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He Hao was stunned after hearing this. He already suspected that someone was harming him.

"Why did Tang Dutong say this?" He Hao stirred the corners of his clothes with his fingers, his voice a little pretentious.

"The border troops have received your distress letter a long time ago, but no reinforcements have been sent. If I hadn't arrived by chance, you would have become a meal in the monster's belly."

Tang Mengling's voice became clearer and more melodious, and the moonlight shone on her body, plating a layer of silver.

He Hao was stunned for a moment.

Everyone returned to the camp with their own thoughts.

The next day, Shen Ming came to the military medical camp to see Old Man Jiang. His injuries were stable and he could get out of bed and walk.

This hunting incident involved Yang Fuping's secret mischief.

The reason for this, Shen and Jiang, both speculated that Yang Fuping must have suspected Shen Ming of killing Liu Jieyun and took evidence of his collaboration with the enemy in order to kill him and silence him.

Now that Sun Tzu Yu is dead, there is no human or physical evidence.

The two decided not to mention the matter for the time being, so as not to alert the enemy.

At this time, Wu Feng came to find him. He learned that Shen Ming was in danger and was worried.

However, he was on duty and couldn't leave his body. At this time, Li Qingyun sent him to recruit Shen Ming to the border commander's camp, saying that he had something to discuss.

"Brother Wu, I don't know why you summoned me this time?"

"Brother, you may be promoted!" Wu Feng's face was full of excitement, as if he was about to be promoted.

The two rushed to the border commander's camp in a hurry.

Shen Ming walked in and saw that there were many people sitting in the room. In addition to the commanders and commanders of each battalion, He Hao and Tang Mengling were also inside.

Shen Ming saluted Yu Shaoyuan and saw that the purple talent on his head was gone again.

"Shen Ming, I heard that you have made great achievements this time. Even the Zhu Cha Division wants to train you." Yu Shaoyuan had a smile on his face, glanced at Tang Mengling aside, and sighed softly:

"It's a pity that you are guilty and can only serve in the border army and are not allowed to be transferred."

After hearing this, He Hao looked at Tang Mengling, hoping that she would ask Shen Ming to come over.

The five northern states are combined into Yanbing Prefecture, and Shuangzhou is just one of them.

As the capital of Yanbing Mansion, Tang Mengling's official position was only bigger than Yu Shaoyuan's. If she asks for someone, it will be difficult for the other party to refuse.

Unexpectedly, Tang Mengling ignored He Hao and said calmly:

"Yu Shuai is right. Shen Ming's voice of condemnation should not be mobilized. Besides, I, the Punishment Division, will not accept anyone who is guilty."

Shen Ming's crime of raping and killing a civilian girl made her have a very bad impression of this person.

She lost twenty taels of gold because of Shen Ming before, but that was the pocket money she had saved for a long time! Thinking of this, I felt my silver teeth grind into pieces, and I unconsciously clenched my fists again.

Shen Ming didn't expect that such a big battle would call him here just for this matter.

Just as he was about to say something, He Hao couldn't help but say:

"This time when Daoxia Ridge was in danger, I was seriously injured early and could no longer fight. After that, Shen Ming was the one who directed the battle.

The hunting team of more than 200 people killed more than a thousand monsters in total, including a third-order monster and a fourth-order monster!

The border army is unwilling to reward such achievements, so why don't I, the Zhucha Division, reward them? ! "

He Hao's words were obviously filled with anger, and he was mocking the frontier soldiers for not being rewarded for their merits.

In addition, Tang Mengling was also brought along, complaining that she did not help those who had contributed to the Zhu Cha Division.

"He Hao is such a good friend! He is really helpful when something happens!" Shen Ming glanced at He Hao and thought to himself.

Although he was a little disappointed that he couldn't join Commander Zhu Cha, it didn't matter. Old Man Jiang's Dragon Suppression Division was also pretty good!

After He Hao finished speaking, everyone in the big tent looked at each other.

Tang Mengling was a little surprised. He Hao was usually not strong-tempered, but today he said these words for Shen Ming and dared to contradict him. He couldn't help but look at Shen Ming a few more times.

"Did I ever say that I would not reward Shen Ming?" Yu Shaoyuan coughed a few times and looked at Li Qingyun:

"He is your personal soldier, how can you reward him?"

Li Qingyun valued Shen Ming, and this time even if He Hao didn't say anything, he would take credit for Shen Ming. The reward had already been planned:

"Commander, Shen Ming's contribution this time can offset half of the crimes he committed, and he will be directly promoted to the head of our camp!"

Dutou leads about two hundred troops and is already a middle-level officer. Shen Ming is only fifteen this year. Less than five months after arriving in the military camp, Li Qingyun actually wants to directly promote him to be the head of the army!

Everyone was surprised and felt it was reasonable. Shen Ming has never stopped since he entered the camp.

He stood out in the martial arts test, his endurance was tested in the hunting test, and he was a blockbuster in the military parade. Now that he has made such great achievements, if he were under the command of other governors, he would be willing to be promoted like this.


Everyone acquiesced, and suddenly behind Li Qingyun

But there was an objection.

Not Yang Fuping or who?

Tang Mengling didn't understand the situation here, but she felt strange that a commander dared to oppose the opinion of his own capital.

He Hao explained to her in a low voice, and then he realized that Yang Fuping was actually a member of the current dynasty, Xianggong Li.

She didn't like that person very much, and she even disliked Yang Fuping. She also had a carefree temperament, so she said:

"Shuai Yu has already let Li Dutong make the decision. How can you be a commander here to dictate what's going on? Are the rules in this military camp so chaotic?"

Yang Fuping was stunned.

He was always like this, everyone knew he was following, and the commander in chief vaguely protected him. Therefore, there are many people in the military camp here who dislike him, and there are no people who dare to openly criticize him.

"Pfft" Li Qingyun couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

Yang Fuping looked calm, saluted Yu Shaoyuan and said:

"Commander, the leader of the army must reach at least the sixth level of Qi level before he can take up his post. Although Shen Ming has made great achievements, he has not practiced martial arts for a long time, so he must not be up to the standard."

He Hao almost laughed after hearing this.

He had an appointment with Old Man Jiang about what happened on Daoxia Ridge Mountain, so he didn't elaborate on it.

But he himself had witnessed the fight between Shen Ming and Na Jing Yanhu.

It was so dangerous at that time that if both armies were to attack at the same time, it wouldn't be enough for the fourth-level monster to eat, right?

"What if Shen Ming can beat all of your subordinates in a martial arts competition?" With the idea that watching the excitement is not too big a deal, He Hao began to fight.

"Then I have nothing to say!" Yang Fuping expressed his stance.

A weak scholar born as a merchant, even if he has some brute strength, has only been practicing for less than five months.

He really didn't believe that Shen Ming could defeat his subordinate Dutou in a martial arts competition!

Shen Ming was physically injured, and He Hao originally suggested that he recover before participating in the competition.

But after Shen Ming heard that his opponent was Luo Fei, he gave up the idea of ​​recuperating first.

That day in Beituo Village, Luo Fei killed and wounded people at will.

For such a serious crime, he was released after only a few days and his official position was restored. Yang Fuping's backstage power is quite powerful!

I have to teach him a lesson today!

With Yu Shaoyuan's permission, Luo Fei and Shen Ming came to the martial arts field.

"Young pretty boy! That day you hurt my men, and finally I found an opportunity to teach you a lesson!" Luo Fei used a pair of copper hammers. It's no lighter than Shen Ming's sword.

He looked at Shen Ming disdainfully, thinking about how to torture him.

Shen Ming and Luo Fei have the same cultivation level, they are both in the seventh stage of Qi stage, but their strength is much stronger than the other.

The two faced each other from afar, but Shen Ming made an astonishing move.

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