Zhou Susu knew that although Zhang Xia said so, her heart was very distressed for her two daughters.

After all, no parents will watch their daughter die.

"Aunt Zhang, we are really very sorry, because Zhang Ruimei hired someone to hurt her sister and brother-in-law, so we must catch her. I can understand your pain." Zhou Susu sighed.

"Officer Zhou, you are a good boy. Don't comfort your aunt. She has nothing to do." Zhang Xia shook her head and said with a sad and helpless face.

Originally, Zhou Susu thought Zhang Xia would ask her to take her to see Zhang Ruimei. After all, it was her own daughter.

But unexpectedly, Zhang Xia said with a smile: "officer Zhou, I've told you all these words in my heart. I feel relieved. OK, I won't delay your time. I'll go back first. When you have time, take me to see Xiaojing."

Zhang Xia got up and walked out of the office.

As soon as she went out, her tears couldn't stop flowing out. She had lost one daughter and was about to lose another daughter. She felt distressed and couldn't breathe.

The reason why Zhang Xia didn't cry in the office was that she really didn't have a face. Her little daughter now has a direct relationship with her. If she had enlightened her daughter, maybe things wouldn't have been like this.

After Zhang Xia left, Zhou Susu sighed. She knew that Zhang Xia, as a mother, would lose two daughters in a row, which was undoubtedly a great blow to the old man.

However, the law is beyond emotion. After all, Zhang Ruimei has done something illegal, that is, she has to accept legal sanctions.

Zhou Susu wanted to take Zhang Xia to see Xiaojing, but she still had some work to do, so she couldn't get away.

So she thought of letting Ye Chen take the old man, but just about to dial Ye Chen's phone, she put it down again.

She thinks Ye Chen has her own business. It's really not good to be called around by her all the time.

Zhou Susu didn't think wrong. After ye Chen left the police station, he really went to do something.

He drove to the hospital where Uncle Qiang's mother lived, but he didn't go to see the old man, but something else.

Ye Chen stopped the car, got out of the car and walked straight to the dean's office.

At the door of the office, he knocked gently.

After a while, the door opened. An old man with gold wire glasses stood at the door. He saw Ye Chen standing at the door and asked, "young man, who are you looking for?"

The old man didn't know ye Chen at all. He thought Ye Chen must have found the wrong place.

After all, most patients or their families will find a doctor. It is impossible to find the Dean directly.

"Dean Zhao, I'm looking for you?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

As he spoke, he walked inside and sat on the sofa.

After seeing this, president Zhao also followed in. He looked at Ye Chen with a puzzled expression and asked, "you know me, but I don't remember we met?"

"President Zhao, let me introduce myself first. My name is Ye Chen. I want to talk about a business with you." Ye Chen said faintly. He unscrewed a bottle of mineral water around him and drank a few gulps.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, president Zhao also had a temper.

Looking at the young man in front of him, he looked less than 30, but his tone was not small. He was about to talk about business with him. You know, he is the president.

"Young man, this is a hospital. Are you looking for the wrong person?" president Zhao said with a smile although he was angry.

"I'm looking for you," Ye Chen said, pointing to Dean Zhao.

Before president Zhao spoke, he said straight to the point: "you have a patient who needs surgery, but I want to ask the directors of other hospitals to do it for her."

Ye Chen's words almost blew up Dean Zhao's lungs.

He thought in his heart, "what patient who lives here does surgery without my doctor, but wants to find doctors in other hospitals? Isn't this a mockery of our hospital's medical skills?"

"Dean Zhao, what do you think of my proposal?" Ye Chen said faintly.

"You're crazy. You dare say that. In that case, where will I put my face as president?" president Zhao said angrily.

"Dean Zhao, don't refuse me so soon." Ye Chen said helplessly.

"You little hairy child who doesn't know the heaven and earth, I'll not only refuse you, but also find someone to kick you out. Who do you think I am? I'm the dean. How can I do such a thing? If it comes out where my Dean's face is, our hospital will have to let my peers laugh to death." Zhao Yuan shouted when he grew up.

Ye Chen knew that Dean Zhao was really anxious, but he was not afraid at all.

He ignored Ye Chen. Instead, he went to the office and picked up the phone. He had to call the guard room to ask the security guard to blow out his whimsical young man.

Dean Zhao even thinks Ye Chen is a neuropathy. Maybe he ran out of the neuropathy hospital.

Ye Chen didn't want to waste time here with him. He took out a golden bank card from his pocket and said, "president Zhao, how about I give you one billion to buy this hospital?"

Hearing this, president Zhao just wanted to pick up the phone and dial, but he put it down again.

One billion ah, he heard right. The young man said he would give him one billion, which is a great temptation for president Zhao.

Seeing president Zhao put down the phone, ye Chen stood up from the sofa, walked to president Zhao and shook the glittering bank card at him.

"Dean Zhao, if you agree, all the money in the card will belong to you. How about it?" Ye Chen asked with a smile.

He knew that president Zhao would agree. He had investigated that the income of the hospital was not very good, mainly because the medical equipment was old and the doctors' medical skills were not high. Anyone with some money would not come to see a doctor here.

Sure enough, president Zhao took the bank card in Ye Chen's hand with a smile and said, "Mr. Ye, I just thought about it. I think your proposal is really good. After all, as the patient's family members, they all hope that the doctor with the main knife is very good. To be honest, the doctors in our hospital are the kind that other hospitals don't want, and the medical skills are really not very good."

Hearing the speech, ye Chen shook her head and thought that money can make ghosts grind.

Just now, president Zhao still looked high above the others. He called Ye Chen boy and refused his proposal.

But I changed my face immediately after hearing about one billion.

"Dean Zhao, didn't you just say that doing so would damage your face and the reputation of the hospital?" Ye Chen asked.

"How can it be? If the doctors in our hospital are allowed to operate, it is possible that the patients can't get off the operating table. Isn't this more affected?" Zhao said with a smile.

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