All of a sudden, there was a burst of laughter in the serious interview.

"It's very interesting."

"This young man is too strong."

"I guess this interviewer will never forget this young man."

"I'm so happy. This operation is too ecstatic."


Everyone at the scene couldn't close their mouths with laughter.

The face of the interviewer, who was just proud, suddenly looked ugly.

You know, he originally wanted to ridicule Ye Chen, but was finished by Ye Chen.

The most important thing is that the computer Ye Chen picked up is a fruit, worth more than 20000 yuan.

If you lose it, you have to pay for it.

Ye Chen met the examiner and said with a smile, "it seems that you still don't remember me. Goodbye."

"Wait a minute, classmate, I remember you, I really remember you."

This time, the interviewer is stupid.

Ye Chen this just took notebook computer to walk back.

The interviewer turned pale.

He felt like a monkey to be played by this student.

At the moment, he was Ye Chen to clean up the obedient, not in the mood to blame Ye Chen.

Ye Chen a face complacent: "I say I can let you remember me in a second, this time you believe."

The interviewer took over the computer and breathed.

At this time, all the students feel very happy.

After all, the interviewer just scolded a lot of students.

Ye Chen's action, gave them vent.

"Thank you, classmate." The student who just interviewed also said respectfully.

Ye Chen smiles, pats him on the shoulder and says, "man, although we are interviewing, we should have backbone. We are looking for a job, not to be humiliated. No matter when we are, we should hold our heads high."

Hearing Ye Chen's encouragement, the student also nodded hard.

If it wasn't for ye Chen, the boy would lose self-confidence and even affect his future life.

It can be said that ye Chen taught him how to be an indomitable man.

"I see. Thank you for your instruction." The boy bowed and said.

At this time, song Xiaoxiao also looks at Ye Chen with admiration.

Just now, seeing her classmate humiliated, she was also very angry.

But it was just anger, and she did nothing.

But ye Chen found dignity for his classmates.

The most important thing is that ye Chen is a delivery boy, not a student of the school.

The interviewer held his notebook in his arms for fear of being robbed by other students.

At this time, a man wearing a suit and combing his back came up.

"What's the matter?"

The man's face was serious, and his body was full of pride.

"How do you do things? It's a disgrace to Baoge group."

This man is in his early 40s, with a face of domineering and condescending.

From each other's appearance, ye Chen saw that this young man should be the leader of Baoge group.

At this time, the interviewer's face was ugly, even slightly shaking.

"That... Mr. Chen, I..."

"That student just went too far. He robbed my computer and teased me."

The interviewer pointed to Ye Chen.

That Chen total vision fell on the body of leaf Chen.

He frowned.

"I didn't expect that the students in Mordor university should be so unqualified."

He condescending pointed to Ye Chen.

"You, immediately apologize to Baoge group and get out of the interview hall."

At this moment, the scene suddenly exploded.

No one expected that manager Chen should be so arrogant.

Let Ye Chen apologize and get out of the interview.

This is too much.

Although you are the interviewing unit, you can't be so arrogant.

You top 500 are amazing. You can't be so arrogant.

Ye Chen heard a sneer.

Top 500 companies?

Ye Chen's several top 500 enterprises, a Baoge group is a fart.

Seeing that ye Chen doesn't speak, Chen FA thinks that his momentum has suppressed Ye Chen, which makes him more arrogant.

He walks towards Ye Chen step by step, deliberately stroking his big back.

"This classmate, if you don't apologize, I can guarantee that you will be included in the blacklist of the enterprise and you will never find a job."

Hearing the threat, the students at the scene were stunned.

"I tell you, if you mess with Baoge group, I can let you have no shelter in the devil."

"Now apologize, I can spare you."

Chen FA is very arrogant. In his opinion, he is the local emperor here.

Ye Chen is the fish on his chopping board, and let him cut it.

Ye Chen is just a college graduate. It's too easy to scare a college student.

Hearing the threat from the other party, ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

If you are an ordinary student, I'm afraid you will be scared by Chen FA.

But who is Ye Chen?

You're going to kill me?

All of a sudden, a breath of the superior spreads out in Ye Chen's body.

Feel the breath on the leaf Chen body, Chen hair facial expression suddenly a change.

He stepped back two steps and took a breath.

At this time, seeing Chen FA's fear, other students were stunned.

There was even a sneer.

Chen FA calmed down and became more angry.

"Damn, I was bluffed by a student."

"Boy, you immediately apologize, or our president Song Simeng will come and you will die."

"I'll tell you, I can assure you that your official career will be over."

"If you apologize before Mr. Song comes, I can take it as if nothing happened."

Hearing song Simeng's voice, there was a cry of surprise.

Song Simeng, President of Baoge group, is known as the president of Mordor business beauty.

Many students have heard song Simeng's name, and even regard her as an idol.

Unexpectedly, song Simeng will come to school.

"God, it's so lucky to see President song."

"It seems that our trip is worthwhile."

"No wonder Chen FA is so arrogant. It turns out that song Simeng will come."

"This classmate apologizes quickly. President song is not something you can afford."


The students murmured.

Even song Xiaoxiao was worried and looked at Ye Chen.

After all, ye Chen is just a take out boy. If he really offends such a big man, I'm afraid he will really get into trouble.

Song Xiaoxiao pulls Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, let's go."

Ye Chen is a tiny smile: "go? Why are we going? "

"But I'm afraid of being the president of a fortune 500 group? Funny. "

Ye Chen really wants to see song Simeng.

After all, he saved each other.

Ye Chen believes that if two people meet, it will be very interesting.

He doesn't believe that he is song Simeng's savior. Will he be embarrassed when the other party comes?

If so, ye Chen doesn't mind giving song Simeng some lessons.

At the moment, Chen FA is becoming more and more arrogant.

Just then, Chen FA's phone rang.

After getting through the phone, Chen FA said respectfully, "Mr. Song, you're here. OK, I'll meet you at the school gate right away.", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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