With master photography skills, ye Chen is full of confidence!

At the moment, looking at Ye Chen, the three girls are immediately fascinated by Ye Chen's handsome.

Zhao Wenqiao is even more pretty face slightly red, said: "Ye Chen, I find you smile special charming yo!"

Ye Chen Leng for a while, suddenly think of the reward system.

Did the system really make him handsome?

Ye Chen takes a camera and begins to take pictures of three beauties.

"Little Joe, you're holding your chin in your hands. Yes, that's the expression. It's super cute."

"Wenqiao, your body slightly side, this kind of side face must be very beautiful."

"Xiaomi, you have a natural expression. You lift your hair with your hand. That's the feeling“

With the addition of divine photography technology, every photo taken by Ye Chen is like that of a star.

No matter the light, the angle will show the beauty of three people incisively and vividly.

There is a lot of beauty in the garden.

Ye Chen can always find the most suitable location for shooting.

And the effect of the shooting is almost the same as the art photos taken by the stars.

Many people in the park are attracted by Ye Chen's shooting.

"These three girls are so beautiful. Are these stars taking art photos?"

"I feel that photographer is so professional. His action is so beautiful."

"And you don't find that this photographer is really attractive."

"Yes, the photographer is so handsome."

There are more and more onlookers, and even many people suspect that these three are members of the women's league who came to take photos of stars.

More than an hour passed.

Ye Chen smile: "almost, you see full dissatisfaction."

Three girls immediately gathered around Ye Chen.

Surrounded by three beauties, ye Chen feels fragrant.

The special watch is Zhao Wenqiao's explosive figure, so that ye Chen can touch the soft position of Tao from time to time.

"Wow, ye Chen, you said that your photography level is low. It's too beautiful."

"That's right. It's more beautiful than the art photos taken in the studio."

"My God, is this me? It's beautiful, too. "

Wu Xiaoqiao's face was excited and couldn't help praising: "Ye Chen, I didn't expect that your photography level was so good. We three ordinary girls made you a big star."

The three girls are very satisfied with Ye Chen's work.

"In fact, photos can also add some special effects, so the effect will be better." Ye Chen said.

"Do you still have post production? Great, ye Chen. I'll send you the photos. You can help us process them. "

Zhao Wenqiao suddenly embraces Ye Chen's shoulder.

"Ye Chen, you can be Miss Ben's full-time photographer in the future."

Zhao Wenqiao is already in hot shape.

Two people embrace together, the evil fire in the leaf Chen heart has already been ignited.

But at this time, Wu Xiaoqiao also came together.

She hooked Ye Chen's arm.

"No, ye Chen, we are classmates. If you want to be a photographer, you should also be my photographer."

Chen MI can't help holding Ye Chen's other arm.

"Ye Chen, the photos you took are very popular. If you have a chance to take one for me, I'll treat you to a big meal."

As a straight man, ye Chen has never been so close to a girl.

And three beautiful women.

It turns out that there are such benefits for taking pictures of beautiful women.

Ye Chen's photos are really beautiful.

Girls love beauty, especially when they see the photos taken by Ye Chen, they are as beautiful as fairies in the sky.

How can three girls be indifferent?

Ye Chen said with a smile: "well, it's late today. If you want to shoot it, you have to shoot it another day!"

"In this way, Ruoshan, you send me the original picture, and I'll process it later and send it back to you."

"No, ye Chen, you can send it to me directly. I'll add your wechat."

"I want to add your wechat, too."

Zhao Wenqiao and Chen Mi quit.

Ye Chen is so handsome and skillful in photography. How can we miss this opportunity to add wechat?

"You're all taking photos of three people's best friends. There's no need to send them one by one. Let Ruoshan send them to you."

Zhao Wenqiao and Chen MI are still a little reluctant.

Suddenly, Zhao Wenqiao's eyes brightened.

"By the way, it's better to draw ye Chen closer to her friends, so that ye Chen can send photos directly to the group, and we can see them soon?"

"That's a good idea." Wu Xiaoqiao is also in the spotlight.

Then, ye Chen's wechat received an invitation prompt.

See group name Ye Chen is stunned.

"Sister Flowers who love cucumbers."

Ye Chen Leng for a while, a face banter of looking at Wu Xiaoqiao.

It turns out that Li Xiaohua, who is usually extremely cold, is so wild.

Wu Xiaoqiao saw that the group's pretty faces turned red.

She said hastily, "Ye Chen is not what you think. We just picked cucumbers that day, so“

On one side, Zhao Wenqiao disagreed and said, "well, don't describe it. The more you describe it, the darker it is. In fact, the topics we are talking about together are more..."

"Wu Wu Wu!"

"Wu Xiaoqiao, why are you covering my mouth?" Zhao Wenqiao struggled.

Ye Chen a face embarrassed, originally this is the true appearance of school flower.

"Ye Chen, don't listen to the girl's nonsense. We are all innocent girls.

Zhao Wenqiao smiles: "Ruoshan, ye Chen has joined our best friend group, and then he will be his own. What are you afraid of? Remember to send me photos, handsome man. "

Later, Zhao Wenqiao and Chen Mi both sent a friend application to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen directly through.

At this time, ye Chen found that Wu Xiaoqiao quietly changed the group name to "three gourmet sisters".

Ye Chen looks at Wu Xiaoqiao's shy appearance and laughs.

He patted Wu Xiaoqiao on the shoulder and said: "in fact, there is no need to change the name of Ruoshan. They are all adults. It's normal to have some special hobbies."

Wu Xiaoqiao bashfully hammered Ye Chen.

"Who said we have such a hobby? The cucumber I said is different from what you think."

Ye Chen pretended to be serious: "is that right? Aren't you talking about picked cucumbers? What's that? "

Wu Xiaoqiao: "you..."

At this time, Wu Xiaoqiao's pretty face teased by Ye Chen is like a ripe apple, extremely lovely.

Ye Chen said: "well, I believe you are well. I'll take it as the cucumber in the vegetable garden."

"You, you still don't believe it..."

Ye Chen's unexpected figure said: "ah, no wonder people say that the more beautiful the girl is, the worse she is. It turns out that the beautiful girl is really Wilder!"

Hear ye Chen sigh, Wu Xiaoqiao completely defeated.

"Forget it. Whatever cucumber you think is, it's cucumber. I don't care about you."

Although Wu Xiaoqiao pretends to be angry, he understands that ye Chen is only joking, not such a person.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "well, I'll add you later and send you photos."

"All right." Wu Xiaoqiao said happily.

Ye Chen returned home, edited the photos, and then sent them to her friends.

All of a sudden, the group of friends exploded.

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