"Where are people?" the man with glasses scratched his head and said to himself.

"I think the little brother of the delivery man must be in a hurry to deliver the delivery." the person next to him smiled.

Wen Yan, the glasses man thinks it makes sense. After all, it's good to see ye Chen in a takeout uniform. The most important thing is to live.

How to live without making money.

But no one thought that their delivery brother was running towards the roof at the moment.

When ye Chen entered the building, he sadly found that the elevator was broken, so he had to run up with his legs.

You know, this building has more than 20 floors, and he can only climb up one floor at a time. Counting the top floor, it is a total of 21 floors.

After all, life is at stake. Ye Chen came to the roof with the fastest speed and saw Wang Qiang standing in front of him.

Looking at the fat man in front of him, ye Chen knows that he must have eaten a lot of fish and meat during this time, so he will eat his original thin body like this.

Just before, ye Chen saw that Wang Qiang was still thin. Now he looks like a ball.

In fact, it's not too much to say that Wang Qiang is like a ball. He was originally very short, but now he is horizontal. He can only be described as a ball.

Wang Qiang saw that the rescue workers below were going to rush into the building and shouted, "don't come up, or I'll really jump down."

"Don't jump. Don't do anything irreparable on your impulse." the rescue workers downstairs shouted.

Hearing this, Wang Qiang shook his head and said to himself, "it's over. It's all over. I'm sorry for my parents, wife and children."

"If you die, what will they do? Aren't you more sorry for them?" Ye Chen said faintly.

At this time, Wang Qiang found someone behind him.

He suddenly looked back and saw a familiar face. It was his college classmate Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, why did you come up?" Wang Qiang asked with a shocked face.

"Of course I saw you jump off the building." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Wang Qiang was not surprised to hear this, but laughed at himself: "I think so. Are you satisfied with me now?"

He recalled the scene when the two met before.

One day, Wang Qiang saw Ye Chen riding an electric car and wearing a takeout uniform on the road. Instead of seeing the excitement of his old classmates, he kept mocking.

Now, he is down. Ye Chen hit him back in this way. He is not surprised at all.

"Satisfied, very satisfied, so we should keep a low profile." Ye Chen kindly reminded.

"Ye Chen, you're right. It's because I'm too floating. Others call me a business wizard. I've built a world in business at a young age, so I don't know who I am and hurt many good friends."

"I always feel that I have the talent to invest. I want to make a big profit. Recently, I invested my wealth and bought a stock called Donghua medicine. I also told my friends who have a good relationship to buy it out of kindness. As a result, I lost my money. The company also let me go bankrupt, but I still owe a lot of debt. Now I really don't have the courage to live."

Wang Qiang tells Ye Chen about his experience and the reasons for his suicide.

This is really 30 years of Hexi, 30 years of Hedong.

Some people may become rich overnight, or some people become poor overnight, so don't be complacent when you are brilliant.

Isn't the present Wang Qiang a living example? When you have money, you should look at people with your nostrils. When you are down, you should commit suicide and jump from a building.

His life is like a play, just as the so-called life is like a play, play is like life.

"Wang Qiang, when you were in college, you were a very strong person. Are you really willing to end like this?" Ye Chen kept stimulating the man in front of you with words.

If it is an ordinary person, he will certainly not do so, because maybe the person who wants to commit suicide will really jump down when stimulated.

But ye Chen has mind reading skills, and he knows Wang Qiang very well. He can't really jump like this.

Although Wang Qiang wants to jump off a building, he is not firm in his heart and is still very contradictory.

"What can I do if I'm not willing? I have nothing left. The creditor immediately came to the door. I'm sorry for my family and my friends. If it weren't for my conceit, I wouldn't have come to this end." Wang Qiang cried bitterly.

"System, help me check the stock information of Donghua medicine." Ye Chen said in his mind.

System: "host, the stock market is not very good recently. This stock has been reduced from 55 yuan to 5 yuan."

Hearing the speech, ye Chen knew that no wonder Wang Qiang wanted to jump from a building. The stock fell sharply. As he said, he lost his money. All the money he had earned over the past few years was gone overnight.

I can't live that rich life any more. No one can stand the blow.

"But after my analysis, the price of this stock will rise again, the highest point is 66 yuan," the system said again.

Ye Chen can't help admiring Wang Qiang in her heart. He is worthy of being a business genius and has a very investment vision.

For this investment, Wang Qiang has not failed, but the time has not come.

This can only say that Wang Qiang's psychological quality is not good. He was too smooth before, so he can't stand a little setback and failure.

What's more, he didn't fail at all.

It has been learned from the system that this stock will continue to rise. How can ye Chen miss such a good opportunity to make money.

He looked at Wang Qiang and said with a smile, "you are really a business genius. Your investment vision is very accurate. You bought this stock right."

Wang Qiang only felt that ye Chen was comforting him. He shook his head and said, "Ye Chen, you don't have to comfort me. I know I've lost everything and can't make a comeback."

He knew that even if he sold his house and car, he couldn't pay off his debt. How would he live in the future.

It doesn't matter that a person changes from poor to rich, but it must be unacceptable and adaptive to change from rich to poor.

Wang Qiang, who is used to the life of rich people, doesn't want to start all over again.

He knew that he was dead, and that his family would not be implicated because of his death.

"I didn't comfort you. After listening to the stock you just said, I decided to buy 2 billion," Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Ye Chen, are you kidding? You're just a delivery man. How can you have 2 billion?" Wang Qiang asked with an unbelievable face.

Looking at Ye Chen in front of him, he couldn't help sighing and said with a ashamed face: "Ye Chen, I'm sorry. It was all my fault before. Although you are a delivery man, I shouldn't ridicule you. Now I'm not as good as you. Please accept my apology."

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