qi who wanted to persuade Kabuto to give up being a ninja.

In her opinion, ordinary people have the opportunity to become ninjas, which is an opportunity that no one can ask for. Now, in front of these children who live with Konoha, only one person is willing to accept it.

This is simply a lack of appreciation...

"Deputy Principal Yuri, Lord Hokage should have said that the selection of children from the orphanage to enter the ninja school depends entirely on the children's own wishes..."

At this time, one of the old men who had been taking care of the children in the hospital couldn't help but remind them.

This new middle-aged woman named Yuri was someone sent by the village to participate in the management of the orphanage after it moved to Konoha.

Although this person sent by Konoha was only the vice-chancellor at this time, his power was actually the same as that of the president.

After all, Pharmacist Nonoyu's current title as dean is only in name.

From now on, when he is not in the hospital, the vice president will be the one to take charge and manage the affairs of the hospital.

This made the two original managers not convinced, but there was nothing they could do. Because the current orphanage has moved into Konoha and has become a part of Konoha. It is natural that it should be jointly managed by the village.

The vice-dean named Yuri glanced at the old man who was speaking, with a look of disgust flashing across his face.

Then he glanced at the children with different expressions next to him, and said in a deliberately serious tone: "Of course it is because of the kindness of Lord Hokage that you are allowed to make your choice freely."

"But it's human nature to repay a favor. I hope you can understand this!"

The words were spoken so bluntly that the two former managers of the orphanage suddenly looked a little ugly.

Even though he was living under someone else's roof, it was indeed too much to say so.

Nonoyu, who had been silent, was no longer silent at this moment, and suddenly said in a solemn tone: "Vice President Yuri, I will repay Konoha's kindness. Please don't put pressure on the children."

"In addition, I will continue to bear the expenses of the orphanage every month in the future..."

Probably because he didn't expect Nonou to be so stubborn, the current orphanage has obviously been taken over and funded by Konoha, but it still has to bear its own expenses. Vice Dean Yuri was slightly startled, then he had no choice but to stop the topic, and looked back indifferently: "This is your own business, Dean, it's up to you..."

After a dispute, the atmosphere suddenly became a little depressing.

The former managers already had a bad feeling towards Yuri after just two days of contact. After today's incident, the two sides even had bad feelings for each other.

As for the children in the orphanage, of course they can't get close to the new deputy director.

Still there, the person everyone was waiting for finally arrived belatedly.

"Lord Hokage..."

"You are here, Fourth Generation Sir..."

In the distance, in the eyes of everyone, Namikaze Minato was walking slowly alone.

First, he nodded to the people who greeted him at the door, and then turned his attention to the newly built orphanage in front of him.

Although it only took three days to build, the productivity of the Naruto world is naturally different from the real world of the previous life. The completion time is short but there is no cutting corners.

The scale of the newly built courtyard is naturally much larger than the original one.

Environmental facilities, etc., are also much improved.

The only shortcoming is that the location is too remote. The orphanage in front of me is in the northeastern corner of Konoha, surrounded by trees. If it were placed in the original work, Payne's Super Shinra Tensei might not be able to reach this place...

After looking around the newly built orphanage, Namikaze Minato finally withdrew his gaze from the plaque with the words Konoha Orphanage on the door.

“It looks good, and we may accept more children here in the future.

So if you still have any needs, just ask the village and I will definitely find a way to solve it for you..."

Namikaze Minato smiled faintly.

"Hokage-sama, thank you very much for taking care of the children in the orphanage."

Nonoyu, who was wrapped in ANBU black clothes and robe, couldn't help but sincerely bow and thank him again.

Behind her, two other former orphanage managers also followed suit and saluted.

"Welcome the Fourth Hokage to the orphanage. If you want to visit the facilities inside, let me show you the way..."

At this time, Vice Dean Yuri suddenly stepped forward with a smile on his face and said respectfully to Minato Namikaze.

Yuri was not personally appointed by Namikaze Minato, so for her, the latter was only seen in the information.

However, regarding her enthusiastic attitude, Namikaze Minato did not accept her intention to lead the way. Instead, he turned his eyes to Kabuto next to Nonou, smiled warmly and said, "It's not necessary if you are visiting."

"I'm here mainly to pick up this kid and enroll him in school."

"This is what I promised..."

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