Beethoven is the voice of the piano.

This beautiful piano music makes him perform incisively and vividly.

Ye Chenfa has heard so many versions of piano music, but he can't play the charm of Beethoven.

Although it's a score.

But the players are different and the effect is totally different.

Beethoven's piano music, like to show people a love story.

Let the audience listen to the scene intoxicated.

At the end of the song, the scene was dead.

This piano piece is really beautiful.

Almost everyone at the scene was shocked.

A moment later, there was a burst of thunderous applause.

Beethoven stood up and bowed to the audience.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this song to Alice is for you first. Please remember this song."

Said, Beethoven's vision looked at Ye Chen.

If it wasn't for ye Chen, he couldn't have finished the song.

Maybe that person is the real God of piano.

Beethoven's face is full of adoration.

The audience all stood up to applaud Beethoven.

A lot of people are fans of Beethoven.

But Beethoven thought for a while and said, "the reason why this piece of music can be created so quickly is thanks to a young man who is above me in piano. He is Ye Chen from the East, and he created the second half of me."

Hearing Beethoven's words, the scene was in an uproar.


This piano music, there is a creator, it is the young man.

This time, even the queen was stunned.

After all, Beethoven's accomplishments are already at the top.

There are people who are even more accomplished than Beethoven.

The eyes of all the people at the scene fell on the Oriental face.

It was the man sitting next to the queen.

"Oh, my God, he's still a music wizard."

"So handsome and so talented, I really want to be his wife."

"Can we say that the piano in that eastern country has been so developed?"


Everyone was shocked by Beethoven's words.

Ye Chen is a faint smile.

In fact, ye Chen didn't want to be in the limelight.

After all, he does not belong to this parallel world.

Now he just wants to get back to his own world.

But the system didn't give a hint.

More depressed is, ye Chen became the focus of the scene instead.

One side of the queen, is a face shocked looking at Ye Chen.

Her face was red and full of adoration and admiration.

Especially the watery blue eyes, just like gemstones.

The queen is more surprised now.

In any case, she did not expect that half of this piano music was written by Ye Chen.

"Mr. Ye, are you really ordinary? It can't be the prince of the Qing Dynasty. "

The queen was shocked.

Because piano is also an elegant art in Eagle country.

Only nobles can play.

But ye Chen said, he is an ordinary person, how can he play the piano?

Ye Chen is speechless.


Hehe, the Qing Dynasty has been dead for a long time.

Ye Chen smiles: "I'm really an ordinary person. In fact, I deliver goods to people."

Ye Chen said with a word that people of this era can understand.

Listen to Ye Chen's words, the scene is in an uproar again.

"What? Did I hear you right? This young man is an ordinary delivery man? "

"How is that possible?"

"Does an ordinary person in the East have such attainments?"

"It's amazing."

Everyone is even more surprised at this ancient oriental country.

Even they felt that it was a highly developed civilization.

After all, it's terrible that even an ordinary delivery man should have such musical attainments.

Everyone was shocked.


Ye Chen sees the facial expression on the public face, is also helpless to smile.

He's telling the truth.

But obviously his words scared these people.

"Mr. Ye, are you interested in staying in our Eagle kingdom?"

Suddenly the queen said.

The queen has fallen in love with Ye Chen.

This versatile, but also handsome young people, if you do their own boyfriend, it must be very romantic.

The queen continued: "as long as you stay in Eagle country, I will personally give you a title, and a top castle. What do you think?"

Ye Chen heard the Queen's words and said with a smile: "thank you for your kindness. No, I'm going back to my world soon“

Although a count is very comfortable, this is the eagle Kingdom more than 200 years ago.

Ye Chen knows that if she stays with her talent, there will surely be countless beauties willing to give her permission.

But ye Chen knows that he doesn't belong here.

The system will prompt him to leave at any time. In that case, he must return to his own world.

Ye Chen is very curious at this time.

In the past, the system must have let itself go back.

But this time, the system never let him go back.

What's going on?

The queen thought Ye Chen would agree, but she didn't expect Ye Chen to refuse.

His eyes were full of disappointment.

But at this time, suddenly, the Queen's face changed slightly.

She covered her chest with a painful expression on her face.

"God, no, the queen has a heart attack."

At this time, several maids came quickly.

A royal doctor came running with a medicine box.

It turned out that the queen had a congenital heart disease.

Ye Chen saw this scene also frowned.

However, seeing the equipment in the hand of the royal doctor, he immediately frowned.

The Queen's attack was very sudden, and it was obvious that the queen had a serious heart attack.

This time, if not treated in time, the queen is very dangerous.

But from the imperial doctor's helpless appearance, ye Chen knew that the imperial doctor had no way.

After all, the medical skills of that era were helpless for this kind of heart disease.

The doctor shook his head with an ugly face: "I'm afraid the queen can't do it."

"What?" The faces of the ministers became ugly.

At this time, ye Chen suddenly said: "I'll have a try."

"You?" Everyone looked at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen said: "I should be able to cure the Queen's disease."

The doctor frowned at this.

He's the most famous doctor in Eagle country.

He just said, can't cure, but ye Chen said can cure.

This is obviously hitting him in the face.

"Boy, don't talk nonsense. The Queen's heart is about to stop beating. How to treat it?"

Ye Chen took out the silver needle at this time and said, "although you can't cure it, we can."

"Traditional Chinese medicine?" Everyone was stunned.

The doctor looked ugly and said, "boy, do you want to prick our noble Queen with a needle?"

Ye Chen cold hum: "this is called silver needle, is used to treat disease, if you stop me, I'm afraid the Queen really can't treat."

At this time, a minister with a cold face said, "Mr. Ye, can you really treat it?"

Ye Chen nodded: "of course, if you drag on, I'm afraid it's not good."

The minister said coldly to the doctor, "get out of the way."

Ye Chen came to the queen, and then took out the silver needle, gently in a acupoint near the heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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