"Mr. Ye, thank you for saving my life. If it weren't for you, Zhu Qiang would have done it very hard." Shi Hui sobbed.

"I've said you're welcome. It's just a small effort. In the future, you must polish your eyes to see a man. Don't be with a man like Zhu Qiang for money. It will ruin your life." Ye Chen kindly reminded.

"What Mr. Ye said is that I will remember this lesson and never find a man who bullies women like Zhu Qiang next time." Shi Hui nodded and said.

The reason why she says this is because she has a goal now. That person is Ye Chen.

And seeing ye Chen's words and deeds, Shi Hui knew that he was a very good man.

She won't miss such a good opportunity. It was helpless to be with Zhu Qiang. After all, eating and drinking all depend on Zhu Qiang.

Shi Hui is a vain woman. Even if she leaves Zhu Qiang, she will find a rich man. Isn't it in front of her now?

Now that Zhu Qiang has left, there is no danger. Ye Chen takes Su Wanyi's hand and continues to walk towards the door of the restaurant.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Ye." Shi Hui suddenly shouted.

Ye Chen heard the voice behind him, turned to look at the girl and asked, "why, is there anything else?"

"Oh, yes, Mr. Ye, I am a person who knows how to repay. Since you saved my life, I must invite you to dinner to express my gratitude." Shi Hui smiled and said.

"No, I'm not helping you to repay me. I don't think I need to eat. I have to eat with my wife now." Ye Chen waved his hand and said.

When ye Chen said this, Shi Hui said calmly, "Mr. Ye, you misunderstood. I'm not talking about today. I'll wait for you when you're free. We'll have this meal again."

"I think I'd better forget it. It's really not necessary." Ye Chen refused again.

"Mr. Ye, if you don't let me invite you to this meal to express my gratitude, my conscience will be disturbed all my life. Do you really have the heart to let me be like this all my life?" Shi Hui said with a begging face.

Su Wanyi and Liu Yuting looked at the woman in front of them. They all knew that she liked Ye Chen and wanted to take this as an excuse to ask Ye Chen out.

Since women have said so, ye Chen seems a little bad if she refuses again.

"Well, let's get in touch when we get back." Ye Chen said politely.

I thought that even if it was done, they didn't have a phone number or wechat. Where can I contact them.

"Mr. Ye, can I add your wechat friend?" Shi Hui asked nervously.

Ye Chen thought and said, "yes."

He took out his cell phone as he said. If he refused, it would not give the woman face. After all, they all love face.

And in front of so many good sisters, where did the woman's face go? Therefore, ye Chen thought for a moment and agreed to the woman's request.

"Mr. Ye, my name is Shi Hui. What's your name?" Shi Hui continued to ask as she took out her mobile phone.

"Ye Chen."

How could Shi Hui give up such a good opportunity? She wants to get Ye Chen's information step by step.

Now we have added each other's wechat and know each other's real name, which is a great progress.

Shi Hui believes that over time, she will definitely catch up with the best man.

Su Wanyi had seen Shi Hui's purpose, and she smelled a trace of danger.

It seems that the woman named Shi Hui is really not simple. She even wants to take ye Chen from her own hands.

The sympathy and pity for this woman just now have disappeared. It's really a pity that there must be something hateful. No wonder Shi Hui will walk with a man like Zhu Qiang. It turns out that she is not a good thing.

"Ye Chen, let's contact back." Shi Hui waved to Ye Chen and said.

Hearing the speech, ye Chen didn't speak, but nodded gently.

The reason why Shi Hui didn't show such stickiness was that she didn't want Ye Chen to know what she really thought. She was afraid that the man would resent her.

"Let's go." Shi Hui smiled at the sisters standing aside.

At the moment, her mood is really unspeakable.

Shi Hui's performance made all the sisters look silly. Just now, she was still depressed. Now she seems to have changed into a person, and the whole person becomes energetic.

Of course, some of them also guessed the idea in Shi Hui's heart. This girl is really not simple. It turns out that the meaning of the drunk is not wine.

Now the sisters all know that the good sisters were just acting for the sake of Bo yechen's favor.

Accompanied by the manager and Liu Yuting, ye Chen also led Su Wanyi into the restaurant.

They sat down in a position close to the ingredients, because it was very convenient to go so far to get the food.

"Mr. Ye, Xiaoting and I are serving you." The manager said with a respectful smile.

"No, you're busy. I'll call you again if you need anything." Ye Chen waved his hand and said.

He doesn't like having a waiter next to him because he feels very uncomfortable and doesn't eat happily.

"Well, Mr. Ye, have a nice meal with this lady." The manager nodded and said.

In fact, he doesn't want to be the light bulb, but ye Chen spent 10 million on the restaurant after all, and is sure to provide super first-class services for the two distinguished guests.

Since the guest said no, he and the waitress don't have to stay here anymore.

After the manager and the waitress left, ye Chen sighed and said, "Hey, wife, our seafood buffet is too tortuous."

"I think it's very good. It's the so-called good things take more time. Don't you still harvest love?" Su Wanyi said with a gun and a stick.

As soon as ye Chen heard this, it was wrong. What is love? Of course he knew what Su Wanyi meant, but he couldn't refuse in that case.

"Wife, you see you misunderstood others again. I only have love with you." Ye Chen said wrongfully.

"Oh? Really? How do I think you were very happy talking with the woman named Shi Hui just now?" Su Wanyi said with a sneer.

"No, those are polite words. Besides, I won't contact her even if I leave my contact information." Ye Chen opened his mouth and explained.

"You won't contact her, but can you guarantee that she won't contact you? Are you really stupid or pretend to be stupid? Don't you see that woman named Shi Hui likes you? In this way, you have to add wechat to her." Su Wanyi said with a dissatisfied expression.

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