Ye Chen came out with a steak and asked Su Wanyi, who looked gloomy in the living room. "Wife, who provoked you."

"Who else can there be? Those two artists?" Su Wanyi said unhappily.

"Look at you. Are you angry with these two irrelevant people?" Ye Chen said as she walked towards the restaurant with the steak.

Su Wanyi smelled the smell of steak and followed her.

She looked at Ye Chen and said, "you don't know. I just turned on the TV and looked at the entertainment channel. It happened to be an interview with those two artists."

"Ah, there will be such a thing." Ye Chen said thoughtfully.

"Well, guess what they said?" Su Wanyi continued to ask.

"I must have put the responsibility on myself. It's impossible to mention half a word in foreign countries." Ye Chen thought for a moment and said.

"Yes, they are full of nonsense. They are clearly telling lies, and no one has exposed them." Su Wanyi blushed with anger.

"Hey, why do you take it seriously? It's just that it's all designed by Yu Yang. It's all right. Since he does so, we don't have to be merciful at tomorrow's press conference." Ye Chen comforted Su Wanyi.

Yes, in fact, when Su Wanyi knew that Yu Yang was behind the scenes, she didn't want to hold any press conference at all.

But when ye Chen said this, she decided to hold the meeting.

Now seeing that entertainment program, she has strengthened his determination. Tomorrow, she must expose Yu Yang's ugly face and let everyone know this dignified hypocrite again.

"OK, OK, please help me bring the dishes quickly. Let's eat quickly, or the dishes will be cold." Ye Chen took Su Wanyi's hand and walked towards the kitchen.

The two men brought out all the dishes and put them on the table.

Seeing the dishes made by Ye Chen, Su Wanyi knew that it was a western meal.

When Su Wanyi was about to start, ye Chen smiled and said, "wife, wait a minute."

Su Wanyi stopped her hand and waited patiently for ye Chen.

Ye Chen first came to the wine cellar and took a bottle of Romani Kangdi. Then she took the candlestick and put it on the table to light the candle on it.

"Is my wife satisfied with this western meal?" Ye Chen asked with a smile.

"OK, husband, you are romantic enough, red wine and candlestick." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

"That's right. Today is to celebrate your moving in with me. How dare I neglect it." Ye Chen explained.

He was about to open the red wine, but Su Wanyi stopped him. Su Wanyi didn't see the name of the bottle of red wine.

When ye Chen took it in her hand, she had seen the bottle of red wine and knew that the price was very expensive. Wouldn't it be a waste to open it for two people now?

Ye Chen didn't understand why Su Wanyi stopped him from playing red wine. She asked on her face, "wife, what's the problem?"

"No, I just think it's too extravagant for us to drink such expensive red wine?" Su Wanyi expressed her thoughts.

"How could it be? It's not a waste to drink this red wine for you. Even if it's expensive, I won't feel bad." Ye Chen said seriously.

"I think we'd better forget it. Let's change a bottle." Su Wanyi advised.

"No, I'll drink this bottle." Ye Chen is like a child, said coquettishly.

Perhaps because of the spread of motherhood, Su Wanyi had to agree to Ye Chen's request.

Watching Ye Chen open the red wine, Su Wanyi's heart couldn't help hurting.

Although she is rich, she will not waste as much as ye Chen. She thinks such expensive red wine should be drunk on very big occasions.

But ye Chen opened the wine casually. It can be seen that ye Chen really can't pass.

In a romantic atmosphere, ye Chen and Su Wanyi enjoyed this delicious Western food.

Ye Chen picked up her glass, smiled at Su Wanyi and said, "welcome my hostess, move in with me, and my dream has finally come true."

"Husband, as for you? Are you so happy when I move in?" Su Wanyi asked back with a smile.

"Of course. Do you know how much I miss you when I haven't seen you for a long time? I want to call you and I'm afraid to disturb you."

Perhaps because of drinking, ye Chen spoke out the words that had accumulated in his heart for a long time.

Su Wanyi also felt guilty when she heard the speech. She didn't expect Ye Chen to bury her thoughts in the bottom of her heart all the time.

"Well, we don't talk about the past, just about the present and the future." Ye Chen opened his mouth and said with a smile.

"Well, we only talk about the present and the future." Su Wanyi also picked up her glass at night and said with a smile.

The two cups collided and made a crisp noise.

The two enjoy the mellow wine and the delicious Western food.

Unconsciously, I was a little drunk.

Su Wanyi was already unable to drink. Her eyes were a little blurred. Seeing ye Chen, they were two shadows.

Ye Chen has the skill of never getting drunk. He doesn't have anything.

"Husband, how can I feel a little dizzy?" Su Wanyi frowned and looked at Ye Chen and asked.

"Wife, drink less. I think you're drunk now." Ye Chen advised.

"Who said that? I can still drink. You can give me another bottle." Su Wanyi retorted.

Ye Chen knew that Su Wanyi was drinking like crazy. He really regretted it. Why did he have to let the girl drink.

The intention was to celebrate, but I didn't expect to make a fool of myself and drunk the girl.

"Well, well, let's stop drinking and order quickly." Ye Chen wants to grab the red wine cup in Su Wanyi's hand.

But how could su Wanyi do it? She held the wine glass tightly in one hand, and with the other hand she picked up the wine bottle and poured some.

Ye Chen knows she can't control the girl, but now it's not the way. He wants to help Su Wanyi.

Perhaps because of drinking, the girl's strength is so great that ye Chen can't pull her up.

When ye Chen was helpless, Su Wanyi took the opportunity to pour the wine in the red wine glass again.

"Husband, this wine is delicious. I want to drink it." Su Wanyi said coquettishly.

"Well, we'll drink it tomorrow." Ye Chen was helpless to persuade.

He knew that this was not the way. He had to help Su Wanyi to his room.

"Go, my husband will take you to get a better wine." Ye Chen said with a smile.

When ye Chen finished, Su Wanyi really believed it. She quickly got up and followed Ye Chen.

But halfway through, she found that this direction was not a wine cellar at all.

"Husband, where are you taking me? Are you lying to me?" Su Wanyi asked vaguely.

Ye Chen didn't answer either. When she hesitated, she picked her up and walked towards the bedroom.

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