Everyone looked at Chen FA's appearance and couldn't help secretly disdaining him.

Just now, Chen FA was still arrogant, but now he was really servile.

A face of flattery, even if it is to answer the phone, or bow body.

When the phone hung up, Chen FA immediately regained his arrogant expression.

He looked at Ye Chen coldly.

"Boy, you're done. Now it's too late for you to apologize."

"It's too late for you to apologize. If Mr. Song comes, you will be finished."

Chen FA has a proud and servile face.

At the moment, at the gate of Mordor University, a Lincoln car slowly drove into the campus.

In the back seat, a nearly perfect woman is looking at her cell phone and thinking about her mind.

The woman is in her twenties. She has a slim figure and a beautiful face. Her clothes are very elegant. They are all international famous brands, and they are also customized.

Her wrist with more than three million Patek Philippe, bag is also hundreds of thousands of Gucci bag.

The woman got out of the car and immediately stunned everyone.

It's perfect.

No wonder song Simeng became one of the two business goddesses in Mordor.

Another goddess of business is Lin Wanrong.

Song Simeng got out of the car and looked around.

The reason why Song Si Meng came back is because ye Chen.

Because song Simeng got the news, ye Chen appeared in this school.

Since Song Simeng was saved by Ye Chen, her mind is full of Ye Chen's figure.

From that day on, she has been looking for ye Chen.

But there are too many express brothers. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack to find Ye Chen among so many people.

Song Simeng has even thought that no matter how much it costs, ye Chen will be her bodyguard.

But since then, ye Chen seems to have disappeared from her world.

Later, song Simeng also ordered takeout.

But the takeaway is not ye Chen.

But song Simeng did not give up, still let his men look for ye Chen everywhere.

Finally, just yesterday, an employee reported to him that he saw Ye Chen near Mordor University.

Song Simeng came here to take a chance.

Even song Simeng is thinking, is Ye Chen a student of Mordor university?

Originally, Mordor university did not have recruitment opportunities, but song Simeng made a decision to hold a job fair.

The purpose is to find Ye Chen.

"I hope I can meet Ye Chen in this school."

Ye Chen is still in Song Simeng's mind.

This man has occupied her heart.

"Mr. song can rest assured that if ye Chen belongs to this school, we will definitely find him."

"Yes, Mr. song can rest assured."

"I'll go to the job fair later. We'll ask some classmates and we'll find him."

Next to the Secretary advised.

Song Simeng nodded: "I hope so."

"This time, it's Chen FA." Song Simeng said faintly.

"Well, don't worry, Mr. Chen's working ability has always been very strong."

Song Simeng nodded. This time she came, she also asked Chen FA to pay attention to Ye Chen.

Although Chen FA's personality song Simeng does not like, but the other party's work ability is good.

This job fair has been open for ten days in a row, and song Simeng only has a fuzzy monitoring photo in his hand.

She also hopes that Chen FA can find the man.

If ye Chen is his personal bodyguard, no matter who wants to fight against her, it's hard to do it.


At this time, Chen FA came out.

"Mr. Song, why are you here?"

Song Simeng said, "I have something to do. By the way, what about the job fair?"

As soon as he left, song Simeng asked casually.

Chen FA said about the job fair, with a chill on his face.

"Song Zonggang just at the job fair, a student made trouble, which seriously affected the voice of our company, but you can rest assured that I have been dealing with it."

Song Simeng frowned, but said nothing.

At this time, the party has entered the job fair.

Chen FA pointed to Ye Chen and said, "this classmate, now I give you the last chance to apologize to our Baoge company."

"If you're not sorry, we'll completely ban you."

With the backing of song Simeng, Chen FA is more unscrupulous.

In his opinion, the boss has come, and this is an opportunity for him to perform well.

At this time, ye Chen also saw song Simeng behind Chen FA.

Song Simeng is really beautiful.

Even this face value, compared with those movie stars are not behind.

Song Simeng is also staring at Ye Chen at this time.

There was a look of excitement on her face for a moment.

It's him. It's him. I finally found him.

At the moment, all the students look at Song Simeng, and their eyes are full of excitement.

This is the legendary beauty president.

It's so beautiful.

This woman is a goddess who doesn't eat fireworks.

These students, who had never seen such a beautiful woman, were stunned.

In particular, song Simeng's aura, just appeared, almost choked everyone.

When ye Chen saw song Simeng, his heart also moved slightly.

Because of the light that day, ye Chen didn't see song Simeng himself.

But today, he just said, this woman is really beautiful.

Even regardless of appearance and temperament, Lin Wanrou doesn't want to go up and down.

Chen FA said: "Mr. Song, this student, made trouble in our company's job fair, but you can rest assured that I will deal with it immediately, security..."

At this time, everyone's heart was in their throat.

They all think ye Chen is finished.

Once Ye Chen is thrown out, he is likely to be blacklisted by the other party.

"After all, many companies cooperate with Baoge group. It's too difficult for ye Chen to find a job."

At the moment, Chen FA is proud.

He knows his boss's style very well.

She can never rub a little sand in her eyes.

Dare to provoke the company, how can song Simeng let each other go?

The boy is dead.

Let you provoke me and teach you to be a man today.

However, to Chen FA's surprise, song Simeng didn't get angry and even walked towards Ye Chen step by step.

At this time, ye Chen is also embarrassed to look at Song Simeng.

"Long time no see, Mr. Song."

Ye Chen's words are neither humble nor overbearing, even like the meeting of old friends again.

The whole audience was stunned.

What's going on?

Does Ye Chen know song Zong?

How is that possible?

Chen FA, in particular, was a fool.

"Boy, what qualifications do you have to call us president song? Please apologize, or..."


Just then, a clear slap came out.

Song Simeng gave Chen FA a slap in the face.

The scene was dead again.

Because, song Simeng is not playing Ye Chen, but Chen FA..

Chen FA was slapped by song Simeng and covered his face, which made him stupid.

Why, song always slaps me in the face, what did I do wrong?

Song Simeng didn't pay attention to Chen's hair, but said to Ye Chen, "I'm sorry, my subordinates have no eyes. Please don't be angry."

There was a dead silence.

How is that possible?

Song Zong apologizes to Ye Chen.

Everyone was silly.

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