Wei Ying was drunk after drinking a jar of peach blossoms.

Rain, he opened a jar of wine, raised his neck, drank it, and shouted, "good wine, good wine."

Ye Chen thought that modern brewing technology is thousands of times better than before. How can it be bad to drink.

LAN Zhan watched Wei Ying drink up both jars of wine. He was also unhappy.

If you let your martial uncle know that Wei Ying drinks in an unknown place in Yunshen, he will be punished, not to mention drinking in front of himself.

Forget it, as long as he doesn't say, no one should know.

LAN Zhan thought.

This time, Wei Ying drank and ate beauty. Not only did he drink up two jars of wine, but even those fried chicken were eaten by him.

"Yes, yes, have a good time." Wei Ying said, gnawing at the last chicken leg.

Customer satisfaction is the greatest encouragement to Ye Chen's work.

"Since both of you have eaten and drank well, I should go too. Remember to give me a five-star praise." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, Wei Ying shouted, "wait a minute."

Ye Chen stopped, turned her head, looked at the boy in black and asked, "young Xia, what are you looking for me?"

"Well, thank you for your food, and since we met here today, it means it's fate. It's better for the three of us to become brothers." Wei Ying suggested.

Today's Wei Ying is really delicious, and he also thanks Ye Chen for the delicious food.

"You don't have to be so polite, young Xia. You are a customer. I should do to deliver you takeout." Ye Chen waved her hand and refused.

Although he envied the deep brotherhood between Wei Ying and LAN Zhan, he thought it would be good if he had such a brother.

But what ye Chen wants is in the real world, not here.

He knew very well that this was just an external takeout order sent to him by the system at random. If he wanted to come here again, he might be a monkey for years and months.

Hearing the speech, Wei Ying frowned and showed an unhappy look on his face.

He didn't expect Ye Chen to refuse him so frankly. He really didn't appreciate it.

LAN Zhan, who has not spoken from beginning to end, knows what Wei Ying thinks very well. He is afraid that this guy will do reckless things.

LAN Zhan smiled at Ye Chen and said, "I have a feeling of deja vu since I first saw this brother. I really hope that the three of us can become brothers and take care of us in the future."

Ye Chen didn't expect LAN Guangjun, who was always silent, to say such words in order to help Wei Ying.

Seeing that Lan Zhan spoke, ye Chen was also a little generous, so he said, "in that case, I'd better obey my orders. It's my honor to be able to make obeisance to two young Xia."

Hearing the speech, Wei Ying's face eased slightly.

LAN Zhan's hanging heart was also put down.

Ye Chen, LAN Zhan and Wei Ying stood under the tree and became brothers.

According to his age, he is older than Wei Ying and LAN Zhan, so he naturally became the eldest brother.

LAN Zhan is the second younger brother and Wei Ying is the third younger brother.

That's good. Ye Chen sends a takeout and has two more brothers out of thin air.

"Second brother, third brother, it's getting late. I should leave too." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Brother, please walk slowly." Lan Zhan and Wei Ying said in one voice.

But now there is a problem, that is, ye Chen came from the sky, not riding a motorcycle as before.

Is it difficult for him to fly to the sky? If so, ye Chen will be embarrassed. The key is that he can't fly at all.

Seeing ye Chen's frown, Wei Ying asked with concern, "brother, why do you look sad?"

Ye Chen said with a smile, "no, no, the third brother is too worried."

When he had finished, he walked towards the door.

"Forget it, wait until you go out." Ye Chen thought in his heart.

He said goodbye to Wei Ying and LAN Zhan and walked out of the unknown place.

To Ye Chen's surprise, his little motorcycle stopped at the door.

Ye Chengang got on the motorcycle, turned on the navigation system and drove forward.

Along the way, he hummed: "ride on my beloved little motorcycle, he will never be in a traffic jam..."

It's late at night. In this world, people have rested, so no one found Ye Chen and his little motorcycle.

But this time, ye Chen was really tired. He rode for a long time according to the system navigation, and the most sad thing was that it was all mountain roads.

After riding for some time, a black hole appeared in front of me.

Ye Chen knew that he could return to the real world through him. He rushed in at an instant.

Just for a moment, he was in the noisy city again. No one noticed his sudden appearance.

Ye Chen hurried to Vientiane city. He knew that if Su Wanyi and song Xiaoxiao were worried, there would be no good fruit to eat.

While he was running, a systematic prompt sounded in his mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the takeout order of Wanjie, obtaining LAN Zhan's reward, aphorism and Wei Ying's reward for empathy."

Hearing the reward of the system, ye Chen was stunned. The forbidden word didn't say it first. It was this empathy. The reward was so awesome.

When he read the novel before, he felt that Wei Ying's empathy was really against the sky.

We should know that empathy refers to the ability to put yourself in the situation of others, so as to feel and understand the feelings of others.

In fact, for ye Chen, the most attractive plot of the novel "master of the devil" is Wei Ying's two empathies. Ye Chen is very excited.

He even imagined that he could have this ability, but he didn't expect that he would get what he wanted just by giving away a takeout.

Before, ye Chen thought that his mind reading skills were awesome. After all, he could see through people's hearts.

But empathy is different. Having this skill means that you can not only see through each other's heart, but also feel all his experiences.

Isn't there a word called empathy? That's what it means.

It is said that there will be no good things in the sky, but this good thing happened today, and it still happened to Ye Chen.

With great excitement, he ran quickly towards Vientiane city.

In fact, after ye Chen left, Su Wanyi and song Xiaoxiao had no intention to go shopping again. They didn't understand why Ye Chen became like this and what happened.

The two women stretched their necks and looked in the direction Ye Chen left. They were like two Wangfu stones.

They were very worried about ye Chen's safety and prayed silently in their hearts.

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