See ye Chen's silver needle tied in the Queen's body, all people's hearts are raised.

After all, they have never seen such treatment.

One, two. Soon, the queen had more than ten silver needles on her body.

At this time, the imperial doctor quit.

"It's too much. Can you bear it? This man is totally blaspheming our queen. "

But ye Chen didn't pay attention to him and gently twisted the silver needle.

At this time, the brows of the ministers also wrinkled.

After all, they were not very comfortable to see that the queen was covered with silver needles.

At this time, the chief minister was just about to command the guards to catch Ye Chen, but something changed suddenly.

The queen opened her eyes.

"How is that possible?"

Seeing this, the imperial doctor was stupid.

Other faces also showed incredible expressions.

Ye Chen smiles: "empress, are you ok?"

"Well, just now I felt my heart hurt, but suddenly it stopped."

Ye Chen laughed: "don't ache to be right."

He pulled out the silver needle and said, "it's all right now."

Then the queen stood up.

The hall was silent at the moment.

The queen looked at Ye Chen, her eyes full of love.

After all, ye Chen is not only handsome and talented, but also saves her life.

"Mr. Ye, you are my life-saving benefactor. I must repay you."

There was adoration in her eyes.

The queen blushed: "Mr. Ye, if you like, can you be my king?"

Hear empress's words, ye Chen immediately Leng for a while.

To be king?

Is this the Queen's confession to him?

Not only Ye Chen, all the people at the scene were shocked.

"No, your majesty."

"No, your majesty, how can our Eagle Empire make an oriental king?"

"The origin of this man is unknown. The queen should think twice."


Suddenly, countless people came forward to stop.

But there was a touch of dignity on the Queen's face.

"Why not? He's my Savior. If I don't get rid of him, I'll be dead now."

"And you will never have a queen like me."

"Now, I repay Mr. Ye. What's wrong with marrying him?"

Everyone was speechless.

But the ministers were worried.

The Queen's husband is not casual. There are many factors to consider.

Ye Chen listens to empress overbearing words, also be some awkwardness.

Unexpectedly, one day, she was courted by the queen.

To tell you the truth, the queen is really beautiful. She is the best in appearance and figure.

And this kind of Western woman, with a kind of inexplicable charm.

The most important thing is that the queen has a touch of kingly temperament, which is not found in ordinary women.

This kind of temperament is what attracts Ye Chen most.

Think about it. How wonderful it is for a queen to serve you at home and cook for you?

However, ye Chen also just thinks.

He has to go back to the Lord.

And it's not up to him to decide how long he will stay here. The system will let him go back and he has to leave.

Ye Chen has just delivered the takeout and saved the queen. It is estimated that the system will soon let him return to the main world.

Just then.

The voice of Di Di rang out in Ye Chen's mind.

"Host Wanjie takeout task has been completed, please return to the main world at any time."

Sure enough, the sound of the system came to my mind.

Look at the countdown. Five minutes later, the impulse will turn on.

Ye Chen smiles: "thank you for your kindness. I'm afraid I have to go back to my country."

Originally, people were worried that the Queen's mind was so hot that she really made Ye Chen king.

But no one thought that ye Chen refused.

After all, this is the Queen's proposal, if you agree, it is a lifetime of glory and wealth.

It can even be the king of the whole Eagle kingdom.

Such temptation, almost no one can refuse.

He was stupid enough to refuse the Queen's proposal.

How is that possible?

He refused such a temptation.

The queen was stunned.

Even Beethoven was confused.

"It's Mr. Ye Chen who refused the Queen's proposal."

"It seems that Mr. Ye Chen is really not an ordinary person."

"This is the real God of art, indifferent to fame and wealth."

Beethoven sighed.

The empress did not expect that ye Chen would refuse herself, and her face also showed a disappointed expression.

But her in the mind more definite leaf Chen is not an ordinary person.

The queen took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Ye Chen, I have fallen in love with you. I will wait for you to change your mind."

"Besides, you saved my life. Although you refused me, you must be rewarded."

"From today on, you are the Marquis of our Eagle empire."

Everyone froze at the Queen's words.

The Marquis is the highest rank in the eagle kingdom.

It can be said that it is the highest honor that ordinary people can obtain.

Those who can achieve the status of marquis are those who have made special contributions to the eagle Empire, and the whole history of the eagle kingdom is only a dozen people.

They are all the overlords of the eagle kingdom.

It's unbelievable that the queen gave Ye Chen the title of marquis directly.

It can also be seen that the Queen's heart is to see many doors in Ye Chen.

But ye Chen didn't have much trouble with the title.

After all, he is about to return to his own world.

The title is of no use to him.

"This title is hereditary. Your ancestors will always be a world title, and you will have a marquis castle."

Said the queen again.

Ye Chen listened to immediately be stunned.

How many titles of marquis in the history of Eagle kingdom.

It's hard to get a title.

If it is hereditary, then ye Chen still has the title of Eagle Empire when he returns to the main world.

Ye Chen nodded: "thank you, Queen."

Seeing ye Chen's indifferent expression, the audience was even more shocked.

If someone could reward the Marquis, he would be very grateful.

But ye Chen is even indifferent, as if to accept just ordinary gifts.

No wonder they are marquis.

It's a great bearing.


Everyone looked at Ye Chen enviously.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "queen, I'm afraid I'll leave soon."

Say ye Chen to turn round to want to leave.

"By the way, I'm a Wanjie takeout boy. Don't forget to give me five-star praise."

Say, ye Chen rides electric car to turn round to leave.

The wormhole opens and ye Chen returns to the real world.

The empress looked at Ye Chen's back with a warm smile in her eyes.

"This is the most handsome man I've ever met. In my life, I will only love him."

At this time, ye Chen has returned to the real world.

Ding, congratulations on the host's completion of the Wanjie take out order, which may be praised by the Queen's five stars and won the most magnificent castle of the eagle Kingdom, Rost castle

Ye Chen Leng for a while, unexpectedly obtained an ancient castle.

Sounds like the reward is awesome.

But ye Chen's only depression is that what's the use of having a foreign castle in China? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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