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The crossbow arrows made a crisp sound.

Jingyan Huhu once rolled his eyes, his whole body twitched unconsciously, and soon became silent.

The crossbow arrow penetrated the upper jaw and penetrated into its skull.

The fourth-level monster is finally dead...

[Kill the fourth-level monster Jing Yanhu and gain 200 talent points. 】

"Master Shen is awesome!"

"Tear apart the fourth-level monster with your hands! Lord Shen is invincible!"

"Master Shen! I want to give you a child!"



Shen Ming felt pain all over his body, as if he had been stabbed with a knife.

The left shoulder was bloody and bloody, revealing the stark white bones.

"Old guy, are you still up?" Shen Ming gasped and shouted to Old Man Jiang.

"It's quite comfortable for me to sit here!" Old Man Jiang exhaled and finally felt relieved.

Everyone stepped forward quickly.

Old Man Jiang was carried on a stretcher. He Hao looked at Old Man Jiang thoughtfully.

"I'll explain the details to you later. Don't make any noise about what happened today!" Old Man Jiang said softly.

He Hao nodded.

Shen Ming was seriously injured, but there were only two stretchers, which were occupied by He Hao and the old man, so he could only stand helplessly.

Everyone didn't dare to delay and were about to evacuate.

A loud roar resounded through the mountains and forests!

Old Man Jiang's face darkened and his expression was complicated:

"Another Beijing Yanhu!"

Everyone was startled, and followed the roar into the distance. They saw a Jingyan Tiger, which was even bigger than the dead demon beast just now, lying on the hillock, looking at everyone coldly.

"Old Jiang, can you still stand up? If you come here to break the knot this time, I will never look back!" Shen Ming poked Old Man Jiang and got a blister on him. The pain made Old Man Jiang grimace.

"******" Old Man Jiang was full of Chinese quintessence.

Shen Ming laughed, picked up the saber on the ground, and confronted the monster.

"You guys go, I'll take over." He sighed. Since it was a certain death situation, he decided to die handsomely.

"If I don't leave, I swear to live and die with Master Shen!"

"I won't leave either! I swear to fight side by side with Master Shen!"

"Me too!"

"Me too!"


Everyone in the hunting team showed their weapons one after another, and no one retreated.

This was their first time seeing a fourth-level monster. Although their legs and feet were trembling with fear, no one flinched.

Shen Ming glanced at everyone, his eyes felt a little itchy.

"Okay! Then let's wait for today, advance and retreat together, and live and die together!" He raised the sword in his hand and pointed at Jing Yanhu in the distance.

"I swear to advance and retreat with you! We will live and die together!" Everyone responded loudly! Ringing through the winter night!

Shen Ming couldn't help but think of a poem in the Book of Songs from his previous life.

Now that life and death were indifferent, I felt infinite heroism in my heart, took up my breath, and chanted loudly:

"You don't have any clothes!"

"Be in the same robe as your son!"

In the distance, Jing Yanhu stood up, covered in smoke!

Everyone raised their spears and loaded their crossbows!

"Wang Yuxingshi!"

"Repair my spear!"

The crossbow fired furiously!

The monsters move quickly and avoid them all!

"I share the same hatred with you!"

Shen Ming raised his sword and charged forward.

All members of the hunting team followed, and no one fell behind!

Like a torrent of steel, fearless of death.

Old Man Jiang stumbled up, and He Hao did the same, but he ran a little slowly.

"How can I say that I have no clothes? I am in the same boat as my son."

"The king raised his troops and repaired my spear and halberd."

"Work with me!"

Shen Ming raised the sword in his hand, and the monster was right in front of him.

"It's a pity that I can't finish reading this poem!" Shen Ming thought to himself, with a smile on his lips, and he felt relieved.

"Zheng!" A clear sword screamed, accompanied by a fierce wind, whizzing past.

Immediately, there was a harsh and harsh sound everywhere, as if the air was cut off, and there was a cry!

Shen Ming had no time to react.

All he saw was that the arrogant monster in front of him was cut open evenly from head to tail, split into two halves, and fell limply to the ground.

"Ba Chi", there was no blood splashing all over his body, and it fell obediently to the snow along with his body.

Melt the snow to create a big hole.

A graceful girl appeared behind the corpse of the monster.

The tear nevus at the corner of the eye is shallow.

The white mink robe rustled in the wind, and the silver scale armor still couldn't hide her curvy figure.

Just a little short......

She held a giant sword in her hand, similar to the knight's cross sword that Shen Ming had seen in his previous life. It was much taller than the girl.

"Tang Dutong!" He Hao couldn't believe it and screamed.

Shen Ming took a closer look and saw two talents, one gold and one purple, on the girl's head.

It was Tang Meng, the commander of Yanbing Prefecture's Zhucha Division.


"Your name is Shen Ming! That poem you just recited was good!" The girl's voice was clear and clear, and it was the voice of Yu Jie in her previous life.

"Tang Dutong won the prize!" Shen Ming said modestly, but turned to look at He Hao.

All members of the hunting team looked at He Hao.

One of the soldiers couldn't help but said: "Master He, it turns out that the Tang Dutong you were talking about that day..."

"Ah! The moon is so round!" He Hao covered the soldier's mouth and changed the topic.

Tang Mengling didn't pay attention.

There was an exquisite arm armor strapped to her forearm, and when she tapped it lightly with the giant sword, it disappeared.

"Follow me down the mountain." She said coldly, turned around and left. Everyone did not dare to hesitate and followed closely.

Come to the road down the mountain.

Shen Ming was shocked! This place has become a purgatory!

There were not a single piece of beast corpses all over the ground intact, and the mountain road was soaked red with blood and stretched for more than thirty miles!

The Subai Snow Mountain seems to have turned into a red rock volcano.

"Was this mountain full of monsters killed by her alone?" Shen Ming couldn't believe it!

Tang Mengling actually went up the mountain alone with one sword, slaughtered all the monsters on the mountain, and calmly saved his group!

Looking at the snow soaked in blood, and then looking at Tang Mengling's snow-white mink robe, there was no trace of blood on it.

Shen Ming's talent replicator has been upgraded to level two and can see the content of Tang Mengling's talent.

[Discover Talent: Sword Spirit]

[Sword Spirit (currently purple): Growth talent, Sword Spirit will automatically upgrade over time. The speed of practicing sword skills is increased by fifty times, the power of using sword weapons is greatly improved, and the power of sword skills is greatly improved. The sword spirit is nurtured in her body, and when the sword spirit matures, it will give her supreme power! 】

[Copying this talent requires a talent value of 8,000 points. 】

This talent is simply incredible! It’s actually a growth talent that can be upgraded on your own!

Shen Ming was deeply shocked and suddenly felt that it was not impossible to change to swordsmanship.

He wiped the corner of his mouth and continued to look at Tang Mengling's golden talent.

[Discover talent: Luo Shen]

[Luo Shen (Golden Talent): She is born with an affinity for the water attribute. She is a water god walking in the world and has an innate understanding of the laws of the water system. 】

[Copying this talent requires 16,000 talent points. 】

[The talent replicator level is not enough and cannot be copied. 】

This golden talent was expressed very vaguely, leaving Shen Ming confused.

Water law? Magician?

Shen Ming looked at his own talent value:

[Currently 4226 talent points remain]

It is still far from replicating these two skills.

Besides, it's not difficult for me to touch men when I'm being mean, but this time I touch women rashly, and I'm still as fierce as Tang Mengling...

Shen Ming couldn't help but think of the Jingyan tiger that was cut into two pieces, and couldn't help but shudder.

"I'd better focus on physical training, Marshal Yu, you must wait for me!"

The group of people finally walked out of Daoxia Ridge, and they were full of joy after surviving the disaster.

Tang Mengling asked He Hao at this moment:

"Have you offended the border army Yu Shuai?"

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