In the surprised eyes of Su Wanyi and song Xiaoxiao, ye Chen drove the small train away.

Along the way, many people drove towards him.

But ye Chen can't manage so much. Now he needs to drive to the door of the mall and buy peach blossom drunk and fried chicken.

When she came to the gate of the shopping mall, ye Chen got off the train and ran outside.

In such a hurry, he forgot that he drove two girls to the mall.

By the time he remembered, he had run a long way.

However, he had to harden his head and continue to use his legs. He went to the supermarket to buy two pots of peach blossom drunk, and then bought a large portion of fried chicken from the fried chicken shop.

Ye Chen took these things in her hand and found a place where there was no one.

In front of him was a dark wormhole. He walked in.

But this time it was strange that ye Chen didn't ride a motorcycle, but felt his body falling.

Could it be that this time his vehicle was a plane, and when he thought about it, it had landed in a courtyard.

Nevertheless, ye Chen was not hurt, and the things in her hand were intact.

"This is too unscientific." Ye Chen muttered.

At this time, there were two more people around him.

Ye Chen had been looking down at the takeout for fear that it would break and could not complete the takeout order.

Feeling someone around him, he suddenly looked up and saw two elegant teenagers standing in front of him, who looked less than 20 years old.

One of them was dressed in black with his hair tied up with a red rope. His tall nose, thin lips and sword like eyebrows flew obliquely into the strands of black hair under the temples. His handsome side face and perfect facial contour were perfect. The word dignified could not be more appropriate to describe him.

Another person is a classic and beautiful man, dressed in white. His handsome is different from the man in black. He has a small face with a big palm, but the outline of his side face is very masculine. His mandible is cut with a knife. He is handsome and resolute. He exudes a cool, noble and arrogant arrogance.

"Lan Zhan, this man seems to fall from the sky, and his clothes are really strange." the man in black looked at Ye Chen with a puzzled expression and said.

"Wei Ying, I don't think he's a bad man. Let's see if he's hurt." the man in White said.

Hearing the two men's address to each other, ye Chen also widened her eyes in surprise.

"Wei Ying, LAN Zhan, isn't this the character in the novel" the devil's father "I read before? Is this time I come to the novel world." Ye Chen thought in her heart.

Seeing ye Chen staying there, LAN Zhan thought he was stupid. He shook his hand in front of him and asked, "brother, how did you fall from the sky? Did you hurt yourself?"

"God, I came to the world of novels." because ye Chen was too excited, he didn't hear LAN Zhan talking to him at all.

When he read this novel before, he envied the friendship between Wei Ying and LAN Zhan very much.

You know, in today's society, there are few people who can do anything for their friends. Ye Chen is really moved to see LAN Zhan's desperate and silent efforts for Wei Ying.

When Wei Ying saw Ye Chen, he didn't pay attention. His expression was a little angry. He pulled out his sword around his waist and asked Ye Chen, "boy, didn't you hear what I just asked you? Hurry up and say who you are? Was it sent by Wen Shi?"

Ye Chen knows that Wei Ying doesn't need LAN Zhan, but he will fight if he doesn't agree. Maybe his life will be ruined here.

"Brother, I have something to say. You put down the sword first. It's very dangerous." Ye Chen pushed the sword aimed at him aside with his hand.

He stood up, looked at the two teenagers in front of him and said, "my name is Ye Chen. I'm here to deliver you takeout."


You know, this word is put in the world, but I haven't heard it, so the boy in front of me was stunned.

However, ye Chen knows what's going on. The plot of this novel is that Wei Ying just came to Yunshen's unknown place. He wanted to steal the emperor's smile at night. LAN Zhan found that they had a big fight. During the fight, LAN Zhan broke a jar of heaven's smile, which made Wei Ying very angry.

At that time, Wei Ying always thought about the jar of heaven's smile, so he started the takeout order.

"You just remember that I brought you wine and meat. Don't worry about the rest." Ye Chen scratched his head and said.

As soon as he heard the words wine and meat, Wei Ying immediately changed her face.

He smiled and looked at Ye Chen and said, "you would have said no. why? I almost hurt you just now."

Ye Chen looked at the angry Wei Ying and thought, "I don't have a chance to talk."

Since all the misunderstandings had been cleared up, he handed the two jars of peach blossom drunk and a whole box of fried chicken to Wei Ying and said, "gentlemen, enjoy the delicious food quickly."

LAN Zhan didn't move, but Wei Ying took it.

He opened a jar of peach blossom and drank it directly. He kept praising it: "good wine, good wine."

You know, this peach blossom is drunk, but it has been shaking the smile of heaven for several blocks.

Seeing how Wei Ying drank and drank so happily, LAN Zhan also smiled.

Originally, one of the blue family rules was that you can't drink.

But thinking of the breaking Wei Ying's jar of the wine just now, he was also a little sorry, so he didn't stop Wei Ying from drinking.

Wei Ying drank a jar of wine, then took out fried chicken and ate it.

"Happy, really happy," he shouted as he drank.

Seeing LAN Zhan still standing there and Wei Ying drinking and eating there alone, I also felt a little inappropriate.

So he took out a chicken leg from the box, handed it to LAN Zhan and said, "come on, LAN Zhan, you have some, too. It's really delicious. It's the first time I've ever eaten it."

LAN Zhan doesn't drink. He knows, but chicken is OK.

Seeing the chicken leg handed over, the boy in white took it and bit it in a small bite.

Although the chicken was delicious, he didn't cry as exaggerated as Wei Ying, but nodded and said, "delicious, delicious."

"What I said is right. I didn't lie to you." Wei Ying said with a smile.

Ye Chen looked at the two teenagers in front of him with some envy. They all looked like a different person in front of each other.

Wei Ying has always been very fierce, but in front of LAN Zhan, he changed his normal and was as gentle as water.

LAN Zhan always keeps the rules in mind and doesn't dare to go beyond them, but he often makes exceptions for Wei Ying.

Such feelings are not what ordinary people can imagine. Ye Chen is also very happy to see them eating and drinking at the same time., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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