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[Hunter King (Green): Crossbow Master; Trap Master; Tracking Master; Intermediate danger perception, slightly increased lethality against monsters. 】

Except for the lack of primary cold resistance, the green hunter's talent has other bonuses that are the same as his own [Monster Hunter] talent.

"You are Shen Ming, Jiang Yang mentioned you in his letter." Mr. Han lowered his head and walked into the lobby, his body as tall and burly as a mountain of meat.

Behind them, Han Da and Han Er followed suit.

"This is a sumo family that is proficient in hunting." Shen Ming commented secretly.

But his movements were not slow, and he saluted Mr. Han, hoping that he would help him like He Yu.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Han put his hands behind his back and received a courtesy from him.

"No one has come to participate in the competition set by me for a long time." Old Han said angrily, stroking his beard:

"You are Jiang Yang's descendant. I will not embarrass you. If you compete with me, as long as you barely pass, you will win."

The more Shen Ming listened, the more strange it became. When he saw Old Man Jiang winking at him, he also wanted to copy his talent, so he suppressed his doubts and nodded.

Mr. Han led the four of them and walked for a long time to a school ground.

"This first competition is archery." He pointed to a row of wooden fences in the distance, more than 600 meters away from everyone.

There are dozens of strings of small copper coins hanging on it.

Threaded through holes by thin threads, swayed by the breeze.

Old Han took the long bow handed over by the servant, put his thumb on the string and opened the bow, which was extremely stable.

He aimed at the shaking copper coins, exhaled a breath of turbid air, and let go of the string.

There was a "whoosh" sound, and I could vaguely see the arrow hitting the copper coin. The servant took it out and saw that the copper coin had hit the hole right in the eye!

At this distance of nearly 600 meters, ordinary people could not see the copper coins, but Mr. Han could accurately hit the swaying money eye, and his archery skills were truly godlike.

He raised his chin slightly and said to Shen Ming: "If you can hit any copper coin without hitting the money eye, you will be better than me."

Old Han had contempt in his heart, thinking that Old Man Jiang's archery skills were much worse than his own. What kind of powerful person could he teach?

"If you win, I will give you eight hundred and eighty-eight taels of gold." Mr. Han narrowed his eyes and said the bet.

Eight hundred and eighty-eight? Strange amount.

Shen Ming's archery skills were no worse than Mr. Han's, and the other party took the initiative to offer conditions that were favorable to Shen Ming. Shen Ming actually won this competition.

Tang Mengling's eyes lit up and she asked:

"Do you have anyone as a banker? I bet on Shen Mingsheng. What are the odds?"

He Hao and Old Man Jiang each looked away and pretended not to hear.

Old Man Jiang had never introduced Tang Mengling, so Old Man Han had no idea she was following her.

I frowned, wondering where did this wild girl come from? Not at all as gentle and polite as my own daughter.

And seeing that Jiang Yang was the guest, he couldn't blame him, so he just shook his head.

Shen Ming asked at the right time: "This is not a small amount of money. Mr. Han is not taking advantage of me to have fun, is he?"

"What did I do to you?" Old Man Han shook his head like a rattle, and it was obvious that he was a real person.

"A gentleman's word is that a horse cannot be chased! Let's high-five as an oath!" Shen Ming raised his palms.

Mr. Han felt a little displeased with the young man who was growing up in front of him, who was fair and thin, and spoke in a polite manner, but he still gave Shen Ming a high-five:

"Don't wait too long, hurry up and compete!"

After saying that, he walked over to his two sons, folded his hands, and felt a little impatient.

He didn't think this boy could hit the target, even if it missed the target.

[Consume 2000 talent points to copy the green talent]

[Hunter King (Green): Crossbow Master; Trap Master; Tracking Master; Intermediate danger perception, slightly increased lethality against monsters. 】

[Consumption of 1000 talent points, talents merged and upgraded]

[Demon Nemesis (Blue Talent): Crossbow Master; Trap Master; Tracking Master; Advanced Danger Perception; Moderate Increase in Damage to Demonic Beasts; Elementary Cold Resistance. 】

[Talent points ((1+12)x2) are automatically generated every day, leaving 14312 talent points. 】

[Talent replicator level 2, upgrade progress: 80%/100%]

A series of data flashed in Shen Ming's consciousness.

[Demon Nemesis] is very cost-effective, not as high as the blue talent.

The system seems to have a certain preference for hunting monsters. You can get talent points by killing monsters, and the talents related to killing monsters are also extremely powerful.

Seeing Shen Ming holding a bow, Mr. Han was stunned for a long time with his head lowered. He became more and more annoyed and said patiently:

"It doesn't matter if you're not sure. Young people have plenty of time. Practice more in the future..."

"That's it" I haven't finished saying the three words yet.

, Shen Ming stretched his ape arms, opened the bow and drew the arrow, his posture was full of rhythmic beauty.

Old Man Han thought it looked good. The young man's bow-shooting posture alone looked impressive!

"Whoops!" An arrow was shot out.

Old Man Han is certain that this arrow will hit! This is the premonition of the archery master.

Just as he was about to tell his servant to take the arrows, he saw that Shen Ming kept moving, drawing arrows and clasping the string, and kept shooting towards the place where the copper coins were hung.

Almost no need to aim.

After a while, all the dozens of arrows in the arrow pot were shot empty, and it only took about five breaths.

This time, everyone was stunned.

Is this guy shooting randomly?

Mr. Han also had this idea. This copper coin was extremely small, and it was tied with a thin string and swaying in the wind. Who could shoot it so quickly?

No need to aim?

Elder Han remembered his previous judgment that Shen Ming would hit the target with one arrow, and felt insulted. He forced himself to signal to his servant to get the arrow.

I made up my mind that I would definitely trouble Old Man Jiang soon.

After a while, the servant picked up fifteen arrows, with an expression of disbelief on his face, but excitement in his words.

It’s like seeing a big world and remembering to share it with others.

Before the arrow was handed over, the words had already been delivered:

"It's amazing! All of them hit! And every arrow hits the coin's eye right in the eye, and it's stuck in the eye, perfectly!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Han Er, who was like a mountain of meat, walked forward, took the wooden holder holding the arrows, and took a closer look.

The eyes squeezed into slits by flesh suddenly widened a bit.

"Dad, all... all hit! The arrow hit the money's eye, it was a perfect fit!"

Mr. Han took the tray handed by his eldest son with both hands, his eyebrows twisted into a knot, darkly piled together.

After looking at it for a long time, he fell into deep thought.

Old Man Jiang was also surprised. He judged that Shen Ming's archery skills must not be weaker than Han Zhuangshi's.

But if he can hit all the targets with such a sweep, then it is really not something that he can understand.

He quickly went to his old friend to check, and was shocked for a moment, taking a breath of air.

Two old guys, you looked at me and I looked at you, looking at each other speechlessly.

Tang Mengling's strength was far superior to those present. She had already seen the result, but her eyes never left Shen Ming.

In his eyes, the young man holding the bow seemed to be emitting a dazzling light!

"Young friend Shen, your skills are amazing! Your skills are amazing! Are you really only sixteen this year? I would never be able to achieve such archery skills even if I started practicing in my mother's womb!"

Old Han's words were trembling.

It's strange that he was very happy even though he lost.

Shen Ming handed the bow to the servant and returned the bow humbly. This time, the [Monster Hunter] skill was upgraded to [Demon Clan Nemesis]. He was very satisfied.

As for the gold won, Old Man Jiang cannot just take advantage of it.

"Next, let's compete in the second game!"

Old Han clapped his hands, nodded to the servants on the side, and chatted enthusiastically with Shen Ming.

At the same time, he was also a lot more polite to Tang Mengling and He Hao.

After a while, six strong servants came up carrying a shelf with a box fixed on it.

The box fell to the ground and made a dull sound when it hit the ground. It was not light.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, not knowing what was in the box or what the next competition would be.

All had some curiosity.

Han Da opened the box under his father's instructions, and found a huge bow, blood-red all over, like an irreversible nightmare, flashing with dazzling fluorescence.

As soon as Fang saw the sun, he couldn't hide the evil spirit that took over people's hearts.

"This bow is called [Blood Que]. The bow body is made from the spine of the sixth-level monster Mengqiong Beast, and the bow string is tanned from the main sinew of the Jiangjiao Beast."

Mr. Han gently stroked the [Xueque] with tenderness in his eyes:

"This thing is a heirloom of my family. Unfortunately, I am now old and my cultivation level has only reached the peak of my strength level, and my skill level is hopeless. I can only barely draw this bow, but I can't kill the enemy."

Old Han said with regret in his words:

"It's really a disgrace to the glory of our ancestors!"

Shen Ming vaguely knew what Mr. Han was going to test him next. He walked to the giant bow and, with Mr. Han's permission, gently touched the bow body.

Cold and thick, with fierce murderous intent.

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