Su Wei was silly to see the comments on the Internet.

How can ye Chen be so popular.

You know, ye Chen is just a delivery man.

Su Wei also likes Chinese painting very much.

However, ye Chen's traditional Chinese painting has no decades of attainments, and can't be painted at all.

When did ye Chen have this ability?

The comments on the Internet are very popular.

"Oh, my God, this painting is wonderful."

"Niubi, this painting is Tang Bohu alive."

"Even people who don't know Chinese painting think it's wonderful."

"It's a genius for painting."

Ye Chen's video hits have broken 10 million, completely fire.

Su Wei watched the video over and over again.

"No way, it can't be ye Chen."

Su Wei constantly negates the fact that the takeout brother is Ye Chen.

In her opinion, ye Chen is just a very unbearable takeout boy.

But she looked at the video repeatedly, but the man inside felt more and more like Ye Chen.

Does Ye Chen really have such ability?

Do you think ye Chen has been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger to hide himself?

Looking at Ye Chen's natural and unrestrained painting, Su Wei is really crazy.

No, I have to see it myself.

Although Suwei is not in Mordor, she also has many friends in the press.

Ye Chen now so fire, his true identity, affirmation can inquire out.

At this time, leaves Chen to step down too fire.

Even the audience doesn't care what's on TV at all.

All eyes are on Ye Chen.

Many fans even gathered around Ye Chen to sign his name.

Ye Chen is very depressed.

He just wants to be a delivery boy in a low profile, but now it's tragic.

Ye Chen knows that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

He hustled out the crowd.

Grow a breath, leaf Chen this just drove to slip.

Back home, ye Chen received a call from Su Wanyi.

Su Wanyi has been busy with a project abroad.

The two haven't seen each other for a long time.

"Ye Chen, have you been good at home recently?"

Su Wanyi asked.

"I'm good."

"Tiktok is very popular," she said. "You are all in a tremble. It seems that you have many fans."

Ye Chen listened to a cold in the heart, quickly explained: "Wanyi, in fact, it's not what you think, I also want to keep a low profile, but the strength does not allow."

Su Wanyi said: "well, I believe you. By the way, after a period of time, we are busy with this project, and I can return to the magic."

"That's great. I miss you so much."

Su Wanyi listened, but also slightly moved in the heart

"Ye Chen, I miss you too."

Hang up the phone, ye Chen looking at the distance.

He really missed Su Wanyi.

The next day, ye Chen got up early, ye Chen got up first to keep fit.

Then take a shower, eat breakfast, put on take out clothes, start the daily delivery.

What ye Chen wants to do most every day is to meet Wanjie takeout.

But it's really hard.

Ye Chen sent more than a dozen takeout orders, but he didn't meet Wanjie takeout.

It's a little hot.

Ye Chen stopped the electric car and decided to have a rest.

He lay down in his chair, and wanted to have a rest.

At this time, suddenly three beautiful women in Hanfu came over.

Two of them, ye Chen, are sisters Wu Xiaoqiao and Chen MI, and another girl, ye Chen, doesn't know.

Wu Xiaoqiao also saw Ye Chen and said excitedly, "look, isn't that brother ye?"

Chen MI was also very excited: "great, didn't our photographer come? It's just right for ye Chen to be our photographer. "

Ye Chen is looking at his mobile phone when he hears someone calling him.

Ye Chen turns his head and sees three girls in Hanfu looking at him.

It turned out to be Wu Xiaoqiao and Chen MI.

I have to say that he and these two beauties are still very predestined.

Wu Xiaoqiao although two people just said a few words, but every time I see ye Chen is very enthusiastic.

Ye Chen's eyes fall on three girls.

All three girls are in Hanfu.

Wu Xiaoqiao is already in good shape and looks comfortable in Hanfu.

But the girl next to her is already hot. She wears Hanfu on her body and feels that the belt on her chest may be broken at any time.

Suddenly surrounded by three beauties, ye Chen is a little uncomfortable.

He said with a smile, "I'm lucky to meet a beautiful girl today."

Wu Xiaoqiao shyly smile: "you don't make fun of me, just when we come to take photos, the photographer has something to do, ye Chen, are you free? Or you can be a photographer for us. "

With that, Wu Xiaoqiao introduced the two girls next to him.

"This is our college classmate Zhao Wenqiao, and the three of us are best friends."

Ye Chen smiles and says hello to the hot beauty.

Zhao Wenqiao and Chen MI are also very beautiful.

Zhao Wenqiao, in particular, is very hot.

The tight bandage in front of the chest always makes people feel like it will collapse, especially with a sense of expectation.

"Ye Chen help, we are several junior high school students, high school for a long time did not get together, and finally want to take a picture of a friend."

"That's right. Handsome guy, do me a favor. We've been painting makeup for a long time, or we'll waste it."

"Yes, take a picture for us. Let's invite you to dinner."

Three beauties act coquettishly with Ye Chen together, he is a bit fed up.

Ye Chen is embarrassed.

"There's no problem taking photos, but the level of taking photos is really a little low."

Just then, the sound of metal came to my mind.

[Ding, trigger Shenhao mission, help Wu Xiaoqiao, Zhao Wenqiao and Chen Mi take a group of photos of their best friends!]

[when you accept a task, you can get a systematic reward for the skill of a master photographer, and the charm value is + 10!]

Well, system tasks?

Ye Chen heart a joy, directly chose to accept.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, accept the system task, acquire the skill of master photographer, charm value + 10!]

In an instant, ye Chen felt that countless photographic knowledge emerged in his mind.

Wu Xiaoqiao handed over the camera: "Ye Chen, I'll teach you how to use it."

Ye Chen took the camera and laughed: "no, I'll try."

He took the camera and began to focus and adjust the aperture.

Wu Xiaoqiao's three beauties were stunned.

Didn't he just say that the photography level was very low? Now it looks like it's very powerful.

And three beauties suddenly find that ye Chen is a good friend.

Just see ye Chen, three people just feel Ye Chen grow OK.

But now three people suddenly feel that the boy in front of them is too handsome.

Especially the way he carefully adjusted the camera, it was too manly.

After debugging the camera, ye Chen said with a smile, "OK, let's choose the scenery and start shooting."

Wu Xiaoqiao nodded: "that's hard."

Ye Chen confidently said: "rest assured, I will make this group of photos the most beautiful memory in your life." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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