Although Ye Chen was not surprised that Dean Zhao would agree, he also felt a little funny in his heart.

Just now I looked as if I didn't have to talk, and even said something that would damage the reputation of the hospital, but I immediately changed my face when I saw the money.

People are such a reality.

"Mr. Ye, when shall we go through the formalities?" Zhao said with the bank card.

"What procedure?" Ye Chen asked with a puzzled look at the old man in front of him.

"Mr. Ye, of course, it's the procedure to transfer the hospital to your name. Do you want to go back?" president Zhao's face changed and clenched the bank card more tightly.

He was afraid that ye Chen would really repent. He wouldn't spit out the fat in his mouth so easily.

Ye Chen knew that president Zhao must have misunderstood, and hurriedly said, "president Zhao, although he gave you this billion, you are still the president."

He already has a very famous hospital and doesn't want to be the president at all. What's more, ye Chen still has a lot of things to do. Where can he have time to stay in the hospital all day? This is undoubtedly a waste of his time and life.

President Zhao thought he had heard wrong and hurriedly asked, "Mr. Ye, what did you say?"

Ye Chen repeated, "one billion is yours, and the position of the dean is still yours."

After hearing this sentence, director Zhao showed a surprised expression on his face.

He didn't expect that after he got a billion, the Dean could continue to be the dean. In fact, it doesn't matter if he doesn't let him be the dean. As long as he has a billion, he doesn't have to worry about food and drink.

The hospital did not bring him much wealth at all, but had to worry about it often.

"Mr. Ye, how can I do that? It's too inappropriate for me to take your money and continue to sit in the dean's position." Dean Zhao waved his hand and said.

"I'll let you be you." Ye Chen said faintly.

Since ye Chen has said so, president Zhao will no longer refuse. When the president can still earn some money.

No one will have a grudge against money, and no one will dislike too much money.

"Mr. Ye, thank you very much," said Zhao with a smile.

He was glad that he was not too impulsive just now, otherwise he would have lost too much if he really kicked the rich man out.

"Dean Zhao is polite." Ye Chen nodded and said.

"By the way, Mr. Ye, which ward is the patient you said in?" president Zhao suddenly remembered something and asked.

"She's in ward 508," replied Ye Chen.

Dean Zhao nodded and didn't speak again.

"Well, Dean Zhao, we'll make a deal. We'll move the surgical equipment and instruments in the next few days. The patient needs to have the operation as soon as possible." Ye Chen said.

"Mr. Ye, listen to you. If you need me to do anything, just tell me." Zhao said with a smile.

Now president Zhao has a respectful attitude towards Ye Chen. He doesn't dare to provoke such a rich man. He even depends on Ye Chen.

Ye Chen turns and walks out of the office.

"Mr. Ye, take your time," said Dean Zhao standing at the door.

Knowing that ye Chen's back disappeared, he returned to the office again and looked at the bank card with an excited expression on his face.

He dialed a telephone number, said a few words, and left the office.

After coming out of the dean's office, ye Chen came to Uncle Qiang's mother's ward.

At the moment, uncle Qiang is chatting with his mother. Maybe he knows that he doesn't have much time to accompany his mother.

Seeing ye Chen, uncle Qiang smiled and said, "boss ye, are you here?"

"Well, let me see the old man." Ye Chen nodded and said.

He knew that before uncle Qiang turned himself in, he and uncle Qiang would play a play to reassure the old man.

"Boss ye, you are so busy that you don't have to waste time looking at me," said uncle Qiang's mother gratefully.

"Old man, I think you should. Don't say that," Ye Chen said politely.

Then he looked at Uncle Qiang's mother and said, "the old man is like this. I want to discuss something with you."

When ye Chen said this, uncle Qiang's mother just said, "boss ye, just tell me what you have."

"Well, the group wants an excellent employee to set up a branch in Kyoto. The candidate in my heart is uncle Qiang. I don't know whether you agree or not." Ye Chen asked looking at the old man in front of him.

The old man frowned with a reluctant expression on his face.

She has only uncle Qiang around now. If Uncle Qiang goes so far again, she will really be helpless.

But I think it's because of her that uncle Qiang lost his happy family. If she is so selfish and stops uncle Qiang's development for the sake of someone around her, I'm really sorry for uncle Qiang.

After all, uncle Qiang is not young now. It's really not easy to meet a boss who appreciates him. If he is wrong, this opportunity may never be available again.

Although the old man was reluctant to give up, he still clenched his teeth and said, "boss ye, you appreciate my ah Qiang so much. How can I disagree? I thank you on behalf of ah Qiang."

Hearing the speech, ye Chen was also very moved. He knew that this was selfless maternal love.

The greatest people in the world are mothers. They never think about themselves, but face their children everywhere and devote themselves selflessly.

"Ah Qiang, hurry up and thank boss ye for appreciating you and giving you such a good opportunity." the old man quickly said to his son.

"Boss Ye really thanks you." Uncle Qiang bowed to Ye Chen.

Only Ye Chen knows what uncle Qiang really appreciates. He is afraid that uncle Qiang can't say goodbye to his mother.

Uncle Qiang felt that he was really lucky to meet Ye Chen. Maybe God gave him a chance to let Ye Chen influence him, help him through the difficulties, and save the life of the most important person in his life.

"Uncle Qiang, how can a man of your age bow to me." Ye Chen quickly stopped uncle Qiang.

But Uncle Qiang refused: "boss ye, you can afford it. You really helped me too much. Thousands of words can't express my gratitude."

The old man was also moved to see the scene in front of him. He felt that his son could be appreciated by Ye Chen's good boss. It was really a blessing from his previous life.

Suddenly, uncle Qiang's mother asked, "boss ye, when will ah Qiang go to Kyoto?"

"Old man, don't worry. Uncle Qiang won't go until you finish the operation." Ye Chen said with a smile.

He has agreed with Zhou Susu that uncle Qiang will turn himself in to the police station after his mother has finished the operation.

After hearing Ye Chen's words, the old man's hanging heart also put down a lot. It seems that she can get along with her son for a few days., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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