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The rain was getting heavier and heavier, until it obscured the distance and made it unclear.

This is a good thing. Such good rain can alleviate the drought.

It's a pity that it's not Chunyu.

Shen Ming slowed down his horse and wore a raincoat as dark as iron, covering his body tightly.

"Is it cold?"

He lowered his head and asked Man'er in his arms.

The little girl hid in his raincoat and rubbed her head against Shen Ming's chest, feeling very warm.

Shake it.

"It's not cold! Master."

The rain washed down, making some noise, and Man'er's voice seemed faint.

"Boy Shen, the rain is too heavy! Let's take shelter at the restaurant ahead and wait until the rain subsides before we continue our journey!"

Old Man Jiang pointed towards the distance, and the outline of a building was vaguely revealed in the rain curtain. If you look closely, it is indeed an inn.

The group of people had been driving for most of the day in the rain. They were impatient and hurried towards the inn.

When we arrived at the door, a young man wearing a rain hat came to greet us with a smile. He took the reins and settled his mount.

Once inside, a waiter greeted me and arranged seats.

Borba and the others also followed Shen Ming, but they couldn't get rid of them...

Everyone ordered wine and meat, but Man'er still stood beside Shen Ming.

Holding the handkerchief, he stood on tiptoes, wiped the rain off Shen Ming's neck, and then obediently filled his glass with wine.

In fact, she didn't want to come to the inn. She just hid in the young master's raincoat and leaned in his arms, feeling extremely comfortable.

Thinking of this, Maner couldn't help but blush and became shy.

The scar-faced guard beside Borba was called Longza. He got along very well with Shen Ming these days. Seeing Man'er being so well-behaved and considerate, he said with a smile:

"Master Shen is so lucky to have found such a unique maid. It's not bad to take her as a concubine when she grows up!"

As he spoke, he poured wine into his mouth.

The people of Xilan were not used to Daxin wine and only wanted to drink spirits brought from the grassland. Shen Ming suspected that there was nothing else stored in Borba's space necklace.

I'm afraid they were all stuffed with wine.

When Man'er heard this, her shoulders froze and her face turned red with embarrassment.

"Man'er is still young, don't talk nonsense." Shen Ming saw that the others were making noises and had no choice but to stop him.

After a while, the wine and meat were served, and Borba had a servant taste them first to avoid being poisoned.

It was like this all the way, and Shen Ming was used to it.

"Waiter! Bring a jar of good wine! Take care of the meat that goes with the wine! Don't delay!"

At this time, another man came into the hotel lobby. He was of medium build and young. He had a mole in the center of his philtrum.

His voice was filled with boredom, his eyes were also filled with sadness, and his clothes were soaked by the rain, making him look miserable.

"Huh? How could it be..."

When Shen Ming saw this, he was surprised and suspicious, but kept his expression and continued drinking with Old Man Jiang, Borba and others.

Then he looked at his current talent value:

[Talent points ((1+13)x2) are automatically generated every day, leaving 17158 talent points. 】

However, the two fourth-order giant sky vultures killed on the dragon spine boat were added, and the talent value automatically generated by the system for fifteen days was also included.

The monster must be killed by Shen Ming himself before it can be recognized by the system.

Therefore, although Shen Ming shot a lot of giant sky vultures last time and several fell to death, only two were killed on the spot.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier. When Shen Ming looked outside, he couldn't see clearly within a few meters of the rain curtain.

They were eating meat, drinking wine and chatting happily.

But the person who came in later looked depressed as he drank one cup after another under the heavy rain.

Shen Ming activated the Mingwang Body's ability to detect illusions and carefully looked at the movement of the breath in his body. He could only see that there was movement of breath in his Dantian, but it was not strong.

The position in Tanzhong is empty.

There was speculation in mind.

He picked up the wine cup, stood up, and regardless of the doubtful looks of the people at the table, he walked up to the depressed drinker and asked loudly:

"I see that my brother has an extraordinary appearance. He must have a prosperous martial arts career, and he should be able to do great things. But I don't know why he is here, drinking alone?"

This young man was originally full of complaints and had no one to talk to, but now he was drunk and it was a time when he was full of emotions.

Following the sound, I saw a heroic young man, tall and handsome, and I liked him a little more.

Hearing what he said was nice and polite to me, I unconsciously lowered my guard a little.

By some strange mistake, he picked up the wine bottle and drank a glass with the wine cup handed by Shen Ming.

[Intermediate Charm] is really great for helping daily communication!

The chat box was opened.

His name is Jiang Da, he is nineteen this year, he is from Luzhou, and he runs a bodyguard agency in his home.

Although the model is not large, it is an ancestral family property.

Jiang Da is the eldest son in the family, so he is naturally being trained as his successor. The ancestral skills are based on swordsmanship. Although he only has the Qi Step method, it is enough.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Da's qualifications are really poor. He started practicing martial arts at the age of five. Now he is nineteen, and his cultivation level has only barely reached the Qi level!

His younger brother, who is five years younger than him, is now at the third level of Qi stage.

Jiang Da has always had a low spirit since he was a child. He failed in martial arts and felt that he did not live up to his father's expectations.

Thinking of going out for a while, he saw that he was approaching the capital.

Now when I encounter this rain, I think of how old I am and have accomplished nothing, and feel sad about it.

Shen Ming listened to him silently, and then looked at the blue talent [Physical Wizard] above his head.

I secretly sighed in my heart, with a talent like [Physical Cultivation Genius], if he were to practice body training, he might not be someone like Li Qingyun.

It's a pity that the martial arts inherited from his family are swordsmanship, and his talent in this art is very poor, so there is nothing he can do to improve it.

Then he said:

"Brother Jiang, don't believe it. Although I am not very young, I have learned a skill that can predict fortunes since I was a child."

Having said this, he paused deliberately and pretended to take a closer look at Jiang Da's face again, showing a puzzled expression:

"Brother Jiang looks like he has martial arts skills, so how can he block his future in martial arts because of his qualifications? How strange! How strange!"

Jiang Da couldn't help but smile bitterly after hearing this.

He doesn't believe in these things.

I have seen many charlatans defrauding people of their money in the name of fortune-telling before, and I have no favorable impression of them.

If he didn't have a very good first impression of Shen Ming, he would probably fall out after hearing these words.

Seeing that Jiang Da didn't believe it, Shen Ming showed an incomprehensible expression and said with a smile:

"Brother Jiang, can you let me see your palm? You have extraordinary martial arts skills, but you are now in this situation. I only need to take a look at the reason why!"

Jiang Da instinctively wanted to refuse, but seeing Shen Ming's enthusiasm, he had some inexplicable thoughts in his heart that he couldn't bear to refuse.

Although he still didn't believe it, he still stretched out both hands and asked:

"Left hand or right hand?"

Shen Ming casually grabbed Jiang Da's left hand and said, "The man is on the left and the woman is on the right."

I looked at it carefully.

He exaggeratedly said "Huh?"

Then he put down Jiang Da's left hand and copied his talent first.

"Brother Jiang, I have seen the reason why your martial arts is hindered. As for whether you believe it or not, it is up to you."

"Brother Shen, please speak. I am all ears."

"Brother Jiang, you are actually a man of great luck and extraordinary talent." Shen Ming said with a smile on his face, word by word, convincingly:

"It's a pity that that talent can only be used for body training. You have gone astray in practicing family sword skills!"

"Brother Jiang, you don't need to be in a hurry to doubt what I say. All you need to do is go to the capital and think of some ways to find a physical training method. Once you practice it, you can tell the truth from what I say!"

After saying that, he stopped staying, bowed his hands towards Jiang Dagong, and returned to his seat.

Jiang Da didn't believe it at first, but was shaken by Shen Ming's appearance.

"He didn't defraud me of my money either. Could it be that he really has the ability to predict fate?"

At that moment, I actually decided to give it a try!

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