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Shen Ming reined in the reins, and the horse slowly stopped galloping under his hips.

The horse turned its head and snorted heavily.

At the end of the northern wilderness, the outline of a city appeared vaguely, vast, thick, and like an iron curtain.

After several days of traveling day and night, today we finally arrived at Shuangzhou Glacier City, the capital of Yanbing Prefecture.

In addition to Shen Ming, Old Man Jiang and He Hao also accompanied him.

As for Tang Mengling, she was going back to Shuangzhou City to resume her life, so she naturally went with Shen Ming.

This journey is so hurried because there is a dragon spine boat in Glacier City that will set sail for the capital in the near future.

This dragon-backed boat is forged from the backbone of the eighth-level demonic beast, the Flying Beast, and can travel thousands of miles in one day.

The cost is extremely expensive, it is a strategic vehicle, it will not be used for civilian purposes, and it will not be easily activated in normal times.

The last time Shen Ming saw the Dragon Backbone Boat, it was because of the demon clan rift.

This time I was actually able to take the ride myself. Although I was just taking a ride, I don’t know who benefited from it.

As soon as the four people entered the city, they were greeted by Zhu Chasi personnel nearby.

"Take me to the Hall of Heroes." Tang Mengling kept walking and ordered the subordinates who greeted him.

In the last battle of the Sky-Splitting Rock Dragon, Zhuchasi suffered heavy losses in personnel.

Nearly half of the force-level guards were lost in the battle, and four of the five skill-level state commanders were killed in the battle.

This includes Tang Minglong's aunt Zhou Rui.

But Shen Ming was deeply impressed by the only surviving governor, He Yu, the governor of Lingzhou in Yanbing Prefecture, who had the blue talent [Self-Healing Body].

The power of the eighth-level monster shook the heavens and the earth, but no one in Zhu Chasi fled that day, and they fought to the death.

Except Tang Minglong.

Shen Ming also had respect for these people, so he and Tang Mengling paid homage to the heroic spirits.

He Yu had been seriously injured and had been recuperating in Shuangzhou City. He was extremely happy to hear that Tang Mengling had returned alive.

He knew Tang Mengling's temperament and had been waiting in front of the Hall of Heroes these days waiting for Tang Mengling's arrival.

Shen Ming saw He Yu from a distance. The blue talent entry above his head was too dazzling.

This time, He Yu was able to survive serious injuries, and I think this [self-healing body] contributed a lot.

"Tang Dutong, you are here!" He Yu stepped forward to salute and was supported by Tang Mengling.

The two chatted for a moment, and He Yu came to Shen Ming again and punched him lightly in the chest.

"You have the ability. You sealed the cracks in the demon clan that day. The first achievement should be yours!" He Yu was deeply impressed by Shen Ming and had a good impression of him.

Shen Ming saluted him, but was also supported by He Yu's hand, and their palms lightly brushed against each other.

Talent copy successful.

Only then did Shen Ming notice that half of He Yu's other hand was made of metal. Although it was wrapped in leather gloves, the exposed part of the wrist was black.

"Having half of his forearm broken off, but being able to survive is much better than his colleagues who didn't leave their whole bodies intact."

He Yu smiled freely and shook his prosthetic leg:

"This thing is hard enough, much stronger than the previous arm!"

After paying tribute to He Yu at the Hall of Heroes with Tang Mengling, Shen Ming checked his talent points.

[Talent points ((1+11)x2) are automatically generated every day, leaving 17312 talent points. 】

[Talent replicator level 2, upgrade progress: 70%/100%]

This is the remaining talent value after copying [Healing Body]. Now the talent replicator upgrade progress has reached 70%.

The upgrade progress is calculated based on the number of copied talents regardless of talent color.

Shen Ming thought about copying a few more white talents and raising the level of the replicator.

However, it is not common for people to have talents, and the same goes for white talents.

[Self-healing body (blue): Your body is full of vitality and heals injuries much faster than ordinary people! 】

Shen Ming just felt a strange energy filling his body, with warmth, roaming inside his body.

He had numerous hidden wounds in his meridians and dantian before. Even if he took the Nine Reincarnations Blood Pill, it would be difficult to heal them. He could only heal them by resting for a long time.

Now that the warmth is flowing, the self-healing speed is much faster!

"I wonder if this talent can be turned into limb regeneration when it is upgraded to the later stage?" Shen Ming was looking forward to it when he was interrupted by Old Man Jiang on the side.

"Boy Shen, I have a retired colleague who has a manor outside Glacier City. I haven't seen him for a long time. Now that we are here, why don't you go with me?"

Old Man Jiang wanted to act like he was doing it on the spur of the moment, but he didn't act like it, and he was a bit mysterious.

Tang Mengling didn't have a good impression of the people in Zhenlong Division, and heard something strange:

"You are just meeting an old friend, why are you bringing Shen Ming with you? He is also with

Your colleagues don't know each other. "

Old Man Jiang was speechless for a moment, but he didn't explain, he just rubbed Shen Ming.

Shen Ming couldn't help but heard that Old Man Jiang's colleague was also a great hunter before, and Old Man Jiang learned all his skills from him.

An idea came to mind.

"Then go ahead." Shen Ming calmly pulled away Old Man Jiang from his arm and agreed.

"Then I'll go too." Tang Mengling felt more and more strange and came to Shen Ming's side.

Subconsciously, he straightened out Shen Ming's cuffs that were wrinkled by Old Man Jiang.

He Hao saw it and received a critical hit of 10,000 points.

The group of people left the city here. After riding for less than half an hour, they saw a large manor.

There was probably a lot of traffic on the streets, and there were probably a lot of slave households. Once inside, there were black tiles and green walls, and there were actually pavilions and waterside pavilions depending on each other.

"Mr. Jiang, your old friend is actually so rich?" He Hao's face was filled with shock. His own family is not bad either. Compared with his old friend Jiang, he is really nothing.

"Just so so." Old Man Jiang was very proud, as if he had benefited a lot from his friend's wealth.

An old hand kept dragging Shen Ming towards the manor.

On the way here, Old Man Jiang explained the general situation.

His old friend was more than ten years older than him, and they had known each other very early. He also learned his hunting skills from this friend.

Later, the two of them joined the Zhenlong Division together, becoming both good friends and Pao Ze.

It's just that this friend, Old Man Jiang, always relies on his ability to be better than Old Man Jiang and likes to bully him.

In the past, he won a lot of money from Old Man Jiang through competitions in archery and hunting.

His friend's wealthy family didn't care about money, just fun, but old man Jiang was very aggrieved. He came to Shen Ming this time to avenge himself.

Led by the manor servants, everyone came to the main hall of the main house.

Old Man Jiang spoke freely, spitting and turning from yellow to red, as if those irritating things happened yesterday.

Shen Ming was helpless. This old man Jiang spoke ill of his master's family in front of the servants, but he didn't know what he was hiding.

"Jiang Yang, you haven't eaten my fist for too long, maybe your skin is itchy and tight, right?"

A low voice, with a thick muffled sound, seemed full of energy.

The four of them looked in the direction of the sound. As soon as they saw a huge figure, like a giant bear, standing at the entrance of the lobby, one person blocked a small part of the door.

An old man was extremely powerful, with a broad face, mustache, round eyes and thick eyebrows, he looked like a fierce man.

Old Man Jiang shrank his neck and stopped talking when he saw the person coming.

He turned around, coughed a few times in embarrassment, and introduced:

"This man is my good friend, Han Zhuangshi. You can call him Mr. Han."

Old Man Jiang deliberately emphasized the word "Han Zhuangshi" very strongly, and then began to introduce the two young and strong men behind Old Han:

"This is Han Zhuangshi's eldest son, Han Da."

"This is Han Zhuangshi's second son, Han Er."


"Old Jiang, are you really not worried about being beaten like this?" Shen Ming silently prayed for Old Man Jiang.

After Mr. Jiang introduced Mr. Han's family, he stepped close to Han Zhuangshi, covered his mouth and muttered something softly. From time to time, he pointed at Shen Ming, his old eyes squinting.

Mr. Han listened, nodded for a while, shook his head for a while, and looked at Shen Ming with some disgust.

Shen Ming felt more and more something was wrong.

But he always greeted him with a smile. For no other reason than the green talent entry above Mr. Han's head, Shen Ming felt that his trip was worthwhile.

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