Starting the fourth generation Hokage

Chapter 90 A fateful encounter

In front of Konoha Ninja School.

The figure of the Fourth Hokage and an ANBU member entering the school with a child quickly attracted the attention of many people.

Because it was morning, some parents who were sending their children to school were surprised when they saw this scene accidentally.

Wherever he passed, everyone saluted and said hello, while Namikaze Minato nodded.

After the three people left, the crowd of onlookers immediately started talking.

"Did I read that correctly? Lord Hokage actually brought a child to school in person?"

Someone brings up the topic, which naturally attracts more people to participate.

Most of the people who have time to send their children to school are full-time housewives. This group obviously prefers to discuss some minor issues between parents...

"Who is this child? Is he the Yondaime's child?"

Outrageous speculations immediately appeared, but were immediately refuted by other parents: "Don't talk nonsense, the Fourth Hokage's child is said to be less than one year old, how can he be so old?"

"That's right, don't talk nonsense about this kind of thing. Be careful of being invited to tea by ANBU..."

Probably because he felt that his rash guesses were inappropriate, the parent just shrank his head and did not dare to talk nonsense.

"No matter what, being sent to school by the Hokage himself is definitely not a simple status." One of the male parents said thoughtfully, stroking the short beard on his chin.

"Hey, is there any need to say this?" Someone immediately expressed ridicule for the former's meaningless conclusion.

"Let's go, let's go, maybe we'll know in two days..."


Obviously, such groups disperse as quickly as they come.

After the debate ended without any results, the parents immediately dispersed.

Half an hour later, inside the ninja school.

In a certain first-grade class, all the students' eyes were curiously cast on the boy with glasses next to the class teacher.

"Students, this is the new student who will transfer to our school from today. Let's ask him to introduce himself..."

The middle-aged male head teacher with a kind face and a slightly chubby figure smiled and said to the students in the audience.

Next to him, Kabuto, who was wearing a purple shirt with short sleeves, seemed to have just come back to his senses. Facing the unfamiliar faces and curious eyes in the audience, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

The words of introduction that I had planned out were all forgotten as soon as the words came to my lips.

The atmosphere in the classroom suddenly became quiet.

One second, two seconds later, the students in the audience could not help but start talking...

"What's going on with this new guy?"

"You must be too nervous to speak, right? Hahaha."

"I heard that the Hokage personally sent it to the school. It doesn't look very good..."

Seeing this new face and being speechless for a long time, the head teacher naturally noticed the clue and had to pat Kabuto's shoulder gently. Just when he was about to help him out, Kabuto finally said: "...I Call me pharmacist Kabuto.”

Hearing him speak, the audience suddenly became quiet again, but just as everyone was waiting for the next step.

Kabuto lowered his eyes again and said no more.

"...Ah, that's it, let's welcome the new classmates together."

The head teacher foresaw that the students in the audience were going to make noise again, so he spoke out first.


Sparse applause rang out, and under his arrangement, Yakushi Kabuto lowered his head and walked to the position assigned for him without saying a word.

However, on the way down the stage, he caught a glimpse of his future deskmate from the corner of his eye, who seemed to be a handsome black-haired boy.

The boy has a calm temperament, and in his dark eyes, there is a calmness that is not what a child of this age should have.

As soon as he took his seat, to his surprise, the boy at the same table greeted him in a friendly manner: "Hello, my name is Uchiha Itachi, please take care of me."

Kabuto Yakushi was slightly startled. After all, he had heard of Uchiha's name.

But seeing that the other party greeted him generously and in a friendly manner, he had to respond. After his eyebrows gradually relaxed, he also politely said: "...please take care of me."

There was no one next to Uchiha Itachi's seat.

But today, the head teacher suddenly arranged for a new student to sit on it, which soon aroused the surprise of everyone around and the dissatisfaction of a certain group of students.

The group that is dissatisfied is of course the girl group...

"Damn it, why does this newcomer get to sit with Itachi?"

"Who is this person? It's really annoying..."

"I also want to sit next to Itachi..." Various voices of envy, jealousy, and war got louder and louder.


After the class teacher saw Itachi take his seat, the students became noisy again and had no choice but to knock on the blackboard.

He coughed and shouted louder: "Quiet, quiet, class is about to start..."

After settling in the new Yakushi Kabuto, he felt relieved in his heart. Although he didn't quite understand why Hokage-sama specially asked that this child must be placed in Uchiha Itachi's class, but in any case, it is completed now. task.

The freshman enrollment crisis has come to an end for now, but for Kabuto, his destiny has entered a new chapter.

At this time, Namikaze Minato, who came out of the ninja school, was walking on the road with Yakushi Nonou, discussing other matters.

After settling in the orphanage, Nonoyu was completely relieved.

Of course Namikaze Minato now wanted to arrange her future work direction. Based on Nonou's ability in his memory, after thinking for a long time, he decided to ask Nonou himself: "What are your... plans in the future?"

"As far as I know, in addition to doing intelligence work at Root, you are also good at medical ninjutsu."

"If you are willing, I can also transfer you to work in the medical department..."

Generally speaking, Yakushi Nonou can be considered an elite ninja. After all, she comes from the root and is valued by Danzo, which shows that her ability is not low.

In order to make the most of people's talents, he decided to give them free choice.

Yakushi Nonou was walking behind Namikaze Minato. She obviously didn't expect that the Hokage would give her such free choice. To be honest, the dark things she came into contact with during root work were really not her thing.

If it were before, she would definitely choose to work in the medical field, but now...

After a slight hesitation, Yakushi Nonoyu looked at the blond man in front of him, a strange look flashed in his eyes, and then he made up his mind and said seriously: "Hokage-sama, thank you very much for your consideration."

"I still decided to stay in ANBU..."

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