"Husband, it's not that I don't believe you, but you don't know these friends in the entertainment circle. Where do you start?" Su Wanyi asked with a puzzled expression.

"Your husband, I can't do anything. Can this little thing embarrass me?" Ye Chen said.

He didn't want to tell Su Wanyi that she had asked Yang Mimi for help and asked her to investigate the matter.

In fact, it was not that he wanted to hide it, but that he was afraid that Su Wanyi would be jealous.

She was even more afraid that Su Wanyi would refuse his help when she heard it.

"Then tell me where to start and who to find so that I can find out." Su Wanyi asked.

"Well, I'll keep it a secret with you first and tell you when I come back. Well, let's not tangle about this matter. If you're busy, we'll go home." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Hearing Ye Chen's answer, Su Wanyi knew he didn't want to tell himself.

Since ye Chen didn't say it, she didn't mean anything to ask again.

"Well, husband, wait a minute. I'll explain something to Xiao Song, and then we'll go back." Su Wanyi nodded and said.

In fact, the boss doesn't need a secretary at all. The boss went himself.

It's just that Su Wanyi just took over the company. Don't let the people under her think she's making a show.

"OK, you go. I'll wait for you here." After ye Chen finished, he sat on the sofa, unscrewed the mineral water on the table and poured it down.

After drinking, ye Chen felt much more comfortable.

He took his cell phone and looked through the news on it. Su Wanyi didn't come back on the left, and Su Wanyi didn't come back on the right.

Unconsciously, sleepiness hit, and ye Chen fell asleep on the sofa.

After a long time, Su Wanyi returned to the office. She looked at Ye Chen sleeping in front of her and smiled.

She hasn't seen Ye Chen sleeping for a long time. The man in front of her is sleeping like a baby.

Su Wanyi looked at Ye Chen for a while and returned to the computer. She was busy. She carefully knocked the keyboard with her hand for fear of waking Ye Chen up.

When ye Chen opened his eyes, he found that it was dark outside.

He turned and looked at Su Wanyi, who was still busy in front of the computer. He didn't make any sound, but looked at Su Wanyi with a focused look.

Maybe Su Wanyi is a little tired. She looks up just opposite Ye Chen's line of sight.

"Husband, did I disturb your rest?" Su Wanyi said with a guilty face.

She knew that even if she knocked the keyboard carefully, the keyboard would still make some noise.

Su Wanyi felt very guilty at the moment. She thought she woke Ye Chen up.

"I'm really sorry I don't have a wife. I agreed to wait for you, but I didn't expect to fall asleep." Ye Chen said with an apologetic face.

"It's all right. You can sleep a little longer. I'm a little busy now." Su Wanyi waved her hand and said.

Ye Chen really didn't dare to sleep this time. He was afraid. If he fell asleep again, he couldn't tell when he would wake up.

What's more, Su Wanyi is a considerate girl. He can't let Su Wanyi wait for herself all the time.

In this way, ye Chen got up and played the game in the mobile phone all the time.

"Well, I'm finished. Let's go." Su Wanyi stretched, turned off the computer, got up and walked towards Ye Chen.

The two men left the office, walked out of the door of the company, came to the sports car and got in.

"Wife, what would you like to eat?" Ye Chen asked with concern.

"Husband, you'd better take me home. I really have no appetite to eat." Su Wanyi said.

However, Su Wanyi can't be blamed. After all, no one can be in the mood to eat in case of such a thing.

"But the body is the capital of revolution. If you don't eat, your body will break down. What strength do you have to work?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Come on, I'll take you to a delicious place." Ye Chen didn't call. Waiting for Su Wanyi to answer, he had decided to go to the snack bar.

Su Wanyi is not in the mood to ask Ye Chen what to eat. All she thinks about now is the termination of the artist.

Ye Chen drove for some time and parked his car by the road.

Su Wanyi got out of the car and looked around. There was no place to eat here.

He looked at Ye Chen and asked, "husband, where are you taking me?"

"My wife is like this. The alley is very narrow. The car can't go in at all, so we have to go a long way." Ye Chen opened his mouth and explained.

"Oh." Su Wanyi nodded and followed Ye Chen towards the front.

In front of them is a very narrow alley. The more you go inside, the more lively you can feel.

There are many snack bars and some shops selling gadgets.

Su Wanyi was very happy to see these stores.

Although she is a strong woman in the business world, she also likes to visit such places very much. She even feels very comfortable looking at these little things.

Ye Chen is not in a hurry to take Su Wanyi to a snack bar, but goes shopping with her family.

Of course, Su Wanyi bought a lot of things in these stores.

Somehow, Su Wanyi's mood at the moment has become much better. It seems that her troubles have disappeared.

"Husband, this place is really interesting. I like it here." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

Seeing the smile on Su Wanyi's face, ye Chen also felt very happy.

After all, two people together for a long time, each other's mood will more or less affect their own.

Su Wanyi was unhappy just now, and ye Chen was not in a good mood.

"Wife, if you like. As soon as we have time, I'll show you around." Ye Chen looked at Su Wanyi and said.

"OK, we'll be free when we come back. You still have to bring me here." Su Wanyi is as innocent and lovely as a little girl at the moment.

She blinked her big watery eyes and looked at the man who loved her deeply.

Ye Chen can always read her psychology, just like understanding her.

He can know her happiness and troubles, and can help her solve any problems when he needs them.

"Husband, let's go to some shops in front." Without waiting for ye Chen to answer, Su Wanyi took his hand and ran to the front.

At the moment, Su Wanyi is no longer the strong woman in the business world, but like a little girl.

In fact, ye Chen had already felt hungry. The reason why he woke up just now was that he was hungry.

However, seeing Su Wanyi still has a feeling that he can only spare his life to accompany the gentleman. He endured his hunger and accompanied aunt Su around house after house until a satisfactory smile appeared on her face.

"Husband, I feel a little hungry. Let's go to dinner." Su Wanyi pulled Ye Chen's hand and said with a coquettish face.

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