At the moment, ye Chen is also panting and tired.

If there were more powerful Tianlei behind, he would have no choice.

"That's great, disciple. You've escaped the thunder." immortal Taiyi said excitedly.

Shen Gongbao and AO Bing showed incredible expressions on their faces. The man in yellow robe was able to resolve such a strong sky thunder.

I thought he would be blasted into slag with Nezha, but I didn't expect this result now.

Defeated or defeated, Shen Gongbao and AO Bing know that they are a complete failure, and there is no chance to turn over.

Ye Chen slowly flew back to the ground from above, with a tired face.

Mr. and Mrs. Li Jing looked at Ye Chen and said, "delivery man Daxian, thank you for saving our zha'er."

Seeing the couple salute to themselves, ye Chen quickly stops them.

You know, without the protection of Li Jing and his wife, the people of chentangguan couldn't live in peace like this. The couple didn't know how much they paid for the word peace, and they didn't even have time to accompany Nezha.

Ye Chen was also deeply moved by this selfless spirit, not only moved, but also admired in her heart.

Taiyi immortal looked at Ye Chen with gratitude and said, "take out immortal, thank you for saving my apprentice."

As Nezha's master, he was also very ashamed. When his disciple was robbed, he was unable to help.

However, we can't blame him. The main reason is that his mana is not enough at all, and he will go for nothing.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "maybe this is my fate with Nezha. Let me meet him and help him turn the robbery."

Immortal Taiyi nodded, then called Nezha and said, "Nezha, this takeout immortal saved your life. He is your benefactor. Thank you quickly."

He also felt that what ye Chen said was very reasonable. Maybe this was his fate with Nezha. He didn't meet early or late, but he met Nezha on the day when Nezha was robbed.

Nezha walked to Ye Chen and smiled on his childish face.

"Big brother, thank you for saving Nezha's life."

Ye Chen stroked Nezha's head and said, "Nezha, you should listen to your parents. They love you most."

Nezha nodded very wisely. He also felt very guilty that he had misunderstood his parents by listening to Shen Gongbao's words.

Well, now that everything has been solved, it's time for ye Chen to leave here.

Seeing that ye Chen was leaving, immortal Taiyi quickly shouted, "take out immortal, please stay."

Hearing the speech, he turned back and asked, "what's up?"

"Well, take out immortal, I think you and Nezha have a lot of fate. Maybe it's fate. Let you help him turn the robbery. I have an unkind request." Taiyi immortal looked at Ye Chen and said.

"Please say," said Ye Chen lightly.

"Since you and Nezha are so destined, I want you to accept him as an apprentice," said Taiyi immortal.

"Isn't Nezha's master you?" Ye Chen asked.

"Having said that, since all the things have been solved, I will go back to heaven to restore my life." immortal Taiyi frowned.

In fact, there is another reason why immortal Taiyi wants Ye Chen to accept Nezha as an apprentice, that is, ye Chen's mana is far better than himself.

Nezha was very talented. If he studied magic with such a great immortal, he would make great achievements in the future.

How could ye Chen accept Nezha as an apprentice, not to mention that he has to go back to the real world.

"No, my fate with Nezha is over. We can't be teachers and disciples." Ye Chen said faintly.

Hearing Ye Chen say so, Taiyi immortal can't ask again. He can only watch ye Chen leave.

Ye Chen rode a motorcycle and returned to the forest.

A wormhole appeared again in front of him and walked in.

Soon, ye Chen's eyes were bright and had been in the real world.

Suddenly, a system prompt sounded in my mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the delivery order of Wanjie and obtaining the map of mountains and rivers."

"Map of mountains and rivers!"

Of course Ye Chen knows. This is the magic weapon that immortal Taiyi asked Nezha to practice.

You should know that there is a complete space world in the picture of mountains and rivers. Holding a pointing pen, you are the master of this space. In this space, Kyushu earth, mountains and rivers can be splashed with ink. What do you want the world to be like, Jiangshan pen can help you realize your wishes in an instant.

This is a bit like a home building game, but it's more awesome than the game.

Ye Chen thought that the value of the takeout was priceless.

When he watched the film, he was very envious, but he didn't expect that his dream came true.

Looking up at the clear sky, blue sky and white clouds, ye Chen decided to take a walk and feel the nature.

He walked slowly towards the front and suddenly saw a lot of people gathered in front of him.

With Ye Chen's intuition, he knew that something must have happened ahead.

He took two quick steps towards the front. As expected, someone was going to jump from the building.

The melon eaters talked about it one after another.

"This Wang Qiang is really miserable. Such a man of the moment went bankrupt overnight."

"It's more than bankruptcy. He also signed a lot of debts. Now he can't pay them back at all."

"It's better to be ordinary people. It's true that it's plain and light. I can't stand this storm."

"Yes, no money, no money, no joy."

It seems that some of these melon eaters know people who stand on the roof and want to jump.

Ye Chen leaned over and asked, "who's up here?"

The man took a look at Ye Chen's uniform and said with a disgusted face: "take out brother, you can send your take out to earn money. Don't inquire about things here."

Ye Chen ignored the man's words and didn't have to think about it. This is a typical dog's eye.

A man with glasses nearby said: "this is Wang Qiang, general manager of HSBC. Before, he was very famous in business. He was young and promising, but who knows that there is an unexpected situation. In an instant, a business wizard worth hundreds of millions has become a poor man."

Ye Chen nodded when he heard the speech. He knew that the man upstairs was his college classmate.

But the relationship between them is not good, and before Wang Qiang learned that ye Chen sent takeout, he also taunted him.

Even so, ye Chen still doesn't want Wang Qiang to end his life.

He decided to go upstairs and save people. Anyway, the two were classmates.

The man with glasses wants to say something to Ye Chen, but he finds that ye Chen has already disappeared.

At the moment, he is running towards the building. Ye Chen must go to the roof in the shortest time.

Ye Chen was afraid that Wang Qiang would stand on the roof of the building, so he jumped directly.

At that time, even he can't help it., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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