"Wife, why is your face a little ugly?" Ye Chen asked with a worried face.

He just found that Su Wanyi's face was not very good-looking, and he wondered if she was not feeling well.

"It's all right. I may be too tired. Just have a rest." Su Wanyi waved her hand and said.

She didn't Tell ye Chen what she thought, mainly because she was afraid that ye Chen had an idea in her heart.

"Well, get some sleep and I'll help you pack up." Ye Chen said very kindly.

"No, wait until I get up. You don't know where I put all these things." Su Wanyi said.

After all, a hundred people can't find anything alone. She doesn't want to ask Ye Chen every time she looks for something.

Moreover, everyone's habits are different. Su Wanyi has her own ideas.

"Well, when you wake up, let's clean up together. I'll make you what you want to eat in the evening." Ye Chen looked at Su Wanyi and asked.

"Whatever, I'll eat whatever you do." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

Maybe it's because she's full. Now she's not hungry at all, so she doesn't know what she wants to eat.

In fact, cooking is very simple for ye Chen, but he doesn't know what to eat. If he's easy to do alone, he'd better take a simple bite, but now that Su Wanyi is here, he has to do it with his heart.

Su Wanyi then got into the house. She might be too tired. She fell asleep in bed.

Ye Chen doesn't want to sleep. He opens the fish fighting platform in his mobile phone and continues the live broadcast.

When I came to the live studio, I found that many netizens were waiting for him. I saw Ye Chen coming.

The comment area became lively.

"My little brother finally came. I didn't sleep well yesterday. I've been thinking about the story behind me."

"Yes, I dreamed of that, too."

"Little brother, tell me what's behind it, and whether they saved the day."

Ye Chen just wants to log in, but he didn't expect that there are so many netizens waiting for him in the live studio. Now these people have become his fans.

But after all, what he will tell is the story of tomb theft. It can't set off the atmosphere when it's dawn. The effect will be good only when it's dark.

"I don't want to talk about it now. I'll see you at ten in the evening." Ye Chen once again rejected the requests of fans.

However, we did not have any dissatisfaction, but looked forward to it.

"OK, little brother, you have to keep your word."

"Anchor, let's make a deal. I'll see you in the live studio in the evening."

"Ha ha, I've set the alarm clock for you."

Ye Chen thinks these fans are really cute. In the evening, he will dedicate the wonderful part to these netizens waiting for him.

He withdrew from the live studio and brushed the video. Most of them were selling goods. He felt boring. He put down his mobile phone, rubbed his eyes, got up and stretched his waist.

Sitting for a long time is very harmful to your waist, and you feel a little dry with your eyes staring at the screen all the time.

He went to the window and looked at the green plants outside. After looking at them for a while, he felt much more comfortable.

Ye Chen went to the bedroom again and found that Su Wanyi was still sleeping. He couldn't bear to disturb her.

He knew that Su Wanyi seldom had such a chance to sleep for such a long time. It's better to let her sleep more.

Ye Chen decides to go to the supermarket to buy something. He gently closes the door and drives to the supermarket.

After parking the car, he walked into the supermarket. He strolled and bought steak, vegetables, salad dressing and many other things, because ye Chen decided to cook Western food tonight as a celebration of Su Wanyi's move in.

After buying these things, he drove home again.

What ye Chen didn't expect was that Su Wanyi didn't wake up and was still asleep.

Ye Chen changed her clothes, took the ingredients into the kitchen and looked at the time. It was almost time to finish the meal.

He took out the ingredients from the supermarket from the bag and began to make them. He decided to make fried steak, rainbow salad, braised beef, chicken roll, cream mushroom soup and Provence prawns.

Ye Chen decides to let Su Wanyi sleep more and wake her up when she is almost ready.

A fragrance floated out of the kitchen and into the room.

Su Wanyi was awakened by the smell. She sniffed carefully with Joan's nose. She couldn't help feeling hungry.

She got up, got out of bed, went out of the room and came to the kitchen door. Through the crack in the door, she saw Ye Chen busy inside.

Su Wanyi opened the door, went in, looked at Ye Chen and asked, "husband, why don't you wake me up and prepare dinner together."

"No, you can watch TV for a while." Ye Chen waved his hand and said.

He thought that if Su Wanyi helped, she must be more and more busy. Think about whether the girl should just eat. Of course, she would still cook a simpler meal, but it's not as good as ye Chen.

"Husband, what are you doing?" Su Wanyi asked, looking at the ingredients on the table.

"Keep it a secret. You'll know in a minute. Hurry up and wait outside. It's hard for me to do it here." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Before Su Wanyi spoke, ye Chen pushed her out of the kitchen and locked the kitchen door.

He doesn't want to be disturbed when cooking, so he won't play well.

However, Su Wanyi can only turn on the TV and watch it boring. The entertainment channel just plays the news of the termination of Yang Miao and Li Yang, as well as an interview with two artists.

Moderator: "today we have the honor to invite two stars, Yang Miao and Li Yang. Everyone has been talking about the termination of your contract. Now we want to ask the parties what's going on?"

Yang Miao: "in fact, I don't think there's anything to discuss about this matter. My termination has nothing to do with anyone. It's entirely my own intention."

Li Yang: "I also left the company with her because I had worked very well with sister Yang for many years and couldn't give up her."

Host: "as the two artists said, why did you remember to terminate the contract after Star Media changed its boss? Why didn't you think so before?"

Yang Miao: "the host is really funny. It doesn't matter who is the boss when I leave the company. In fact, I'm trying to prove my strength. I know many people say that I rely on the company to make such achievements, but I'm not convinced. I obviously rely on my own efforts. I don't understand why those people say that about me."

The more Yang Miao said, the more excited his expression became, and even his eyes turned red.

Li Yang comforted her and said, "sister Yang, we all see the efforts of so many years. You rely entirely on yourself and no one."

Su Wanyi became more and more angry. She thought the two artists were really disgusting. She turned off the TV and showed an ugly expression on her face.

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