"Well, do you see the shop ahead? That's where I'm taking you." Ye Chen pointed to the front and said.

Su Wanyi looked in the direction of Ye Chen's fingers and saw an insignificant shop ahead, but there were a lot of people inside.

Su Wanyi seldom comes to such a small shop for dinner. She feels that such a shop has a bad environment and worrying hygiene.

She frowned and didn't go forward. She hesitated.

Ye Chen knew what Su Wanyi thought and said with a smile, "don't worry, wife. There's absolutely no problem with this store. I can guarantee you."

Hearing Ye Chen say this, although Su Wanyi still hesitated in her heart, she still hardened her scalp and walked towards the front with Ye Chen.

As they got closer to the store, a smell became stronger and stronger, and went straight into Su Wanyi's nose.

Smelling the smell, Su Wanyi couldn't wait for ye Chen to speak.

Because the smell was so tempting that she even salivated.

No one can resist the temptation of delicious food, and Su Wanyi is no exception.

"Wife, you go slowly and wait for me." Ye Chen looked at Su Wanyi running all the way ahead and showed a helpless expression on her face.

He thought to himself, just now he looked hesitant, and now he can't wait.

Su Wanyi ignored Ye Chen's words, still ran to the front, and even went straight into the store.

After a while, she walked out of the store with her pout and walked towards Ye Chen.

"Wife, is there no place in it?" Before Su Wanyi spoke, ye Chen said first.

"Yes, the seats inside are full. The boss said he would wait outside for a while." Su Wanyi said with an aggrieved expression.

Ye Chen was not surprised by what Su Wanyi said.

This shop is very popular, and it has been open here for more than ten years.

Even a lot of people, rich people driving luxury cars, have to wait in line here.

"Silly girl, let's take a number and wait." Ye Chen took Su Wanyi's hand and walked towards the front.

At the moment, there are many people waiting for seats at the door. They waited for more than an hour before they had seats.

Su Wanyi and ye Chen sat in their seats, looking at each other and smiling.

"Husband, you know, I never thought I would spend more than an hour waiting for a meal." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

Because in her heart, she felt that spending time waiting for meals was a waste of her time and life. It was really not worth it.

Sometimes, in order to save time, Su Wanyi orders takeout, bubble noodles, or simply starves.

"Wife, when you eat later, you will know that this time is not in vain. It's really delicious." Ye Chen said with a smile.

At this time, the waiter also came to the table to order for them. When he heard the conversation between them, he smiled and said, "Sir and miss, I promise you will never regret coming to our store for dinner, and even want to come again next time."

Hearing the confident words of the waiter, Su Wanyi became even more curious.

"Have you seen that these guests are our repeat customers, and even many people drive all the way." The waiter looked at Su Wanyi, pointed to the people around him and said with a smile.

Su Wanyi and ye Chen looked at each other. She had seen from ye Chen's expression that the waiter didn't lie.

"Well, I can't wait to try it." Su Wanyi nodded and said with a smile.

Before the waiter asked, ye Chen smiled and said, "give us two bowls of miscellaneous beef soup and two more cakes."

"OK, wait a minute." The waiter turned and left.

Seeing the waiter leave, Su Wanyi hurriedly said, "husband, you order a little more. I don't like eating beef offal, and there are too many two cakes. I usually eat very little at night, or I don't even eat. Otherwise, you'll want a bowl of beef offal soup and a piece of cake."

"Wife, don't worry, I'm afraid these are not enough." Ye Chen smiled and comforted.

For ye Chen's words, Su Wanyi doesn't believe it at all. It's good not to waste. How can she not eat enough.

Seeing that ye Chen didn't move, Su Wanyi had to get up and talk to the waiter.

Before she got up and walked forward, the waiter came with two bowls of miscellaneous beef soup.

"Sir and miss, here are two bowls of miscellaneous beef soup and two cakes you ordered. Please take your time." The waiter put the food on the table, then turned and left.

Well, since people have brought it up, they can't change it any more, so they can only eat it.

"Wife, would you like to taste it?" Instead of eating, ye Chen pushed a bowl in front of Su Wanyi and said with a smile.

Su Wanyi just took a bite and stopped. Now she finally believes what your waiter and ye Chen just said.

This beef miscellaneous soup is really delicious. It's fragrant but not greasy. At first, she thought it would be that kind of greasy thing, but she didn't expect such a fragrance.

Seeing that Su Wanyi likes drinking so much, ye Chen dials a lot of miscellaneous cattle in her bowl into Su Wanyi's bowl.

Su Wanyi didn't refuse because she thought it was really delicious.

"Wife, don't patronize eating beef offal. Make some cakes quickly." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Su Wanyi didn't refuse ye Chen's proposal. She tore a small piece and put it into a bowl to soak, then picked it up with chopsticks and put it into her mouth.

Suddenly, her face showed a satisfied expression: "husband, this is so delicious."

Su Wanyi has never tried to soak cakes in soup. She thinks it's very bad, like pig food.

"Well, wife, there's nothing wrong with listening to me." Ye Chen asked with a smile.

Su Wanyi just ate and had no time to talk to Ye Chen.

She wanted to enjoy the delicious food, and she couldn't help feeling satisfied.

Ye Chen watched Su Wanyi eat happily and began to eat with chopsticks.

Before he finished, Su Wanyi had only some soup left in her bowl.

Every time the girl in front of him would let him eat. Just now he said he couldn't eat much. I didn't expect to eat it all.

"Husband, I haven't had enough." Su Wanyi said, glancing at the cattle miscellaneous in Ye Chen's bowl with her eyes. She said wrongly on her face.

Of course, ye Chen understood what she meant. Before she could speak clearly, she took the initiative to clip those in the bowl into Su Wanyi's bowl again.

At this time, Su Wanyi lowered her head again and enjoyed the delicious food.

But ye Chen can only use soup to make cakes. He thinks he is so poor. Su Wanyi robbed all the delicious food like a robber, and he can't say anything.

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