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Capital City, Shen Mansion.

The autumn rain never stops, and it gets cooler day by day.

In the inner courtyard of Shen Mansion, the large green brick floor was polished smooth and covered with patches of rainwater.

The ripples are shallow.

The weather is not too cold, but there is a chill that penetrates into the collar.

Inside the meeting hall, it was extremely warm.

The pure copper brazier was burning with charcoal, and the heat was so strong that the air above it was steaming into a blur.

Shen Yuan was in his forties, with a fair face and no beard, and he looked very similar to Shen Ming.

Although he is not very old, he has a lot of gray hair on his temples.

Sitting in the hall, looking at the letter in his hand, his brows gradually became crowded and it was difficult to relax.

The rain outside the house hit the eaves and fell to the ground again, the sound was very rhythmic.

It's not noisy, but it makes people sleepy.

After being silent for a long time, Shen Yuan finally sighed heavily:

"Shen Ming is not dead. He is on his way back to Beijing. He has made great achievements this time and has completely turned over."

There is a person sitting below Shen Yuan. He has sharp eyebrows and starry eyes. His back is straight and he is quite imposing. He is his legitimate son Shen Ling.

After hearing what his father said, his eyes were filled with a sinister look.

It was extremely incongruous with that handsome appearance.

"According to what my father said, since the Heavenly Killing Society encouraged us to get rid of Shen Ming at that time, we are now willing to inform you about Shen Ming's information so that we can protect ourselves in advance." Shen Ling spoke word by word, his eyes falling on Burning On top of the red charcoal:

"But why did you suddenly change your mind and refuse to kill Shen Ming for us?"

As he finished speaking, a gust of autumn wind blew outside the house, scattering the raindrops and causing the grass and trees to sway and rustle.

"I also find this strange!" Shen Yuan took a deep breath and didn't spit it out for a long time. He was extremely upset!

The Shen family is a wealthy family in Beijing, and the Shen family business has been passed down to this generation for nearly three hundred years.

Shen Yuan had a brother who died young.

He has a younger brother, called Shen Hua, who is extremely talented and deeply loved by his father.

In the end, the position of the head of the trading company was passed over to Shen Yuan and handed over to Shen Hua.

Unfortunately, he was a short-lived ghost. He died at a young age, leaving behind an only son who was hopeless.

I also read some books, but I was strict and not very smart, so I was quickly dismissed.

That's fine, Shen Yuan only needs to spend some time to completely control Shen's Trading Company without going to the extent of framing someone for murder.

But Shen Yuan was too impatient and greedy.

At this time, the Tianxuan Society took the initiative to appear, causing the situation to develop in a complicated direction, and became more and more intense.

Shen Yuan adjusted his sitting posture, put his hands on his hands, and said:

"This matter is really weird. The reputation of Tianlu Society has always been good. This time they took the initiative to find me, but they changed their mind for no reason. It's really weird!"

The Tianlan Society is so powerful, how can the Shen family afford it?

They initially approached Shen Yuan and promised that as long as they were willing to cooperate with him and put Shen Ming in jail, they would solve his troubles.

Shen Yuan is scheming and knows very well that if you kill a snake, it will suffer backlash.

Moreover, Tianlu would take the initiative to look for him. This thing is inherently weird, so he would not place all his hopes on Tianlu.

When Shen Ming was escorted to the north, Shen Yuan bribed the escort who was accompanying him.

The capital is thousands of miles away from Shuangzhou. Along the way, this Jie Chai could easily take his life as long as he "takes more care" of Shen Ming.

Still not at ease, he set up an insurance policy, found connections, and bribed a captain of the border army with money, just to prevent Shen Ming from being killed in the military camp if he was not released. "

The seamless layout does not require Tianlu to take action!

Unexpectedly, not only did Shen Ming not die, but he rose up in the northern military camp and made great achievements. Now he is back home in fine clothes, awaiting the reward from the Holy Emperor!

This is tantamount to killing Shen Yuan's lineage!

What to do! What to do!

"According to what my father said, the Tianlan Society is very powerful. Although it is not tolerated by the government, it is not something that the Shen family can provoke, so why did they come to us and do such a weird thing?"

Shen Ling finally asked out his doubts.

This question had been hidden in his mind for a long time, but his father kept it secret, so he didn't delve into it in order to avoid being displeasing.

Now I can't bear it anymore.

Shen Yuan glanced at his eldest son. The young man years ago was handsome and decent, and he was the heir he valued most.

There was hope to revitalize his own lineage.

However, because of a change in his thoughts...

No! Even if he had no intention of harming anyone, he would be afraid that Tianlu would come to his door!

Then he sighed and said:

"Tianlu will behave like this, in the end

Why, I'm not sure. "

Seeing that Shen Ling already showed a dissatisfied look, he raised his hand to signal him not to be anxious and continued:

"But I can more or less guess their ultimate purpose."

The voice is getting smaller and smaller.

Shen Ling unconsciously moved her body closer to her father, trying to hear the next words more clearly.


A thunder cracked through the gloomy dome!

In this silence, it suddenly exploded, causing people's heads to tingle and their hearts to tremble.

Shen Ling was startled and secretly thought that it was really evil. How could there be thunder in autumn?

But I saw that my father was not affected by the thunder at all, and said word by word:

"Tianlu will find us, and what he wants should be my Shen family's secret skill [Nine Tribulations Immortal Glazed Body Forging Technique]."

"Kung Fu?"

Shen Ling was a little confused for a moment.

"Isn't our Shen family a merchant's family?" he thought without thinking.

Although the Shen family can also train warriors and raise slaves, the children of the family will also learn some skills to help them.

But I have never heard of it being said that my family has a ancestral martial art!

Once I started thinking about it, I couldn't stop thinking about it anymore.

The Heavenly Killing Society, [Nine Tribulations Immortal Glazed Body Forging Technique], the inexplicable rise of Shen Ming!

What are the connections between them? Why did the Tianlu Society come to the Shen family? And why did he suddenly change his mind and stop pursuing Shen Ming!

Shen Ling felt confused in his mind.

The room was suffocatingly hot from the fire, and he wanted to get up and open the carved window to get some air.

Before he could take action, Shen Yuan's voice sounded again:

"This [Nine Tribulations Immortal Glazed Body Forging Technique] is extremely difficult to practice, but it is extremely powerful. In the later stages, it is said that it can turn death into life, and it can also greatly extend the life of the practitioner."

"But I don't know why, no one in my Shen family has mastered it for so many years."

"There are more secrets among them, but each generation will only tell the person in charge of the trading company! Your grandfather is partial to the third child, so he really kept this secret tightly and didn't tell me at all!"

"If I hadn't tricked the third child and found out about this, I might be like you, thinking that my Shen family is a merchant's home!"

After Shen Yuan said this in rapid succession, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, as if he was vomiting out a lot of stagnation in his heart.

Afterwards, he seemed to have aged a lot, even his back was bent a lot:

"Ling'er, go and pack up some valuable belongings quickly. Don't be greedy. Bring your close family members with you and don't make too much noise!"

Shen Ling frowned and asked unwillingly:

"Is there really no other way?"

Shen Yuan slammed the table, and the loud sound was like the thunder just now, hitting Shen Ling's heart.

"Do you think Shen Ming will let us go! Do you dare to surrender your life and property to the kindness of others! Do what I say quickly!"

"The men of the Tianshu Guild will come to help us tonight!"

Shen Ling couldn't resist his father, so he finally got up and went to take care of things.

The sentence "Is it right to put your hope in the Tianlan Society?", but has never been said...

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